
  • Galaxy Watch 7 – What’s New ?

    Samsung Galaxy Watch 7, którego premiera ma odbyć się 10 lipca 2024 roku podczas wydarzenia Galaxy Unpacked, wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie w świecie technologii noszonej. Najnowsze przecieki i spekulacje dostarczają wiele informacji na temat tego oczekiwanego smartwatcha.

    Trzy Modele Galaxy Watch 7

    Seria Galaxy Watch 7 będzie obejmować trzy różne modele: Galaxy Watch 7 Classic, Galaxy Watch 7 Pro i Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra. Każdy z tych modeli ma oferować unikalne cechy i specyfikacje, dostosowane do różnych potrzeb użytkowników. Galaxy Watch 7 ma być dostępny w rozmiarach 40mm i 44mm, z klasycznym, minimalistycznym designem. Wyświetlacze AMOLED będą pokryte szafirowym szkłem, a obudowa wykonana z aluminium. Model Classic będzie prawdopodobnie wykonany z wyższej jakości materiałów, takich jak stal nierdzewna lub tytan, i wyposażony w obrotowy pierścień, co ułatwi nawigację po interfejsie zegarka. Przecieki sugerują, że oba modele będą korzystać z chipu Exynos W940, który ma przynieść znaczne ulepszenia w zakresie wydajności i efektywności energetycznej.

    Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra

    Najwięcej emocji budzi jednak model Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra, który według przecieków ma wprowadzić unikalny design łączący okrągły ekran w kwadratowej kopercie. Jest to nawiązanie do starszych, prostokątnych modeli Samsunga oraz nowoczesnych trendów inspirowanych Apple Watch Ultra. Wyświetlacz ma mieć średnicę 1,5 cala, a obrotowy pierścień do sterowania ma powrócić, co znacznie ułatwi nawigację. Zegarek będzie miał wymiary 47 x 47,4 x 16,4 mm, będzie wyposażony w akumulator o pojemności 590 mAh oraz będzie wspierał szybkie ładowanie o mocy 15 W.

    Specyfikacja Techniczna

    Wszystkie modele Galaxy Watch 7 będą wyposażone w nowy chip Exynos W940, wykonany w technologii 3nm. Chip ten ma zapewnić o 50% lepszą efektywność energetyczną i o 30% wyższą wydajność w porównaniu do swojego poprzednika W930. Przewiduje się również, że seria Galaxy Watch 7 będzie miała większą pamięć wewnętrzną, co poprawi jej funkcjonalność.

    Funkcje Zdrowotne i Fitness

    Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 będzie działał na systemie Wear OS 5 oraz One Watch UI 6, oferując zaawansowane funkcje zdrowotne wspierane przez Galaxy AI. Nowe funkcje obejmują zaawansowane monitorowanie snu, w tym wykrywanie bezdechu sennego, oraz funkcję Vitality Score, która pomoże użytkownikom monitorować gotowość fizyczną i psychiczną na podstawie danych zdrowotnych i aktywności.

    Ceny i Dostępność

    Spekulacje sugerują, że ceny Galaxy Watch 7 będą zaczynać się od około 319 USD (ok. 1300 PLN) za wersję 40mm bez LTE, natomiast wersja premium Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra może kosztować około 499 USD (ok. 2000 PLN).

    Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 zapowiada się jako zaawansowany smartwatch, który wprowadzi wiele ulepszeń w zakresie funkcji zdrowotnych, wydajności i designu. Dzięki nowemu chipowi Exynos W940 i zaawansowanym funkcjom zdrowotnym, ten zegarek może stać się hitem wśród entuzjastów technologii i osób dbających o zdrowie. Premiera już 10 lipca 2024 roku z pewnością przyniesie wiele emocji i nowości w świecie technologii.

  • Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 – Everything You Need to Know Before the Release

    Samsung is once again launching smartphones that have the potential to revolutionize the way we use our mobile devices. The Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 will be launched on July 10, 2024, and are already generating a lot of interest among tech enthusiasts and casual users alike. These new models will bring not only advanced technology, but also a sleek design and numerous enhancements to improve the user experience.

    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 are the answer to the growing demand for innovative foldable smartphones. Each of these models has its own unique features and advantages that set it apart from the competition. The Galaxy Z Fold 6, known for its large, foldable display, now has an even larger and more ergonomic 6.2-inch external screen and a 7.6-inch main screen. The Galaxy Z Flip 6, on the other hand, maintains a compact design with folding capabilities, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate convenience and style.

    One of the most exciting aspects of the new models is their design. Samsung’s Kazakhstan website accidentally published official promotional images of both models, which were quickly removed. The images confirmed earlier rumors of flat frames, similar to those of the Galaxy S24. The new design of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 features a more angular body and wide rings around the camera lenses, which set it apart from previous models. The Galaxy Z Flip 6, on the other hand, while retaining a similar design to its predecessor, features a slightly larger rear screen and flat, matte bezels instead of rounded and glossy ones, making it easier to distinguish the new model from earlier versions.

    The graphic seen above can be considered credible, as several photos of parts of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 have appeared online in recent days, which coincide with what the attached render of this model shows. Samsung is once again proving that it can surprise its users by launching devices that combine innovation, performance and elegant design. Let’s take a closer look at what technical specifications these models offer and why they are worth waiting for.


    • Galaxy Z Fold 6: Navy, Silver Shadow, Light Pink, Crafted Black (exclusive), White (


    • )
    • Galaxy Z Flip 6: Light Blue, Mint, Silver Shadow, Yellow, Crafted Black (exclusive), Peach (exclusive), White (


    Technical Specifications

    Galaxy Z Fold 6:

    • Processor: Overclocked Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
    • Memory:
    • 256GB, 512GB, 1TB
    • Rear Camera: 200 MP
    • Front Camera:
    • 10 MP + 4 MP
    • Battery: 4400 mAh, 25W charging
    • Operating System: Android 14

    Galaxy Z Flip 6:

    • Processor: Overclocked Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
    • Memory:
    • 256GB, 512GB
    • Camera:
    • Improved camera suite
    • Battery: Larger than previous model
    • Operating System: Android 13

    Ultra version
    There are also rumors that Samsung will launch a Galaxy Z Fold 6 Ultra version. According to reports, this model is expected to carry the SM-F958 designation, indicating its flagship status in the Ultra line. Although the release of the Ultra version may be limited to select markets, such as South Korea, significant improvements in specifications and features are expected to make it a true super flagship among foldable smartphones

    News and Enhancements

    Both models offer significant improvements in performance and functionality. The Galaxy Z Fold 6 introduces more ergonomic dimensions and durable hinges, while the Z Flip 6 impresses with a modern design and improved internal components. An overclocked Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor delivers incredible performance, while larger batteries allow for longer battery life.

