
  • Best Apps for Tracking Physical Activity: Fitness, Samsung Health and Strava

    Przegląd Najlepszych Aplikacji do Śledzenia Aktywności Fizycznej

    Jak wybrać odpowiednią aplikację do monitorowania aktywności fizycznej? W dzisiejszych czasach, kiedy technologia jest nieodłącznym elementem naszego życia, aplikacje do śledzenia aktywności fizycznej stają się coraz bardziej popularne. Pomagają one nie tylko w monitorowaniu postępów, ale również w motywowaniu do dalszego działania. W tym artykule przyjrzymy się trzem najlepszym aplikacjom: Fitness, Samsung Health i Strava. Każda z nich oferuje unikalne funkcje, które mogą wspierać Twoje cele zdrowotne i fitnessowe.

    Fitness – Idealne Rozwiązanie dla Użytkowników Apple

    Dlaczego Fitness to najlepsza aplikacja fitness dla użytkowników iPhone’a i Apple Watch? Aplikacja Fitness jest integralną częścią ekosystemu Apple, co czyni ją niezwykle wygodnym narzędziem dla posiadaczy urządzeń tej marki. Dzięki bezproblemowej integracji z Apple Watch, użytkownicy mogą monitorować szeroką gamę aktywności fizycznych, takich jak bieganie, jazda na rowerze, pływanie czy treningi siłowe.

    Kluczowe Funkcje Fitness

    Integracja z Apple Watch
    : Wszystkie dane o aktywności, takie jak liczba kroków, spalone kalorie, dystans oraz tętno, są automatycznie synchronizowane, co umożliwia kompleksowe śledzenie zdrowia.
    Personalizowane cele: Aplikacja umożliwia ustalanie indywidualnych celów dotyczących aktywności fizycznej, takich jak liczba kroków, czas ćwiczeń czy ilość spalonych kalorii, co pomaga utrzymać motywację.
    Szczegółowe raporty i analizy: Fitness oferuje szczegółowe raporty, które pomagają w monitorowaniu postępów, identyfikacji słabych punktów oraz planowaniu kolejnych kroków w treningu.


    Samsung Health – Kompleksowe Narzędzie do Monitorowania Zdrowia

    Samsung Health: Kompleksowe śledzenie zdrowia i aktywności fizycznej. Samsung Health to aplikacja, która oferuje znacznie więcej niż tylko monitorowanie aktywności fizycznej. Dzięki niej użytkownicy mogą śledzić swoje zdrowie w szerokim zakresie, obejmującym dietę, sen, poziom stresu, a nawet pomiary tętna i ciśnienia krwi.

    Kluczowe Funkcje Samsung Health

    Kompleksowe śledzenie zdrowia
    : Samsung Health umożliwia śledzenie wszystkich aspektów zdrowia w jednym miejscu, co jest niezwykle wygodne dla osób dbających o całościowe podejście do zdrowia.
    Personalizowane plany treningowe: Aplikacja oferuje różnorodne plany treningowe dostosowane do poziomu zaawansowania i celów użytkownika, pomagając w osiąganiu lepszych wyników.
    Integracja z urządzeniami Samsung: Samsung Health synchronizuje się z wieloma urządzeniami, w tym z zegarkami Galaxy Watch, co umożliwia kompleksowe monitorowanie aktywności fizycznej i zdrowia.

    Strava – Aplikacja dla Entuzjastów Biegania i Jazdy na Rowerze

    Strava: Jak aplikacja społecznościowa zmienia sposób, w jaki biegamy i jeździmy na rowerze? Strava to aplikacja, która zyskała ogromną popularność wśród biegaczy i kolarzy dzięki swojej unikalnej funkcji społecznościowej. Umożliwia ona nie tylko śledzenie tras i wyników, ale również rywalizację z innymi użytkownikami oraz udział w wyzwaniach.

    Kluczowe Funkcje Strava

    Społeczność i rywalizacja
    : Strava tworzy unikalne środowisko, gdzie użytkownicy mogą rywalizować ze sobą na różnych trasach, porównywać wyniki i ustanawiać nowe rekordy. To świetny sposób na zwiększenie motywacji.
    Zaawansowane statystyki i analizy: Aplikacja oferuje szczegółowe analizy tras, czasów i osiągnięć, co pozwala na głębsze zrozumienie własnych wyników i optymalizację treningów.
    Segmenty i wyzwania: Funkcja segmentów pozwala użytkownikom na ustanawianie rekordów na określonych trasach oraz udział w wyzwaniach, co dodatkowo motywuje do poprawy wyników.

    Jaką Aplikację do Śledzenia Aktywności Fizycznej Wybrać?

    Każda z omawianych aplikacji ma swoje unikalne zalety, które mogą przyciągać różne grupy użytkowników.
    Fitness jest idealnym wyborem dla osób zanurzonych w ekosystemie Apple, ceniących sobie wygodę integracji urządzeń i precyzyjne monitorowanie zdrowia.
    Samsung Health z kolei jest świetnym rozwiązaniem dla tych, którzy poszukują kompleksowego narzędzia do monitorowania zdrowia, obejmującego nie tylko aktywność fizyczną, ale również dietę, sen i stres.
    Natomiast Strava to doskonała opcja dla entuzjastów biegania i jazdy na rowerze, którzy cenią sobie społeczność, rywalizację i zaawansowane analizy.

    Wybór odpowiedniej aplikacji zależy od Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb i preferencji. Niezależnie od decyzji, każda z tych aplikacji pomoże Ci w utrzymaniu zdrowia, poprawie wyników i czerpaniu większej radości z aktywności fizycznej. Zacznij swoją przygodę z jedną z tych aplikacji już dziś i zobacz, jak łatwo można śledzić postępy i osiągać kolejne cele!

  • What case to choose for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6?