    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 set new standards in the foldable smartphone category. With innovative designs and advanced specifications, these devices are among the most anticipated launches of the year. We look forward to July 10, 2024 to discover the full potential of these cutting-edge devices.

  • Best Accessories for POCO X6 Pro

    Premiera POCO X6 Pro miała miejsce 11 stycznia 2024 roku, wprowadzając na rynek smartfon, który szybko zdobył popularność dzięki połączeniu wydajności, atrakcyjnego designu i przystępnej ceny. Wyposażony w MediaTek Dimensity 8300 Ultra, 6.67-calowy wyświetlacz AMOLED o odświeżaniu 120Hz, oraz baterię 5000mAh, POCO X6 Pro oferuje doskonałe doświadczenia użytkowania. Aby maksymalnie wykorzystać możliwości tego urządzenia i chronić je przed uszkodzeniami, warto zainwestować w odpowiednie akcesoria.

    Najlepsze Etui do POCO X6 Pro

    Etui Nillkin Super Shield

    Etui Nillkin Super Shield to wytrzymała ochrona wykonana z wysokiej jakości poliwęglanu, która skutecznie chroni POCO X6 Pro przed upadkami, uderzeniami i zarysowaniami. Dzięki precyzyjnym wycięciom, etui zapewnia łatwy dostęp do wszystkich portów i przycisków telefonu, a jego antypoślizgowa powierzchnia zapewnia pewny chwyt, minimalizując ryzyko przypadkowego wyślizgnięcia się urządzenia z ręki.

    Etui Nillkin Camshield Case

    Etui Nillkin Camshield Case wyróżnia się zintegrowaną osłoną na aparat, która chroni soczewki przed zarysowaniami i zabrudzeniami. Wykonane z wytrzymałego materiału, etui oferuje solidną ochronę, jednocześnie dodając elegancji dzięki przesuwanej osłonie aparatu. Jego design jest zarówno funkcjonalny, jak i stylowy, co sprawia, że idealnie nadaje się dla użytkowników dbających o estetykę swojego urządzenia.

    Etui Tech-Protect Camshield Pro

    Etui Tech-Protect Camshield Pro to połączenie solidnej ochrony z funkcjonalnością przesuwanej osłony aparatu, co zapewnia dodatkowe zabezpieczenie dla soczewek. Etui jest wyposażone w wzmocnione rogi, które absorbują wstrząsy podczas upadków, a jego antypoślizgowe wykończenie zapewnia pewny chwyt. Precyzyjne dopasowanie do POCO X6 Pro sprawia, że etui jest komfortowe w użyciu, nie utrudniając dostępu do żadnych funkcji telefonu.

    Etui 3mk Clear Case Xiaomi Poco X6 Pro

    Etui 3mk Clear Case Xiaomi Poco X6 Pro to przezroczysta obudowa, która pozwala zachować oryginalny wygląd telefonu, jednocześnie zapewniając mu ochronę przed uszkodzeniami. Wykonane z odpornego na żółknięcie materiału, etui jest bardzo elastyczne, co ułatwia jego zakładanie i zdejmowanie. Pomimo swojej lekkości, skutecznie zabezpiecza telefon przed zarysowaniami i drobnymi upadkami.

    Etui 3mk Matt Case

    Etui 3mk Matt Case charakteryzuje się matowym wykończeniem, które nadaje urządzeniu elegancki wygląd oraz zapewnia pewny chwyt. Jego smukła konstrukcja sprawia, że telefon nie staje się znacznie grubszy, a jednocześnie zyskuje dodatkową ochronę przed zarysowaniami i uderzeniami. Precyzyjne wycięcia umożliwiają łatwy dostęp do wszystkich portów i przycisków, co czyni to etui praktycznym wyborem dla każdego użytkownika.

    Najlepsze Szkło do Poco X6 Pro:

    Szkło Hybrydowe 3mk FlexibleGlass

    Szkło Hybrydowe 3mk FlexibleGlass to elastyczna, ale wytrzymała ochrona ekranu, która łączy zalety szkła hartowanego i folii ochronnej. Jest odporne na uderzenia i zarysowania, a jednocześnie bardzo cienkie, co sprawia, że jest praktycznie niewidoczne na ekranie. Aplikacja szkła jest prosta i bezproblemowa, a pełne pokrycie ekranu zapewnia kompleksową ochronę.

    Szkło Hartowane 3mk HardGlass Max Lite

    Szkło Hartowane 3mk to wysoce wytrzymałe szkło ochronne o twardości 9H, które skutecznie chroni ekran przed zarysowaniami, pęknięciami i innymi uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. Dzięki idealnej przejrzystości nie wpływa na jakość wyświetlanego obrazu, a jego montaż jest łatwy i szybki, co zapewnia doskonałą ochronę bez kompromisów.

    Antymikrobowa Folia Ochronna 3mk SilverProtect+

    Antymikrobowa Folia Ochronna 3mk SilverProtect+ to innowacyjne rozwiązanie, które nie tylko chroni ekran telefonu przed zarysowaniami, ale także redukuje ilość bakterii na jego powierzchni dzięki specjalnej powłoce antybakteryjnej. Folia jest bardzo przejrzysta i nie wpływa na jakość wyświetlanego obrazu, a jej aplikacja jest prosta i szybka, zapewniając długotrwałą ochronę.

    Szkło Hybrydowe GrizzGlass HybridGlass Easy

    Szkło Hybrydowe GrizzGlass HybridGlass Easy to innowacyjne rozwiązanie, które łączy wytrzymałość szkła hartowanego z elastycznością folii ochronnej. Dzięki temu oferuje ono doskonałą ochronę przed zarysowaniami, pęknięciami oraz uderzeniami, zachowując przy tym cienką i niewidoczną warstwę na ekranie. Aplikacja szkła jest prosta i bezproblemowa, co umożliwia użytkownikom szybkie i łatwe zabezpieczenie swojego urządzenia.

    Folia Ceramiczna GrizzGlass

    Folia Ceramiczna GrizzGlass jest elastycznym i bardzo wytrzymałym materiałem, który zapewnia doskonałą ochronę ekranu przed zarysowaniami oraz uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. Jest ona odporna na pęknięcia i idealnie przylega do powierzchni ekranu, nie wpływając na jakość wyświetlanego obrazu. Folia ceramiczna łączy w sobie zalety szkła hartowanego i elastycznej folii, co czyni ją wyjątkowo trwałym rozwiązaniem ochronnym.

    Folia Matowa GrizzGlass

    Folia Matowa GrizzGlass została zaprojektowana z myślą o redukcji odblasków i zapewnieniu lepszej widoczności ekranu w jasnym świetle. Dzięki matowemu wykończeniu eliminuje odbicia światła, co zwiększa komfort użytkowania urządzenia na zewnątrz. Folia ta jest również odporna na zarysowania i łatwa w aplikacji, co sprawia, że ekran pozostaje czytelny i dobrze chroniony.