    Poznaj Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6

    Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 to jeden z najnowszych składanych smartfonów na rynku, który zachwyca swoją innowacyjną konstrukcją i zaawansowanymi funkcjami. Wyposażony w [kluczowe specyfikacje techniczne], oferuje użytkownikom wyjątkowe doświadczenia, łącząc nowoczesny design z wysoką wydajnością.

    Kluczowe specyfikacje Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6:

    • Wyświetlacz: Dynamic AMOLED 2X, 6.7 cala, 1080 x 2636 pikseli
    • Procesor: Snapdragon 8 Gen 1
    • Pamięć RAM: 8 GB
    • Pamięć wewnętrzna: 128/256 GB
    • Aparaty: Tylny 12 MP (główny) + 12 MP (ultraszerokokątny), Przedni 10 MP
    • Bateria: 3700 mAh
    • System operacyjny: Android 13 z nakładką One UI 4.0

    Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 to nie tylko wyjątkowy wygląd, ale również znakomita wydajność i funkcjonalność. Aby jednak w pełni cieszyć się możliwościami tego urządzenia, warto zadbać o jego odpowiednią ochronę. W dalszej części artykułu omówimy najlepsze etui dostępne w sklepie Home Screen, które zabezpieczą Twój telefon przed uszkodzeniami.

    Najlepsze etui do Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 dostępne w Home Screen

    Jakie pancerne etui do Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 wybrać?

    Pancerne etui to idealny wybór dla osób, które chcą maksymalnie zabezpieczyć swój smartfon. W ofercie Home Screen znajdziesz kilka modeli, które zapewnią niezrównaną ochronę:

    Etui Supcase Unicorn Beetle Pro Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6: To etui charakteryzuje się wytrzymałą konstrukcją, która skutecznie zabezpiecza telefon przed upadkami i uderzeniami. Etui posiada wbudowaną podpórkę, która umożliwia wygodne ustawienie telefonu w pozycji pionowej, co jest idealne do oglądania filmów lub prowadzenia wideorozmów. Wzmocnione narożniki absorbują energię uderzenia, a podwyższone krawędzie chronią ekran i aparat przed zarysowaniami.

    Etui Supcase IBLSN ArmorBox Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6: ArmorBox to kolejny solidny wybór dla osób ceniących bezpieczeństwo swojego urządzenia. Wykonane z trwałych materiałów, takich jak poliwęglan i TPU, zapewnia doskonałą ochronę przed upadkami z dużej wysokości. Etui jest wyposażone w zintegrowaną osłonę ekranu, która zabezpiecza wyświetlacz przed zarysowaniami. Dodatkowo, ArmorBox posiada antypoślizgową powierzchnię, co zwiększa pewność chwytu.

    Jakie smukłe etui do Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 wybrać?

    Dla tych, którzy cenią sobie subtelny wygląd i lekkość, smukłe etui są idealnym rozwiązaniem. Oferują one podstawową ochronę bez dodawania zbędnej objętości:

    Etui Spigen Airskin Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Crystal Clear: To etui jest doskonałym wyborem dla tych, którzy chcą zachować oryginalny wygląd swojego telefonu. Wykonane z wytrzymałego poliwęglanu, etui jest cienkie i lekkie, a jednocześnie skutecznie chroni przed zarysowaniami i lekkimi uderzeniami. Jego przezroczystość pozwala cieszyć się naturalnym wyglądem Galaxy Z Flip 6.

    Etui Spigen Airskin Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Zero One: Wyróżnia się minimalistycznym i nowoczesnym designem. Jest niezwykle lekkie i cienkie, co sprawia, że telefon nie traci swojej smukłości. Pomimo swojej delikatnej budowy, zapewnia skuteczną ochronę przed codziennymi uszkodzeniami. Specjalna powłoka zabezpiecza przed odciskami palców, co utrzymuje etui w czystości.

    Etui Spigen Airskin Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Glitter Crystal: To etui dodaje telefonu elegancki połysk dzięki delikatnemu brokatowemu wykończeniu. Jest to świetny wybór dla osób, które chcą dodać swojemu telefonowi nieco blasku, jednocześnie chroniąc go przed zarysowaniami i lekkimi uderzeniami. Etui jest przezroczyste, dzięki czemu widoczny jest oryginalny kolor telefonu.

    Etui Spigen Airskin Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Aramid Black: Wykonane z aramidu, etui oferuje wyjątkową trwałość i wytrzymałość przy zachowaniu smukłego profilu. Aramid to materiał o wysokiej wytrzymałości stosowany również w produkcji kamizelek kuloodpornych, co gwarantuje doskonałą ochronę. Matowa czarna powierzchnia nadaje telefonowi elegancki i nowoczesny wygląd.

    Jakie etui magnetyczne do Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 wybrać?

    Etui magnetyczne to świetny wybór dla osób, które często korzystają z akcesoriów magnetycznych, takich jak uchwyty samochodowe. W Home Screen znajdziesz:

    Etui Ringke Fusion Magnetic MagSafe Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Clear: To przezroczyste etui posiada wbudowane magnesy, które są kompatybilne z akcesoriami MagSafe. Jest idealne dla tych, którzy chcą korzystać z ładowania bezprzewodowego lub magnetycznych uchwytów samochodowych. Etui wykonane jest z wysokiej jakości TPU, co zapewnia elastyczność i ochronę przed uderzeniami.

    Oryginalne etui Samsung do Galaxy Z Flip 6

    Samsung oferuje również oryginalne etui, które są idealnie dopasowane do Galaxy Z Flip 6 i oferują wysoką jakość wykonania.