    Szkło Prywatyzujące GrizzGlass 

    Szkło Prywatności GrizzGlass to specjalistyczne szkło ochronne, które ogranicza widoczność ekranu z boku, zapewniając prywatność użytkownika. Idealne dla osób, które często korzystają z telefonu w miejscach publicznych, szkło to chroni zawartość ekranu przed ciekawskimi spojrzeniami. Jednocześnie oferuje ono wysoką odporność na zarysowania i uszkodzenia, zapewniając kompleksową ochronę urządzenia.

    Folia na Tył GrizzGlass

    Folia na Tył GrizzGlass to idealne rozwiązanie dla osób, które chcą chronić tylną część swojego telefonu przed zarysowaniami i uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. Wykonana z wytrzymałego materiału, folia ta doskonale przylega do powierzchni urządzenia, nie wpływając na jego wygląd. Jest łatwa w aplikacji i zapewnia dodatkową warstwę ochrony, chroniąc telefon przed codziennym zużyciem.

    Folia Hydrożelowa GrizzGlass

    Folia Hydrożelowa GrizzGlass to nowoczesne rozwiązanie ochronne, które charakteryzuje się samoregenerującą się powierzchnią. Dzięki temu drobne zarysowania znikają samoistnie, utrzymując ekran w idealnym stanie. Folia jest elastyczna i doskonale przylega do ekranu, zapewniając pełną ochronę przed zarysowaniami i uderzeniami. Jej aplikacja jest prosta i bezproblemowa, co sprawia, że jest popularnym wyborem wśród użytkowników smartfonów.

    Szkło Hartowane Hofi Glass Pro+

    Szkło Hartowane HOFI GLASS PRO+ Xiaomi POCO X6 Pro 5G CLEAR to zestaw dwóch wytrzymałych szkieł ochronnych o wysokiej twardości 9H, które skutecznie chronią ekran przed zarysowaniami, pęknięciami oraz innymi uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. Szkła te są idealnie przejrzyste, co zapewnia doskonałą jakość obrazu bez żadnych zakłóceń. Dzięki precyzyjnym wycięciom i łatwej aplikacji, szkła te są komfortowe w użyciu, a ich montaż jest szybki i bezproblemowy, co sprawia, że ekran POCO X6 Pro jest zawsze bezpieczny i chroniony.

    Odpowiednie akcesoria do POCO X6 Pro są kluczowe dla utrzymania telefonu w doskonałym stanie. Dzięki nim zapewnisz urządzeniu ochronę przed uszkodzeniami, jednocześnie zachowując jego stylowy wygląd. Wybierając produkty dostępne w Home Screen, masz pewność, że Twój POCO X6 Pro będzie dobrze zabezpieczony i gotowy do codziennego użytku, co pozwoli Ci cieszyć się jego funkcjonalnością przez długi czas.

  • Realme 12 5G vs Realme 12+ 5G

    Realme, dynamicznie rozwijająca się marka smartfonów, zyskała ogromną popularność dzięki wysokiej jakości urządzeniom oferowanym w przystępnych cenach. W połowie maja 2024 roku firma wprowadziła na polski rynek dwa nowe modele: Realme 12 5G oraz Realme 12+ 5G. Te smartfony łączą zaawansowaną technologię z eleganckim designem, oferując płynność działania, doskonałą grafikę oraz wydajne aparaty fotograficzne.

    Specyfikacja Realme 12 5G

    • Wyświetlacz: 6,72-calowy wyświetlacz Full HD+ o rozdzielczości 2400×1800 pikseli, z
      częstotliwością odświeżania 120Hz.
    • Procesor: MediaTek Dimensity 6100+.
    • Pamięć RAM: 8GB.
    • Pamięć wewnętrzna: 256GB, z możliwością rozszerzenia przez microSD do 1TB.
    • Aparat tylny: Główny 108MP, czujnik głębi 2MP.
    • Aparat przedni: 16MP.
    • Bateria: 5000mAh z szybkim ładowaniem 45W.
    • Cena: 1299 zł (promocyjna cena do 30 maja 2024 roku).

    Specyfikacja Realme 12+ 5G

    • Wyświetlacz: 6,67-calowy wyświetlacz AMOLED, z częstotliwością odświeżania 120Hz i
      jasnością szczytową 2000 nitów.
    • Procesor: MediaTek Dimensity 7050.
    • Pamięć RAM: 12GB.
    • Pamięć wewnętrzna: 512GB.
    • Aparat tylny: Główny 50MP z matrycą Sony, ultraszerokokątny 8MP, czujnik portretowy 2MP.
    • Aparat przedni: 16MP.
    • Bateria: 5000mAh z szybkim ładowaniem 67W.
    • Cena: 1699 zł (promocyjna cena do 30 maja 2024 roku).

    Porównanie Specyfikacji Realme 12 5G i Realme 12+ 5G

    Oba modele charakteryzują się wydajnymi podzespołami, ekranami o wysokiej częstotliwości odświeżania, zaawansowanymi aparatami fotograficznymi i szybkim ładowaniem. Poniżej przedstawiamy kluczowe różnice i podobieństwa między nimi.


    • Ekran: Oba modele wyposażone są w wyświetlacze Full HD+ o przekątnej 6,72 cala (Realme 12 5G) i 6,67 cala (Realme 12+ 5G) z częstotliwością odświeżania 120Hz.
    • Bateria: Oba smartfony posiadają baterie o pojemności 5000mAh.
    • Ładowanie: Obsługują szybkie ładowanie.


    • Procesor: Realme 12 5G korzysta z MediaTek Dimensity 6100+, podczas gdy Realme 12+ 5G posiada mocniejszy MediaTek Dimensity 7050.
    • Pamięć: Realme 12 5G oferuje 8GB RAM i 256GB pamięci wewnętrznej, podczas gdy Realme 12+ 5G posiada 12GB RAM i 512GB pamięci.
    • Ładowanie: Realme 12 5G obsługuje szybkie ładowanie 45W, a Realme 12+ 5G ładuje się z mocą 67W.
    • Aparaty: Aparat przedni Realme 12 5G ma 8MP, podczas gdy Realme 12+ 5G ma 16MP.

    Aparaty Fotograficzne

    Realme 12 5G wyposażony jest w główny aparat 108MP oraz 3-krotny zoom cyfrowy, natomiast Realme 12+ 5G posiada 50MP aparat z matrycą Sony, 2-krotny zoom optyczny i technologię SuperOIS. Aparaty zostały zaprojektowane we współpracy z oscarowym fotografem Claudiem Mirandą, co przekłada się na wyjątkową gradację kolorów oraz kinematograficzne filtry.