    Etui Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Silicone Case with Ring: To silikonowe etui jest dostępne w kilku modnych kolorach, takich jak niebieski, żółty, miętowy czy granatowy. Jego miękka, matowa powierzchnia zapewnia pewny chwyt, a wbudowany pierścień ułatwia trzymanie telefonu i może pełnić funkcję podstawki. Silikonowa konstrukcja skutecznie chroni telefon przed uderzeniami i zarysowaniami.

    Etui Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Flap ECO-Leather Case: To etui wykonane jest z ekologicznej skóry, która jest nie tylko elegancka, ale również przyjazna dla środowiska. Flap ECO-Leather Case oferuje pełną ochronę telefonu, zabezpieczając zarówno tylną obudowę, jak i ekran. Etui jest wyposażone w magnes, który utrzymuje klapkę zamkniętą, co chroni ekran przed zarysowaniami. Elegancki design sprawia, że jest to idealny wybór dla osób ceniących styl i ochronę.

    Etui Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 FlipSuit Case: To innowacyjne etui z wymiennymi panelami pozwala użytkownikom dostosować wygląd swojego telefonu. FlipSuit Case oferuje nie tylko ochronę przed zarysowaniami i uderzeniami, ale również możliwość personalizacji. Wymienne panele można łatwo zmieniać, co pozwala dostosować wygląd etui do aktualnego nastroju lub stylu. Etui jest wykonane z wysokiej jakości materiałów, które zapewniają trwałość i estetyczny wygląd.

    Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 to wyjątkowy telefon, który zasługuje na odpowiednią ochronę. Sklep Home Screen oferuje szeroką gamę etui, od pancernych i magnetycznych, po smukłe i eleganckie opcje, a także oryginalne etui Samsung. Dzięki takiej różnorodności każdy użytkownik znajdzie coś dla siebie, niezależnie od preferowanego stylu i poziomu ochrony.

  • How to Check How Much Time I Spend on My Phone? The Best Methods and Apps

    Do you feel like your smartphone is a little magnet that attracts your attention at every free moment? Has scrolling through Instagram or TikTok become your daily routine, or even an addiction? Don’t worry, you are not alone! Nowadays, our phones accompany us everywhere, but it’s worth considering how much time they consume. Fortunately, there are ways to control this.

    Don’t worry, we’re not going to urge you to get rid of your phone (though that can sometimes be tempting). In this article, we’ll suggest how to monitor the time spent on your phone and which apps can help you with this. It’s all about gaining control and finding a healthy balance between being online and offline. It’s time to discover how you can better manage your digital world!

    1. Built-in features in operating systems

    iOS (iPhone)

    iPhone users can take advantage of the “Screen Time” feature available in the phone settings. This feature allows you to monitor the time spent in apps, the number of device unlocks, and the number of received notifications. You can also set time limits for individual apps, which is a great way to control usage.


    For Android users, features like “Digital Wellbeing” or “Digital Balance” are available. Similar to iOS, they allow you to track phone usage and set time limits. Additionally, some versions of Android offer a “Focus” mode that helps you concentrate on work by turning off notifications for a user-defined period.

    2. Apps to monitor time spent on your phone

    Moment (iOS)

    This app not only tracks the time spent on your phone but also offers challenges to help reduce usage. You can set time limits and receive notifications when you exceed them.

    QualityTime (Android)

    QualityTime provides detailed daily, weekly, and monthly reports, showing how much time you spend in individual apps. The app also allows you to set time limits and periods of non-use of the phone.

    StayFree (Android)

    StayFree is another app that helps track the time spent on your phone and offers features such as blocking applications after reaching a set limit. This is particularly useful if you want to restrict access to certain apps during specific hours.

    3. Analyzing Reports and Statistics

    Once you have data from built-in tools or apps, it’s worth reflecting on it. Consider which apps consume the most of your time. Are they social media, games, or perhaps news applications? It might be a good time to replace some of these activities with something more productive, like reading books or learning new skills.

    4. Mindful Phone Usage

    Once you know how to manage your screen time, it’s worth establishing a few rules:

    Offline Hours: Setting offline hours is an effective way to ensure you take breaks from the screen. Choose specific moments during the day when you consciously decide to put your phone down. This could be right before bed to avoid the effects of blue light on your sleep, or during meals to focus on eating and conversing with loved ones. You might also set a phone-free morning to start the day in a more relaxed manner. Regular breaks from technology help reduce stress and improve concentration.

    Turn Off Notifications: Notifications are one of the main sources of distraction. It’s worth reviewing your phone settings and turning off those that are not essential. You can keep only the most important ones, such as messages from family or reminders for important events. Turning off notifications helps avoid the constant checking of your phone and allows you to focus on current tasks. It’s also a good idea to set a “Do Not Disturb” mode during work or study time to minimize distractions.

    Weekend Digital Detox: A weekend digital detox is a great opportunity to take a break from technology and recharge. You can plan a phone-free weekend or limit its use to an absolute minimum. Use this time for offline activities such as walking outdoors, reading books, cooking, or spending time with family and friends. Such a detox helps reset the mind, reduce stress, and spend more quality time with loved ones.

    5. Coping with Phone Addiction

    Symptoms of Phone Addiction: Nomophobia, or the fear of not having access to a phone, manifests itself as anxiety, stress, excessive phone checking, neglecting daily responsibilities, and social isolation.


    Causes of addiction: Addiction to the phone often stems from the need for instant gratification provided by notifications and interactions on social media. The phone becomes a source of constant stimulation, leading to dopamine addiction.

    Ways to cope with addiction:

    1. Acknowledgment of the problem: Admitting to the addiction is the first step towards change. Tracking the time spent on the phone can help identify problematic habits.
    2. Setting limits: Set time limits for phone use and try to stick to them.
    3. Alternative activities: Find activities that bring you joy and engage you, such as sports, hobbies, or meeting with friends.
    4. Support from loved ones: Talking to loved ones about the problem can provide support and motivation.
    5. Professional help: In more severe cases, it is worth consulting a therapist specializing in technology addiction.

    Finally, it is worth emphasizing that any change in habits takes time and patience. Do not expect to completely change your approach to technology right away. Small steps, such as setting specific goals or gradually introducing screen breaks, can bring lasting benefits. With each day that you consciously manage your time, you gain greater control over your life and improve your well-being.

  • How to Scan Documents with Your Phone?

    W dzisiejszych czasach, gdy coraz więcej działań przenosimy do świata cyfrowego, umiejętność skanowania dokumentów za pomocą telefonu staje się niezwykle przydatna. Niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz przesłać ważny dokument do pracy, czy po prostu chcesz zachować cyfrową kopię dla siebie, skanowanie telefonem jest szybkie i łatwe. Poniżej znajdziesz kompleksowy przewodnik, jak skutecznie zeskanować dokument na telefonie z systemem Android oraz iOS.

  • The Best Accessories for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra: Straps, Cases, and Protective Glasses

    Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra is a technologically advanced smartwatch that stands out with its elegant design, advanced health and activity monitoring features, and high durability. Equipped with a bright AMOLED display, long battery life, and a wide range of fitness applications, this watch is an ideal tool for both sports enthusiasts and professionals. To fully utilize its potential and protect it from damage, it is worth investing in proper accessories. In this article, we will discuss the best available bands, cases, and protective glasses.

    What is the best sport band for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra?

    Original Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Marine Band

    The original Samsung band, also known as the Marine Band, has been designed for users leading an active lifestyle. Made from fluoroelastomer, a material known for its exceptional durability and flexibility, this band performs excellently in various weather conditions. It is resistant to sweat and water, making it an ideal choice for water sports enthusiasts and intense training. With its simple yet elegant design, the band fits various styles, both sporty and casual.

    Tech-Protect IconBand Pro

    The Tech-Protect IconBand Pro is an excellent option for those who value comfort and functionality. Made from high-quality silicone, this band is flexible and very comfortable to wear. Its modern design with ventilation holes ensures excellent air circulation, minimizing wrist sweating even during intense workouts. The IconBand Pro is available in various colors, allowing for personalization of the watch to match your own style.


    What elegant strap for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra?

    Strap Tech-Protect MilaneseBand 

    Tech-Protect MilaneseBand is a proposal for those looking for an elegant and sophisticated appearance. The strap is made from Milanese stainless steel mesh, giving it a classic and timeless character. Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, making the strap durable and resistant to everyday wear. The magnetic clasp allows for easy putting on and taking off the strap, as well as precise adjustment to the wrist. The MilaneseBand pairs perfectly with elegant outfits, but can also be worn daily, adding style to any look.

    What case to choose for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra?

    Case + Glass Ringke Slim and Tempered Glass

    Ringke Slim and Tempered Glass is a set that provides comprehensive protection for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra. The case is made of polycarbonate, a lightweight yet durable material that effectively protects the watch from scratches and impacts. The slim fit design makes the case almost invisible and does not significantly increase the size of the watch, preserving its elegant appearance. The set includes tempered glass, which further protects the screen from damage. This is the perfect solution for those who want to maximize the protection of their device while maintaining its aesthetics.

    Case Spigen Rugged Armor

    Spigen Rugged Armor is a case designed for maximum protection. Made of durable TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), this case offers excellent shock absorption and scratch protection. Its carbon fiber-inspired textured design adds a sporty character to the watch. Rugged Armor is the ideal choice for those leading an active lifestyle or working in tough conditions where the watch may be exposed to mechanical damage.

    Case Tech-Protect Defense360

    Tech-Protect Defense360 offers full 360-degree protection, safeguarding both the body and the screen of the watch. The case is made of a combination of polycarbonate and TPU, providing dual-layer protection against impacts, scratches, and other damage. The integrated screen cover does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality, making the use of the watch comfortable. Defense360 is the perfect solution for those who need comprehensive protection in tough conditions.

    Case Caseology Vault

    Caseology Vault is an elegant case made of TPU that offers subtle yet effective protection. The minimalist design with a delicate pattern on the surface provides good grip, preventing the watch from accidentally slipping out of your hand. This case perfectly complements elegant styles but also works well for everyday use, protecting the watch from light impacts and scratches. It is an excellent choice for those who value simplicity and functionality.

    What protective glass for Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra?

    Tempered Glass Ringke Tempered Glass

    Tempered glass Ringke for the Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra 47mm is a thin yet durable screen protector that effectively protects against scratches and impacts. It is precisely tailored to the 47mm model, ensuring a perfect fit and does not affect the watch’s functions. With an oleophobic coating, the glass reduces the visibility of fingerprints and smudges, making it easier to keep the screen clean. Installation is simple and does not cause air bubbles. It is an excellent way to enhance the durability and protection of the watch.

    Tempered Glass Hofi Glass Pro+

    Hofi Glass Pro+ is a high-quality tempered glass that offers the highest level of protection against scratches and impacts. With a hardness of 9H on the Mohs scale, this glass is extremely durable and effectively protects the watch screen from everyday threats. The oleophobic coating that the glass is covered with reduces fingerprints and makes it easier to keep the screen clean. It is the perfect choice for those looking for solid and long-lasting protection.

    Hybrid Glass GrizzGlass HybridGlass

    GrizzGlass HybridGlass is an innovative solution that combines the advantages of glass and protective film. It is thinner and more flexible than traditional tempered glass, making it less prone to cracks. HybridGlass offers high scratch resistance while adhering perfectly to the screen, ensuring full protection. It is the ideal choice for those seeking lightweight and discreet protection without compromising durability.