    Design i Wykonanie 

    Oba modele wyróżniają się nowoczesnym designem inspirowanym luksusowymi zegarkami. Wyspa z aparatami w Realme 12+ 5G została zaprojektowana przez szwajcarskiego zegarmistrza Oliviera Saveo. Wykończenie z ekoskóry nawiązuje do materiałów używanych w luksusowych zegarkach, co nadaje smartfonowi elegancki wygląd.

    Realme 12 5G i Realme 12+ 5G to doskonałe propozycje dla osób poszukujących wydajnych i stylowych smartfonów. Różnice w specyfikacjach sprawiają, że każdy użytkownik może znaleźć model odpowiedni dla siebie, w zależności od preferencji dotyczących mocy obliczeniowej, pamięci czy jakości aparatu.
    Akcesoria do Realme 12 5G i Realme 12+ 5G

    W naszym sklepie znajdziesz bogaty wybór akcesoriów do modeli Realme 12 5G oraz Realme 12+ 5G. Oferujemy wysokiej jakości szkła ochronne, które zabezpieczą ekran Twojego smartfona przed zarysowaniami i uszkodzeniami. Ponadto, znajdziesz u nas szybkie ładowarki i nowoczesne słuchawki, które zwiększą komfort użytkowania Twojego urządzenia. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszą ofertą w sklepie i wyboru akcesoriów, które najlepiej odpowiadają Twoim potrzebom!

  • Best smartphones for taking photos 2024

    If you are a lover of mobile photography and are looking for a smartphone that will allow you to take amazing photos in any situation, you’ve come to the right place! In today’s article we present the top 5 smartphones for photography for 2024. We will analyze their main advantages, specifications and find out what makes them unique. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur, you’ll find something here for you. We’ll also suggest where to find the best accessories to help you get the most out of your new device.

    1. the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

    The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra premiered in February 2024. This model continues Samsung’s tradition of offering one of the most advanced camera systems on the market. The 200MP main camera allows for incredibly detailed photos, while additional lenses (12MP ultra-wide angle, 10MP telephoto 3x zoom and 50MP telephoto 5x zoom) provide versatility in photography.


    • Main camera:
    • 200MP
    • Ultra-wide-angle camera:
    • 12MP
    • Telephoto lenses:
    • 10MP (3x zoom) and 50MP (5x zoom)
    • Front: 12MP
    • Screen:
    • 6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X with 3200×1440 pixels
    • Processor: Exynos 2400/Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 (depending on region)
    • RAM: 12GB/16GB
    • Internal storage: 256GB/512GB/1TB
    • Battery: 5000mAh with 45W fast charging


    The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra offers unparalleled photo quality thanks to its advanced image processing and versatile lenses. The 200MP main camera allows you to capture incredibly detailed and vivid images, which is ideal for shooting landscapes and portraits. The 12MP ultra-wide-angle camera makes group and landscape shots wide and full of detail.
    Telephoto lenses with different zoom levels allow you to shoot distant subjects without sacrificing quality, which is especially useful for nature and architecture photography. In addition, advanced features such as night mode and HDR automatically optimize photos in difficult lighting conditions.
    The Galaxy S24 Ultra’s night mode is extremely effective, allowing you to take bright and clear photos even in low light. HDR technology improves the dynamic range of photos, making both bright and dark areas clearly visible. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra also offers advanced video features such as 8K recording, allowing you to capture every detail in motion.

    The Home Screen store offers a wide selection of accessories for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, such as cases, protective glass, chargers and headphones that will enhance the user experience of this smartphone.

    2. the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max

    The Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max debuted in September 2023, bringing many improvements in mobile photography. This model features a camera system of three lenses, including a 48MP main camera, a 12MP ultra-wide-angle camera and a 12MP telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom.


    • Main camera:
    • 48MP
    • Ultra-wide-angle
    • camera

    • :
    • 12MP
    • Telephoto lens
    • :

    • 12MP (3x zoom)
    • Front: 12MP TrueDepth
    • Screen:
    • 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR OLED with 2778×1284 pixels
    • Processor: A17 Bionic
    • RAM: 8GB
    • Internal Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB
    • Battery: 4352mAh with 20W fast charging


    The iPhone 15 Pro Max stands out for its excellent photo quality, especially in portrait and night mode. The 48MP main camera allows you to take high-resolution photos that are rich in detail and color. The 12MP ultra-wide-angle camera allows you to take wide-angle photos without distortion, which is ideal for landscape and architectural photography. A telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom allows for close-ups with high image quality, which is useful when shooting from a greater distance. Thanks to Apple’s advanced image processing, photos taken with the iPhone 15 Pro Max are natural and faithfully reproduce colors. Night mode allows you to take clear and bright photos even in low light, and Deep Fusion improves the detail of photos in medium light conditions. In addition, Smart HDR 4 technology automatically improves contrast and white balance, making photos more realistic.

    The iPhone 15 Pro Max also offers advanced video features, such as recording in ProRes, which captures every detail and enables professional video editing. Cinematic Mode introduces cinematic effects such as autofocus on faces and smooth transitions between objects, giving users the ability to create professional videos without the need for additional equipment.

    Another advantage is the use of the A17 Bionic processor, which, thanks to its performance and power efficiency, allows for fast image processing and long shooting sessions without worrying about battery drain. This processor also supports advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that automatically optimize photos, improving their quality in real time.

    The 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display with a resolution of 2778×1284 pixels provides extremely vivid colors and deep blacks, making viewing photos and videos a pleasure. Thanks to the high brightness of the screen, using the phone in bright sunlight is comfortable and details are clearly visible.

    At Home Screen, you’ll find plenty of accessories for the iPhone 15 Pro Max, including high-quality cases, glass, wireless chargers, USB-C cables and stylish headphones.

    3. the Xiaomi 14 Ultra

    The Xiaomi 14 Ultra, which premiered in March 2024, stands out as one of the most advanced smartphones for photography on the market. With an advanced camera system that consists of a 50MP main camera, a 48MP ultra-wide-angle camera and a 64MP telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom, the Xiaomi 14 Ultra delivers incredible versatility and photo quality.


    • Main camera:
    • 50MP
    • Ultra-wide-angle camera:
    • 48MP
    • Telephoto lens:
    • 64MP (5x optical zoom)
    • Front: 32MP
    • Screen:
    • 6.73-inch AMOLED with 3200×1440 pixel resolution
    • Processor: Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
    • RAM: 12GB/16GB
    • Internal Storage: 256GB/512GB/1TB
    • Battery: 5000mAh with 120W fast charging


    The Xiaomi 14 Ultra offers unparalleled photo quality thanks to its advanced camera system. The 50MP main camera allows you to take exceptionally detailed and sharply clear photos, ideal for landscapes and portraits. The 48MP ultra-wide-angle camera allows you to capture wide scenes without distortion, which is perfect for group and landscape photography.The 64MP telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom allows you to shoot distant subjects with high quality, which is especially useful for nature and architectural photography.
    Advanced features such as night mode allow you to take bright and clear photos even in low-light conditions, making the Xiaomi 14 Ultra a versatile photography tool. In addition, the 6.73-inch AMOLED screen with a high resolution of 3200×1440 pixels offers vivid colors and deep blacks, making browsing photos a pleasure. A powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and ample RAM ensure smooth photo apps and fast image processing. A 5000mAh battery with 120W fast charging allows for long photo sessions without worrying about draining the phone.

    Need add-ons for the Xiaomi 14 Ultra? Check out our range at Home Screen.

    4. Google Pixel 8 Pro

    The Google Pixel 8 Pro was released in October 2023. This model continues the tradition of the Pixel line, offering exceptional photographic capabilities thanks to advanced image processing software. The Pixel 8 Pro features an advanced camera system that consists of a 50MP main camera, a 48MP ultra-wide-angle camera and a 48MP telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom. As of May 2024, the Pixel 8 Pro is officially available in Poland, making it easy to access the device and its support
    technical support.


    • Main camera:
    • 50MP
    • Ultra-wide-angle camera:
    • 48MP
    • Telephoto lens:
    • 48MP (5x zoom)
    • Front: 10.8MP
    • Screen:
    • 6.7-inch OLED with 3200×1440 pixel resolution
    • Processor: Google Tensor G3
    • RAM: 12GB
    • Internal Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB
    • Battery: 5000mAh with 30W fast charging


    Google Pixel 8 Pro offers exceptional photo quality thanks to advanced image processing software backed by artificial intelligence. The 50MP main camera allows you to take high-resolution photos with excellent sharpness and rich colors. The 48MP ultra-wide-angle camera lets you capture wide scenes without distortion, which is ideal for shooting landscapes and large groups of people. The 5x optical zoom telephoto lens allows for close-ups without sacrificing quality, which is especially useful for nature and architecture photography.

    The Pixel 8 Pro is also distinguished by advanced AI features that automatically optimize photos in different lighting conditions. The Magic Eraser function allows you to remove unwanted objects from photos, and the Long Exposure mode allows you to create motion blur effects, giving you more creative control over your photos. The Pixel 8 Pro’s Night Mode is one of the best on the market, allowing you to take bright and clear photos even in low light.

    In addition, the Pixel 8 Pro offers advanced video features such as 4K recording with high image stabilization, allowing you to create professional videos. The 6.7-inch OLED screen with a high resolution of 3200×1440 pixels provides vivid colors and deep blacks, making viewing photos and videos a pleasure. Google’s powerful Tensor G3 processor and ample RAM ensure smooth running of photo applications and fast image processing.
    The Google Pixel 8 Pro can be enhanced with a variety of accessories available from Home Screen, such as protective glass, cases, quick chargers and headsets.

    5. onePlus 12

    The OnePlus 12, which premiered in January 2024, continues the brand’s tradition of offering advanced technologies and high build quality. This model is particularly outstanding in terms of photo capabilities and performance, making it one of 2024’s top choices.


    • Main camera:
    • 64MP
    • Ultra-wide-angle camera:
    • 50MP
    • Telephoto lens:
    • 50MP (3.3x optical zoom)
    • Front: 32MP
    • Screen:
    • 6.7-inch AMOLED with 3200×1440 pixel resolution
    • Processor: Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
    • RAM: 12GB/16GB
    • Internal Storage: 256GB/512GB
    • Battery: 5000mAh with 100W fast charging


    The OnePlus 12 offers excellent photo quality thanks to its advanced camera system. The 64MP main camera provides sharp and detailed photos, ideal for landscapes and portraits. The 50MP ultra-wide-angle camera allows you to take wide-angle photos without distortion, which is perfect for capturing larger scenes. The 50MP telephoto lens with 3.3x optical zoom allows for close-ups with high image quality.

    The OnePlus 12 also stands out with advanced AI features that automatically optimize photos in different lighting conditions. Night mode allows you to take bright and clear photos even in low light. The 6.7-inch AMOLED screen with a high resolution of 3200×1440 pixels provides vivid colors and deep blacks, making viewing photos and videos a pleasure.

    A powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and ample RAM ensure smooth performance of photo apps and fast image processing. A 5000mAh battery with 100W fast charging allows for long photo sessions without worrying about the phone draining.

    Looking for accessories for OnePlus12? You can also find them in our store 🙂

    Regardless of your choice, each of these smartphones offers excellent photographic capabilities, meeting the requirements of both amateurs and professionals. From the versatility of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, to the elegance and advanced features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, to the innovation of the Google Pixel 8 Pro and the impressive quality of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra and OnePlus12 , each of these models provides an exceptional photographic experience. It’s also worth remembering that the HomeScreen store offers a wide range of accessories for these smartphones, such as cases, protective glass, chargers and headphones. This allows you to get the most out of your device with added protection and convenience.

  • New POCO F6 and POCO F6 Pro

    On May 23, 2024, Dubai will host the global launch of POCO’s latest smartphones – the F6 and F6 Pro models. These two devices are set to revolutionize the smartphone market with their advanced technical specifications, modern design and innovative features. Get ready for an amazing experience with the new POCO F6 and F6 Pro, which will soon be available on the market.

    POCO F6: New Quality

    The POCO F6 builds on the success of the Redmi Turbo 3, which means we can expect top-of-the-line components and exceptional performance. The device is powered by a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor for smooth performance and fast processing. The smartphone will be available in two RAM versions: 12 GB and 16 GB, which, combined with UFS 4.0 internal storage (256 GB or 512 GB), guarantees plenty of space for apps and files.

    The POCO F6 screen is a 6.7-inch AMOLED panel with 1.5K resolution and a refresh rate of 120 Hz. With a brightness of up to 2,600 nits and 2160 PWZ dimming technology, the displayed images are extremely clear and full of color. The 5000 mAh battery with 90 W fast charging provides long hours of use without frequent charging. A matching charger is included for quick energy refills.

    The main camera is a 50 MP Sony LYT-600 sensor with optical image stabilization (OIS), which guarantees excellent photo quality even in difficult lighting conditions. In addition, there is an 8 MP ultra-wide-angle lens. On the front panel is a 20 MP selfie camera, ideal for video calls and self-portraits. The smartphone runs on Android 14 with the new HyperOS 1.0 overlay, offering the latest features and security updates. Additional features include 5G connectivity, NFC, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.3 and USB Type-C port version 3.2. The smartphone also has stereo speakers and IP64 dust and water resistance certification.

    POCO F6 Pro: Power and Performance

    The POCO F6 Pro, based on the Redmi K70, is an even more advanced high-end device. Equipped with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, it offers incredible performance and speed. Available memory configurations also include 12GB or 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and 256GB or 512GB of UFS 4.0 internal storage. The screen on the POCO F6 Pro is a 6.67-inch OLED display with 2K resolution and a refresh rate of 120 Hz. The maximum brightness of 4,000 nits and advanced dimming make the displayed images incredibly clear. The 5,000mAh (or 5,500mAh) battery supports 120W fast charging for quick power replenishment.