    Hydrogel Film GrizzGlass Hydrofilm

    Hydrogel Film GrizzGlass Hydrofilm is the latest technology in screen protection, offering flexibility and self-healing properties. Thanks to its self-healing ability, minor scratches on the film can disappear over time, extending its lifespan. Hydrofilm is virtually invisible and does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer discreet protection. This film excellently protects the screen from scratches and minor impacts while ensuring comfort of use.


    Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra is a versatile smartwatch that deserves the best accessories. Whether you need robust protection for everyday use, a stylish addition for special occasions, or functional solutions for intense workouts, the wide range of available bands, cases, and protective glasses allows you to customize the watch to your own needs and preferences. By investing in the right accessories, you not only protect your device but also personalize its appearance, adding style and functionality. Choose the best accessories and enjoy the full capabilities offered by Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra.

  • Which phone to choose for up to 1000 PLN in 2024?

    In 2024, the smartphone market offers a wide selection of devices that combine affordability with high quality of workmanship and functionality. Choosing a budget phone no longer means compromising on basic features – there are many models available that deliver excellent performance, attractive design, and modern features.

    Purchasing a smartphone within a budget of 1000 PLN is a challenge, especially considering the vast variety of models available on the market. To make an informed choice, it is worth paying attention to a few key aspects that can significantly impact the quality of device usage.

    What to Pay Attention to When Choosing a Phone Up to 1000 PLN?

    When choosing a phone for up to 1000 PLN, it’s worth carefully considering which features are most important to us. In this price range, you can find devices offering surprisingly good specifications and features that were only available in more expensive models a few years ago. The key is to find the right compromise between performance, screen quality, camera, and price.

    What Processor Performance Should You Choose ?

    The performance of the processor is a key element that affects the speed and smoothness of a phone’s operation. In this price range, the most commonly encountered processors are Qualcomm Snapdragon, MediaTek Helio, and Unisoc. The choice of the right processor depends on your needs. If you mainly use your phone for browsing the internet and using social media apps, a processor from the Snapdragon 680 series or MediaTek Helio G85 will be sufficient. For more advanced users who play games or use more demanding applications, a better choice would be the Snapdragon 695 or MediaTek Helio G96.

    Are Resolution and Screen Type Important?

    Definitely yes! The screen is the element you have the most contact with, so its quality is very important. In this price range, there are LCD IPS and AMOLED screens available. AMOLED screens offer better color reproduction and deeper blacks, which is ideal for watching movies. LCD IPS provides wide viewing angles and good brightness, making it a versatile choice. When it comes to resolution, it’s worth choosing a Full HD+ (1080 x 2400 pixels) screen, which offers a clear and sharp image. A refresh rate of 90Hz or 120Hz additionally improves visual smoothness.

    Which Battery to Choose and Is Fast Charging Important?

    The battery capacity determines how long the phone will last on a single charge. In this price range, you can find devices with batteries ranging from 4000mAh to 6000mAh, which is usually enough for a full day of intensive use. The fast charging feature is very useful, especially if you often use your phone and don’t have much time to charge it. It’s worth looking for models that offer fast charging with a power of at least 18W.

    How Important is Camera Quality?

    The quality of the camera is important if you enjoy taking photos and want them to be clear and detailed. Most phones in this price range offer cameras with resolutions ranging from 48MP to 108MP. It is also important to pay attention to additional lenses, such as ultra-wide or macro, which expand the photographic capabilities of the phone. The camera software, including night photography modes or HDR, also significantly affects the quality of the photos.

    Is Internal Memory and Expandability Crucial?

    Internal memory is crucial, especially if you plan to store a lot of photos, videos, and apps. The standard in this category is 64GB or 128GB of internal memory. The ability to expand memory using a microSD card is a big plus, as it allows for easy increase of available space.

    What Materials and Structures Are the Best?

    At this price, most phones have plastic bodies, but you can find models with metal elements that give a more premium look. It’s also worth paying attention to water resistance, although it is rarely found in this price range, basic splash resistance can be useful.

    Are Operating System and Updates Important?

    The operating system, most often Android, should be as up-to-date as possible to ensure access to the latest features and security. System and security updates are crucial as they provide protection against new threats and improve the overall performance of the phone.

    What Additional Features Are Useful?

    Additional features, such as a fingerprint reader, NFC for contactless payments, dual SIM, and ports (e.g., USB-C and a 3.5mm headphone jack) can greatly enhance the user experience of the phone. It is worth paying attention to these features, as they can significantly impact the daily use of the device.

    The Best Phones Under 1000 PLN in 2024

    Choosing a smartphone within a budget of 1000 PLN can be challenging, especially given the wide range of available models. To assist in making a decision, we have prepared a few recommendations that stand out for their good quality-to-price ratio.

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G

    Xiaomi The Redmi Note 13 5G is available in 6GB RAM + 128GB internal storage at a price of about 999 PLN.


    Redmi Note 13 5G It features a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution (1080×2400 pixels) and a 120Hz refresh rate, ensuring excellent image quality and smooth display. The heart of this smartphone is the MediaTek Dimensity 6080 processor, which combined with 6GB of RAM allows for smooth performance both when browsing the internet and when using more demanding applications.

    In the context of photography, the phone offers an advanced system of three cameras: a main 108MP camera, an 8MP ultra-wide camera, and a 2MP macro camera. This configuration allows for taking high-quality photos in various situations. Additionally, the 16MP front camera is perfect for taking selfies and making video calls.

    A 5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging guarantees a long usage time, which is a significant advantage for those who use their phone intensively. The device runs on Android 13 with MIUI 14 overlay, providing modern features and regular security updates.

    Samsung Galaxy A25 5G

    Samsung Galaxy A25 5G in 6GB RAM + 128GB internal storageIt costs 999 PLN. It is the most affordable option, perfect for users looking for good performance at a reasonable price.


    Galaxy A25 5G It is equipped with a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution (1080×2340 pixels) and a refresh rate of 120Hz, providing vibrant colors and smooth image rendering. This screen has a maximum brightness of 1000 nits, making it easily visible even in bright sunlight. The device is powered by the Exynos 1280 processor, supported by 6GB of RAM. The internal storage is 128GB, but it can be expanded with a microSD card up to 1TB.

    In terms of photography, the Galaxy A25 5G offers a triple camera system with a main 50MP sensor, an 8MP ultra-wide sensor, and a 2MP macro sensor. These cameras allow for versatile photography, from wide-angle landscapes to detailed shots. The 13MP front camera is perfect for selfies and video calls.

    The phone is equipped with a 5000mAh battery that supports 25W fast charging. This allows for long-lasting use of the device without the need for frequent charging. The Galaxy A25 5G runs on Android 14 with the One UI 6 overlay, which offers modern features and regular security updates.

    Motorola Edge 30 5G

    The Motorola Edge 30 5G is available in several variants, differing in the amount of RAM and internal memory. The price of the model with… 8GB RAM + 128GB internal storageIt starts from about 999 PLN.


    The Motorola Edge 30 5G is a mid-range smartphone that stands out with its 6.55-inch AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution (1080×2400 pixels). This screen offers a refresh rate of 144Hz, ensuring smooth image display, which is particularly appreciated when using social media and gaming. Its brightness reaches up to 700 nits, which is sufficient for comfortable use in most lighting conditions.

    The phone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G+ processor, which, combined with 6GB or 8GB of RAM, ensures smooth performance and multitasking. The device runs on Android 12 with a minimal MyUX overlay, meaning the interface is close to stock Android, with a few additional features like Moto Actions and Moto Display.

    In terms of photography, the Motorola Edge 30 5G offers a triple camera setup: a main 50MP camera with optical image stabilization (OIS), a 50MP ultra-wide camera, and a 2MP depth sensor. This configuration allows for taking detailed high-quality photos and recording videos in 4K resolution. The 32MP front camera is perfect for selfies and video calls.

    The phone is equipped with a 4020mAh battery that supports 33W fast charging. Thanks to this feature, the battery can be quickly charged, which is convenient for users who use their phone intensively. The Motorola Edge 30 5G also has features such as Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, and support for 5G, ensuring fast and stable internet connections.

    POCO X5 Pro

    POCO X5 Pro 5G in version 8GB RAM + 256GB internal storage can currently be found at a promotional price 999 PLN, This is a significant reduction compared to the regular price of around 1499 PLN.


    Poco X5 Pro It has a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution (1080×2400 pixels) and a refresh rate of 120Hz. The screen features high brightness, reaching up to 1200 nits, which ensures excellent visibility even in intense light. Thanks to AMOLED technology, the colors are vibrant and the contrast is deep.

    The device is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G processor, supported by 6GB or 8GB of RAM, which guarantees smooth operation of the system and applications. The internal memory is 128GB or 256GB, with the option to expand it using a microSD card.

    The main camera with a resolution of 108MP offers exceptional photo quality, especially in good lighting conditions. Additional lenses include an 8MP ultra-wide camera and a 2MP macro lens, allowing for a variety of shots, from wide-angle to macro photography.

    The 5000mAh battery supports 67W fast charging, allowing for quick energy replenishment. The device runs on Android 12 with the MIUI 14 overlay, providing modern features and regular updates.

    OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite

    OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G in Poland, in the variant 8GB RAM + 128GB internal storage, “can be purchased at a price of about” 800 PLN (Polish Zloty).


    The phone is equipped with a 6.72-inch IPS LCD display with a Full HD+ resolution (1080×2400 pixels) and a refresh rate of 120Hz. The screen features good brightness and vibrant colors, providing a comfortable user experience. The device has a slim design with a plastic back and is available in Pastel Lime and Chromatic Gray colors.

    The OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 processor, supported by 8GB of RAM. The internal storage is 128GB, with the option to expand via a microSD card up to 1TB, which is beneficial for users needing more data space.

    The phone features a triple camera setup, with the main sensor having a resolution of 108MP. The additional cameras include a 2MP for macro photos and a 2MP for depth detection. The front camera has 16MP, which is perfect for selfies and video calls.

    The device is equipped with a 5000mAh battery that supports 67W fast charging, allowing for quick energy replenishment. The phone operates on Android 13 with the OxygenOS 13 overlay.

    Samsung Galaxy M34 5G

    Samsung Galaxy M34 5G in version 6GB RAM + 128GB internal storage is available in Poland at a price of around 999 PLN.


    Galaxy M34 5G It has a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution (1080×2340 pixels) and a refresh rate of 120Hz. The screen delivers vibrant colors and high brightness, making it clearly visible even in bright light. The phone is equipped with Corning Gorilla Glass 5, which enhances its resistance to scratches and damage.
    The device is powered by the Exynos 1280 processor, which ensures smooth operation of the system and applications. The model available with 6GB of RAM offers sufficient power for everyday use. The internal storage is 128GB, with the option to expand it using a microSD card.

    The Galaxy M34 5G features a triple camera: a main sensor with a resolution of 50MP with optical image stabilization (OIS), an 8MP ultra-wide camera, and a 2MP macro camera. The 13MP front camera is perfect for selfies and video calls.

    The phone is equipped with a large 6000mAh battery that supports 25W fast charging. This allows the device to provide a long usage time on a single charge, making it ideal for heavy users.

    Summary of the strongest features of selected smartphones under 1000 PLN.

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G – Ideal for photography enthusiasts (108MP camera, MediaTek Dimensity 6080 processor, 120Hz AMOLED display, 5000mAh battery).

    Samsung Galaxy A25 5G – Excellent screen and solid performance (6.5″ Super AMOLED display, Exynos 1280 processor, 6GB RAM, 50MP camera).