    On the back is a 50 MP OMNIVISION OV50K main camera, supported by an 8 MP ultra-wide-angle lens and a 2 MP macro sensor. The front panel features a 16 MP selfie camera. The POCO F6 Pro runs on Android 14 with HyperOS 1.0 overlay, offering the latest features and security updates. Additional features include 5G connectivity, NFC, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, USB Type-C version 3.2, stereo speakers and IP64 certification.

    Accessories for the POCO F6 and POCO F6 Pro

    On our website you will soon find all the necessary accessories for the new POCO F6 and POCO F6 Pro smartphones, including protective cases, tempered glass, chargers, cables and headphones. We provide a wide selection of products to help you get the most out of your new devices and protect them from damage. Get ready for an amazing experience with the POCO F6 and POCO F6 Pro. Follow our site to stay up to date with the latest news and deals on accessories.

  • Google Pixel 8 vs Pixel 8a

    Google’s new offering in the Polish market is a great opportunity for users to experience the innovation and advanced technology that the Pixel series models offer. In particular, we’ll look at the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a models today to help you understand which one will best meet your needs.

    Design and Performance

    The Pixel 8 features a sleek and modern design, with high-quality glass on the front and back and a solid aluminum frame. It is available in three color options: green-gray, obsidian and powder-pink. The smartphone measures 150.5 x 70.8 x 8.9 mm and weighs 187 grams, making it compact and convenient for daily use.

    ThePixel 8a is made of more economical materials, such as a plastic body and frame, but still looks modern and aesthetically pleasing. It is available in four colors: aloe vera (limited edition), blue, obsidian and porcelain. Its dimensions are 152.1 x 72.7 x 8.9 mm, and it weighs 188 grams, making it marginally larger and heavier than the Pixel 8.


    Both models feature high-quality OLED displays that offer vivid colors and deep blacks. Both the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a have displays with a resolution of 2,400 x 1,080 pixels and a refresh rate of 120 Hz, providing smooth scrolling and an exceptional visual experience. The Pixel 8 has a 6.2-inch screen, which is protected by advanced Corning Gorilla Victus glass. This glass offers better scratch and impact resistance, making the device more durable. The Pixel 8a has a slightly smaller 6.1-inch screen that is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3. Although less advanced than Gorilla Victus, it still offers solid protection against everyday damage.


    In terms of performance, both models feature the same Tensor G3 9-core processor at 3 GHz and ARM Mali-G715 GPU at 890 MHz. This combination delivers exceptional performance and smoothness, whether you’re using apps, playing games or browsing the Internet. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a each have 8GB of RAM for seamless switching between apps and multitasking. Both models are available with 128GB or 256GB of built-in memory, allowing you to store lots of data, photos and


    The Pixel 8 features a 50-megapixel main camera and a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. Thanks to advanced photographic technology, photos are clear and full of detail. In addition, the Pixel 8 offers a macro mode, which allows you to take photos at very close range. The selfie camera has a resolution of 10.5 megapixels, providing excellent quality self-portrait photos. The Pixel 8 also allows video recording in HDR mode and the use of a gyroscope for image stabilization, which improves the quality of recordings.

    The Pixel 8a, on the other hand, has a 64-megapixel main camera and a 13-megapixel a
    parat ultra-wide-angle camera. Although it doesn’t offer a macro mode or HDR recording, its cameras still provide high-quality photos and video. The selfie camera has a resolution of 13 megapixels, making self-portrait photos sharp and clear. Both models can record 1080p and 4K video at 30 or 60 frames per second, and the front camera records at 30 fps.

    Battery and Charging

    ThePixel 8 has a 4,575 mAh battery, providing long battery life on a single charge. In addition, it offers wireless charging back, which allows you to charge other devices, such as headphones or other smartphones, without the need for cables. The Pixel 8a has a slightly smaller 4492 mAh battery, but still offers solid runtime. Although it doesn’t support wireless charge-back, both models can last up to 72 hours on a single charge, according to the manufacturer’s claims.

    Connectivity and Other Features

    In terms of connectivity, the Pixel 8 supports the latest Wi-Fi 7 standard, which provides faster and more reliable internet connections. In addition, it has a higher IP68 waterproof certification, which means better protection against water and dust.

    The Pixel 8a uses the Wi-Fi 6E standard, which also offers fast and stable connections, although slightly less advanced than Wi-Fi 7. Its waterproof certification is IP67, which provides solid protection against water, although slightly lower than the Pixel 8.


    Price is one of the key factors in choosing a smartphone. The Pixel 8 costs £3599 for the 128 GB version and £3899 for the 256 GB version. The Pixel 8a is more affordable, costing £2449 for the 128 GB version and £2749 for the 256 GB version.

    Google’s Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a are two very successful smartphones that, while they share many features, differ in a few key aspects that may influence your purchase decision. The Pixel 8 is the choice for those looking for a top-of-the-line smartphone. Its advanced design, higher quality materials, better camera features such as macro mode and HDR recording, as well as greater water resistance (IP68 certified) and support for the latest Wi-Fi 7 standard, make it ideal for those who demand the highest quality and modern technology. The price reflects these additional advantages, making it a more expensive but very versatile device.

    The Pixel 8a, on the other hand, is more affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for a solid smartphone at a lower price. Despite using more economical materials, it offers impressive features such as a high-quality OLED display, solid performance thanks to the Tensor G3 processor, and a good camera package. It’s an excellent choice for users who want to take advantage of the Pixel’s many features, but don’t need all the advanced options available on the Pixel 8.

    In our store you will also find a wide range of accessories for these phones, including protective glass, cases and accessories for the more expensive Google Pixel 8 Pro. Take a look at our offer to get the most out of your new smartphone.

  • Best Cases For Google Pixel 8a

    Wondering which case to choose for your Google Pixel 8a? This is an extremely important decision, as you want your device to be well protected, but also retain its unique style! In our guide, we will try to dispel your doubts and help you find the perfect case for your Pixel 8a.

    SPIGEN is a brand known for high-quality products that combine innovative technology with aesthetic design. With their cases, you can be sure that your Google Pixel 8a will be safe and stylish in any situation.


    The Spigen Tough Armor case is an extremely advanced protective case designed specifically for smartphone owners, including Google Pixel 8a users. Using durable thermoplastic material and polycarbonate, this case not only provides solid protection from damage, but also long-lasting durability.

    The interior of the case is filled with innovative technological foam that effectively absorbs shocks and dampens impacts, protecting the phone from falls and accidental incidents. In addition, the case is equipped with a practical foot, allowing you to comfortably view content on the screen without having to hold the phone in your hand. This is the perfect solution for people who like to use the multimedia features of their smartphone.