    Motorola Edge 30 5G – Optimal for gamers and social media (144Hz AMOLED display, 50MP camera, 5G, Wi-Fi 6, NFC).

    POCO X5 Pro 5G – Performance and excellent display (120Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 778G processor, 8GB RAM, 108MP camera).

    OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G – Solid specifications at an affordable price (120Hz screen, Snapdragon 695 processor, 8GB RAM, 108MP camera).

    Samsung Galaxy M34 5G – Large battery and excellent display (6000mAh battery, 6.5″ Super AMOLED screen 120Hz, 50MP camera).

    Each of the mentioned models has its strengths, whether in terms of screen quality, performance, or photographic capabilities. It’s worth considering which features are most important to us – whether it’s long battery life, smooth operation, or perhaps advanced camera functions. With the variety of options available, everyone will find a phone perfectly suited to their expectations and lifestyle.

  • Why has the sale of Galaxy Buds 3 Pro been suspended?

    Premiere Samsung Galaxy Buds3 Pro

    Samsung, As part of the large Unpacked event on July 10, several new products were presented, including the latest models of foldable smartphones Galaxy Z Flip6 and Galaxy Z Fold6, as well as the advanced wireless headphones Galaxy Buds3 Pro. The Galaxy Buds3 Pro were set to introduce numerous improvements, including:

    • Advanced speaker systemA 2-way speaker system with a 10.5 mm dynamic speaker and a 6.1 mm planar speaker, providing higher sound quality.
    • Double amplifierFor better sound control.
    • Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)Adaptive ANC, which automatically adjusts the level of noise reduction.
    • Long battery lifeUp to 7 hours of music playback without ANC and up to 6 hours with ANC, with the possibility of extending up to 30 hours thanks to the charging case.
    • High resistance to water and dustIP57 certificate, which means resistance to dust and water.

    The price of the Galaxy Buds3 Pro during pre-sale was over 1000 zlotys. These headphones were supposed to be a breakthrough in the field of wireless audio devices, offering users excellent sound quality and a range of advanced features. Unfortunately, due to numerous construction and quality issues, the company… Samsung It has made the decision to temporarily suspend the sale of these devices. Below are the details regarding the issues that led to this decision, as well as the official statement from the company. Samsung.

    Problems with construction

    The most serious problem turned out to be the new design of the ear tips. The Galaxy Buds3 Pro use a hard plastic ring at the base of the silicone inserts. Many users reported that when removing the tips, the silicone material easily tore, leaving the plastic ring attached to the headphones. This issue turned out to be serious enough that Samsung decided to suspend sales and conduct thorough quality tests

    Other quality issues

    In addition to issues with the earbud tips, quality control revealed a number of other defects, such as:

    • Uneven joints
    • Blue traces of dye
    • Loose case hinges
    • Scratches on the case cover.

    These defects caused that Samsung He had to reassess the production process to ensure that the devices meet the highest quality standards.

    Official statement from Samsung

    Samsung issued an official statement in which he apologized to customers for the inconveniences and informed them about the steps taken to resolve the issues:

    “In light of reports regarding the limited number of Galaxy Buds3 Pro devices produced at an early stage, we want to assure you that we take this matter very seriously. As we strive to ensure that our products meet the highest standards, we are evaluating and improving our production processes. To ensure that our devices meet the highest quality standards, we have temporarily suspended the delivery of Galaxy Buds3 Pro in order to conduct a thorough quality control assessment before delivering them to consumers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.” – Samsung

    User reaction

    Many users who have already ordered headphones have been informed about delays that may last for several weeks. Samsung He assured that the headphones will return to sale after August 28, after eliminating all defects and conducting a more rigorous quality control.

    The future of Galaxy Buds3 Pro

    After resolving the construction and quality issues, the Galaxy Buds3 Pro have a chance to return to the market as advanced and reliable devices. Samsung I plan to implement more demanding quality control procedures to ensure that the product meets customer expectations and is worth its price, which is not among the lowest.

    What about the Galaxy Buds3?

    In the meantime, the standard Galaxy Buds3, which have not encountered any quality issues, are available as planned. The Galaxy Buds3 offer high sound quality and solid features, and their price is around 800 zlotys.
    These headphones went on sale on July 24 and are enjoying great interest from users.

    Galaxy Buds3 are equipped with a single 11 mm dynamic speaker and a single amplifier. They feature three microphones with VPU technology, an IP57 certification ensuring water and dust resistance, as well as a swipe and pinch control function. The battery life is up to 6 hours of music playback with ANC and up to 30 hours with the charging case.


    Despite advanced features and a promising specification, the Galaxy Buds3 Pro encountered serious design and quality issues that forced the company Samsung to suspend sales. The company has taken steps to improve the production process and ensure that future batches of devices will be free from defects. Meanwhile, the Galaxy Buds3 are available on the market and offer solid features and high sound quality, making them an attractive choice for consumers.

  • The best case for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6

    Dlaczego Ochrona Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 jest Kluczowa?

    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 to jedno z najbardziej innowacyjnych i zaawansowanych technologicznie urządzeń dostępnych na rynku. Jego wyjątkowa konstrukcja, łącząca w sobie zalety smartfona i tabletu, przyciąga uwagę i zachwyca użytkowników na całym świecie.

    Nowy Z Fold 6 wyróżnia się unikalnym połączeniem elastycznego ekranu wewnętrznego oraz tradycyjnego ekranu zewnętrznego. Ta zaawansowana budowa sprawia, że urządzenie jest bardziej podatne na uszkodzenia mechaniczne, zarysowania oraz inne codzienne zagrożenia. Dodatkowo, wysoka cena tego modelu sprawia, że odpowiednia ochrona jest absolutnie niezbędna, aby uniknąć kosztownych napraw i cieszyć się długotrwałym użytkowaniem.