    Specially designed cutouts and raised edges protect both the camera and the phone’s screen from scratches and mechanical damage. Thus, you can be sure that your Google Pixel 8a will remain in excellent condition, even during heavy use.


    The Spigen Ultra Hybrid case combines style with functionality, offering solid protection with minimal weight and thickness. Designed from flexible TPU plastic, the case wraps your phone snugly, providing exceptional cushioning for drops. A reinforcement of transparent polycarbonate on the back further protects against scratches, while keeping the design slim. The product is precisely tailored to fit the phone model, providing unobstructed access to all ports and functions of the device without removing it from the case. Ultra Hybrid is the ideal solution for those looking for effective protection without adding significant bulk.


    The Spigen Thin Fit case for the Google Pixel 8a is extremely slim, being only 1.55mm thick. Constructed from a blend of TPU and polycarbonate, the case is both flexible and durable, providing effective protection against minor damage and making the phone easy to hold. Its minimalist design elegantly compliments the device while maintaining its original shape and allowing easy access to all functions without obstruction. Thin Fit is also tested for durability and accuracy of fit, guaranteeing a high quality product.


    The Rugged Armor case features a sleek, modern design and is made of flexible, durable TPU plastic for abrasion resistance. It is relatively thin, allowing the device to maintain a slim silhouette, while offering solid protection against scratches and drops. The standout feature of this case is the glossy, carbon texture created by the carbon fiber coating, which adds style and improves grip. The product fits snugly around the device without restricting access to external ports and features, making it both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


    The Spigen Liquid Air protective case is the perfect solution for those looking for protection for their Google Pixel 8a, while maintaining its original design and slim style. Made of durable TPU material, the Liquid Air case is the perfect combination of lightness, strength and shock resistance. Thanks to this material, the phone is effectively protected from bumps, drops and other mechanical damage, while maintaining a slim thickness and minimal weight.

    The unique design of the Liquid Air case provides excellent grip in the hand, making the phone securely held and easy to use. In addition, the precision craftsmanship guarantees a perfect fit on the device, without restricting access to external ports and control buttons. As a result, the user can use the phone without any hindrances, maintaining the full functionality of the device.

    The Ringke brand is famous for offering exceptional protective cases that combine both high quality workmanship and functionality. Two of their flagship products for the Google Pixel 8a, the Ringke Onyx case in black and the Ringke Fusion case in transparent, are perfect examples of how you can effectively protect your smartphone without losing its original design.

    Ringke Onyx Google Pixel 8acase
    The Ringke Onyx case is the perfect combination of style and protection for your Google Pixel 8a. Made of high-quality thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), the Onyx case provides solid protection against everyday damage such as scratches, shocks and drops. The case features a non-slip, matte-grained texture, providing not only excellent grip, but also effective protection against fingerprints and scratches. This is an ideal solution for active users who value not only safety, but also comfort.

    Ringke Fusion Google Pixel 8acase
    Ringke Fusion case is the perfect combination of transparent design and reliable protection for your Google Pixel 8a. Made of high-quality, flexible TPU plastic and tough polycarbonate, the Fusion case offers excellent protection against scratches, shocks and drops, while allowing you to display your phone’s original design. The transparent back of the case allows a full view of the device, while the solid sides protect it from all sides. In addition, reinforced corners absorb the force of impact, minimizing the risk of damage. The Ringke Fusion case is the ideal solution for those who want to protect their phone without losing its aesthetics.

    Certainly, choosing the right case for the Google Pixel 8a can be a bit of a challenge. However, our guide has been created precisely to make this task easier for you. Whether your priority is solid protection, sleek design or additional features, our recommendations will help you find the perfect case. With them, your Google Pixel 8a will be ready for any adventure.

  • What is the best glass for the Google Pixel 8a?

    The Google Pixel 8a, the latest device from Google, debuts on the market with great expectations. In this era of high technology and constant contact, everyone wants to make sure their investment is well protected. Protective glass is the first line of defense for your new smartphone against the outside world. Do you want tempered glass for maximum protection, or a hydrogel film that will recover from minor scratches? Here’s a guide to the best solutions available on the market to help you choose the perfect protection for your Pixel 8a.

    Screen protection options for the Google Pixel 8a:

    1. GrizzGlass Hybrid Glass for Google Pixel 8a

    GrizzGlass HybridGlass is a unique combination of tempered glass and protective film. It offers excellent scratch protection and a certain flexibility that minimizes the risk of the glass breaking under impact. It’s thicker and more durable than traditional films, but retains more transparency and less visibility on the screen than standard tempered glass. With this hybrid design, the user gets optimal protection without darkening or altering the touch sensation on the screen.

    2 Spigen Glas.tR AlignMaster Tempered Glass for Google Pixel 8a [2 Pack].

    Spigen products are known for their reliability and quality, and Glas.tR AlignMaster is no exception. This tempered glass features exceptional hardness that effectively protects the screen from deep scratches and impacts. In addition, the set includes a special application tool that allows you to perfectly level the glass on the screen, which is key to preventing air bubbles and bumps. Two pieces in a pack ensure that you’ll always have backup protection when needed.

    3 GrizzGlass SecretGlass Privatization Glass for Google Pixel 8a

    GrizzGlass SecretGlass is a prwatting glass that limits the viewing angle of the screen, protecting your data from unwanted glances. It is ideal for people who use their phone in public places, such as buses and trains. The glass also has high scratch resistance, which further enhances the protection of your device. At the same time, it does not significantly affect the image quality for the user who looks at the screen from the front, providing brightness and readability without compromise.

    4 GrizzGlass HydroFilm Hydrogel Film for Google Pixel 8a

    The GrizzGlass HydroFilm Hydrogel Film is made of a flexible material that not only protects the screen from scratches, but also has the ability to self-heal, meaning minor scratches can disappear over time. This film is almost invisible on the screen, making it an ideal choice for those who don’t want the protection to affect the design of the device. Thanks to its flexibility, the film is also easier to install, minimizing the risk of air bubbles.

    5 Ringke Dual Easy Hydrogel Film for Google Pixel 8a [2 Pack].

    Ringke Dual Easy protective film for Google Pixel 8a is an advanced technological solution that combines high functionality with aesthetics. Manufactured from the highest quality urethane polycarbonate, this film offers solid scratch resistance, reaching 3H. This is crucial for keeping the appearance of the screen intact, protecting it from everyday damage. One of the most important advantages of the Ringke Dual Easy film is its exceptional clarity. The material from which it is made perfectly conveys the original colors of the displayed image, which means that the user does not lose visual quality, even with intensive use. In addition, a special anti-fingerprint coating effectively reduces fingerprints on the screen, keeping it clean and clear for longer.

    6 Spigen Optik.tR EZ Fit Camera Protector Tempered Glass for Google Pixel 8a [2 Pack].

    The Spigen Optik.tR EZ Fit Camera Protector Tempered Glass is a specialized solution dedicated to protecting the camera lens of the Google Pixel 8a smartphone. Designed by Spigen, a company recognized as an industry leader, this glass offers not only protection, but also exceptional clarity to keep the quality of your photos intact.
    Spigen Optik.tR tempered glass features exceptional hardness that effectively protects the camera lens from scratches, dust and other everyday damage that can affect the quality of photography. The tempered glass technology used also makes the glass shatterproof, providing long-lasting protection without the need for frequent replacement.

    What’s more, the Optik.tR EZ Fit glass is equipped with a specially designed oleophobic coating that minimizes fingerprints and other contaminants, keeping the lens clean and ensuring clear, undistorted photos. Thanks to this coating, users can enjoy clear, professional photos even after using the phone for a long time without having to constantly clean the lens. The set includes two tempered glasses, which is an extremely practical solution for quick and easy replacement in case of damage to the first protective layer. The glass also features the innovative EZ Fit mounting system, which guarantees simple and accurate installation. This system eliminates the risk of air bubbles during application, a common problem when installing traditional protective glass.

    7th GrizzGlass HybridGlass Camera Glass for Google Pixel 8a

    GrizzGlass HybridGlass Camera Glass for Google Pixel 8a is an advanced protection solution, combining the strength of tempered glass with the flexibility of film. It provides effective protection for the camera lens from scratches and damage, while not affecting the quality of photos. Thanks to a simple mounting system, installation is quick and easy, and the precise fit ensures compatibility with most cases on the market. This is the perfect solution for any Google Pixel 8a owner who wants to protect their camera without sacrificing the functionality and aesthetics of the device.

    Protecting a smartphone’s screen and camera are among the most important issues for any user. That’s why there are so many different types of protective glass to meet the diverse needs and preferences of Google Pixel 8a users. Whether someone prefers tempered glass, hydrogel film or special solutions such as privacy glass, they are sure to find a product that meets their needs.

  • Guide to the Best Cases for iPad Pro 11/13″ 2024

    The Apple iPad Pro 2024 is a powerful tool for professionals and creative users that deserves equally advanced accessories. Choosing the right case can affect not only the durability and safety of the device, but also the comfort of daily use. In response to these needs, ESR has launched three innovative case models: the ESR Shift Magnetic, ESR Rebound Magnetic and ESR Rebound Hybrid. Each is designed with the specific requirements of iPad users in mind.

    Interested in the latest iPad Pro 2024 accessories? Here’s an overview of three key ESR case models that combine style, functionality and protection.


    The ESR Shift Magnetic model is a case that is designed for maximum adaptation to the needs of iPad Pro 11 and 13 inch 2024 users. Its innovative hybrid design consists of two main elements: a thin overlay and a more elaborate cover with a magnetic flap. This combination not only increases levels of protection, but also allows the user to quickly adapt to different situations – from office work to relaxing at home.

    A key aspect of the ESR Shift Magnetic case is its multifunctionality. It allows the user to position the iPad in as many as nine different positions, made possible by an integrated magnet system. These magnets not only hold the iPad in a stable position, but also allow the user to easily and quickly adjust the angle of the screen, which is invaluable when watching movies, browsing content or video conferencing. The height-adjustable feature provides additional comfort by allowing the iPad to be placed at the ideal eye level, reducing strain on the neck and eyes during prolonged use.

    Protection and Durability

    ESR Shift Magnetic’s design is thoughtful not only for functionality, but also for protection. The case’s hybrid design provides a solid shield against scratches, drops, and other everyday hazards that can befall a tablet. A thin overlay protects the back of the device, while a sturdier folding flap case effectively protects the iPad’s screen. All this is made of high-quality materials that guarantee long-lasting use without sacrificing aesthetic appeal.

    Design and Aesthetics

    ESR Shift Magnetic stands out from other cases thanks to its modern design, which combines elegance and functionality. With its simple lines and minimalist form factor, the case blends perfectly with the modern design of the iPad Pro. Available in classic colors such as black, the case adds a stylish touch to the device while maintaining its original design.


    The ESR Rebound Magnetic Case for iPad Pro 13 inch 2024 features a minimalist design and advanced protection features that make it one of the best choices for users who value elegance and functionality.


    ESR Rebound Magnetic is made for users who seek not only protection, but also comfort and style. Available in black and lavender, the case draws attention with a subtle elegance that compliments the modern design of the iPad Pro. Its magnetic flap not only makes it easy to quickly apply and remove the case, but also allows the iPad to be easily transformed into a stand with two positions – ideal for typing or watching media.

    Protection and Materials

    The Rebound Magnetic is created from high-quality TPU material that provides excellent protection against scratches, drops and other damage that can occur during everyday use. The soft-to-the-touch but durable satin material is pleasant to the user and adds extra elegance. The flap of the case is equipped with heavy-duty magnets that not only hold the iPad in a secure position, but also automatically wake the device or put it to sleep when the flap is opened or closed.

    Practicality and Ergonomics

    Thanks to its folding design, the ESR Rebound Magnetic case allows the iPad to be placed in two different positions, making it more comfortable for both work and entertainment. In addition, the case has an integrated space for the Apple Pencil, ensuring that the stylus is always safe and easily accessible. This feature is especially useful for people who regularly use the Apple Pencil to draw, write, or take notes on their iPad.


    The ESR Rebound Magnetic case is the perfect choice for iPad Pro 11 and iPad Pro 13 inch owners who are looking for elegant protection for their device. This extremely stylish case not only provides excellent protection, but also features a unique, minimalist design.

    Design and Materials

    Available in two subtle colors – black and lavender – the ESR Rebound Magnetic case perfectly compliments the modern design of the iPad Pro. Made of high-quality, soft-touch satin TPU plastic, the case combines durability with lightness to keep the device’s weight down. The minimalist design not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but is also extremely practical for use.

    Functionality and Protection

    The case is attached to the tablet with a magnetic flap, which ensures not only ease of application and removal, but also a solid closure. The folding flap allows the iPad to be placed in two different positions, which is especially useful when watching movies or browsing the web. Thanks to special reinforcements and durable magnets in the flaps, the case guarantees high protection against scratches and breakage.

    Additional Features

    The Rebound Magnetic also features a magnetic cap that effectively protects the Apple Pencil during transport. This feature is invaluable for users who move frequently with their device and need reassurance that their stylus is safe and always ready for use.
    Each of these cases has been designed with different lifestyles and user needs in mind, from professionals to technology enthusiasts. So whether you need rugged protection or versatile functionality, ESR has something to meet your needs for accessories for the new iPad Pro 11 and iPad Pro 13 inch 2024.