    W dalszej części artykułu przyjrzymy się najnowszym i najlepszym etui dostępnym dla Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6. Dowiesz się, jakie akcesoria warto wybrać, aby skutecznie chronić to zaawansowane urządzenie i zapewnić mu długą żywotność.

    Jakie Najlepsze Etui do Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6?

    Wybór odpowiedniego etui do Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 jest kluczowy, aby zapewnić pełną ochronę oraz komfort użytkowania. W tej sekcji przedstawiamy najnowsze i najlepsze etui dostępne na rynku, które doskonale zabezpieczą Twój Z Fold 6.

    1. Etui Tech-Protect Wallet Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Black

    Etui Tech-Protect Wallet to eleganckie rozwiązanie dla osób ceniących sobie funkcjonalność i styl. Wykonane z wysokiej jakości materiałów, oferuje nie tylko ochronę, ale także wygodne przegródki na karty oraz kieszeń na gotówkę. Czarny kolor dodaje klasycznego wyglądu, a pełne pokrycie zapewnia ochronę zarówno ekranu, jak i tyłu telefonu. Dodatkowo, etui wyposażone jest w magnes, który zapewnia bezpieczne zamknięcie, a wycięcia na porty i przyciski umożliwiają łatwy dostęp do wszystkich funkcji telefonu. Jego precyzyjne wykonanie sprawia, że idealnie pasuje do Galaxy Z Fold 6, oferując zarówno praktyczność, jak i estetykę.


    2. Etui Spigen Airskin Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 

    Etui Spigen Airskin to doskonała opcja dla tych, którzy chcą zachować smukłość i oryginalny wygląd swojego Galaxy Z Fold 6. Ultra cienkie i lekkie, dostępne w wersjach przezroczystej (Crystal Clear) i czarnej (Black), etui chroni przed zarysowaniami i drobnymi uszkodzeniami, nie dodając zbędnej grubości. Wykonane z wytrzymałego materiału, zapewnia solidną ochronę, jednocześnie nie zakłócając estetyki urządzenia. Dzięki precyzyjnym wycięciom, użytkownicy mają łatwy dostęp do wszystkich portów i przycisków. Etui jest również kompatybilne z bezprzewodowym ładowaniem, co dodaje mu dodatkowej funkcjonalności i wygody.

    3. Etui Spigen Slim Armor Pro Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6

    Etui Spigen Slim Armor Pro oferuje wyjątkową ochronę dzięki swojej wytrzymałej konstrukcji. Wyposażone w podwójną warstwę ochronną i wzmocnione narożniki, zapewnia doskonałą ochronę przed upadkami i uderzeniami. Czarny kolor dodaje urządzeniu eleganckiego i nowoczesnego wyglądu. Etui zostało zaprojektowane z myślą o maksymalnej ochronie, wykorzystując technologie takie jak Air Cushion Technology, która absorbuje wstrząsy. Dodatkowo, antypoślizgowa powierzchnia zapewnia pewny chwyt, a precyzyjne wycięcia pozwalają na łatwy dostęp do wszystkich funkcji telefonu. Etui Slim Armor Pro to idealne połączenie stylu i bezpieczeństwa.

    4. Etui Spigen Tough Armor Pro Pen Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6

    Spigen Tough Armor Pro Pen to solidne etui zaprojektowane z myślą o maksymalnej ochronie i funkcjonalności. Dzięki technologii absorbującej wstrząsy i zintegrowanemu uchwytowi na rysik (Pen), jest idealnym wyborem dla osób korzystających z rysika Samsung. Etui oferuje podwójną warstwę ochronną, z wzmocnionymi narożnikami, które chronią przed upadkami i uderzeniami. Czarny kolor nadaje urządzeniu elegancki i profesjonalny wygląd. Dodatkowo, etui posiada precyzyjne wycięcia na porty i przyciski, co zapewnia łatwy dostęp do wszystkich funkcji telefonu. Tough Armor Pro Pen łączy w sobie praktyczność i estetykę, czyniąc go idealnym wyborem dla wymagających użytkowników.

    Wybór odpowiedniego etui do Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 zależy od Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb i stylu życia. Niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz etui funkcjonalnego, minimalistycznego, czy zapewniającego maksymalną ochronę, wśród przedstawionych propoycji z pewnością znajdziesz coś dla siebie. Pamiętaj, że odpowiednie etui nie tylko zabezpieczy Twój telefon przed uszkodzeniami, ale także doda mu elegancji i nowoczesnego wyglądu.

    Zapewnij swojemu Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 najlepszą ochronę i ciesz się jego wyjątkową konstrukcją przez wiele lat!

  • New Galaxy Z Fold 6 vs Galaxy Z Fold 5: Specification and Price Comparison

    New Galaxy Z Fold 6 vs Galaxy Z Fold 5

    The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, which premiered on July 10, 2024, is the latest addition to Samsung’s line of foldable smartphones. It was unveiled at the annual Galaxy Unpacked event, bringing numerous improvements over its predecessor, the Galaxy Z Fold 5, which debuted on July 27, 2023. In this article, we will examine the specifications of the new model in detail and compare it to the Galaxy Z Fold 5.

    Comparison of Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5


    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 features a 6.3-inch external display, made with Dynamic AMOLED 2X technology, with a resolution of 2376 x 968 pixels and a brightness of 2600 nits. The adaptive refresh rate ranges from 1 to 120Hz, ensuring smooth and clear display of content. The main screen has a diagonal of 7.6 inches, a resolution of 2160 x 1856 pixels and a brightness of 2600 nits, also with an adaptive refresh rate of 1~120Hz. In comparison, the Galaxy Z Fold 5 offers a 6.2-inch external screen with a resolution of 2316 x 904 pixels and a brightness of 1750 nits, while the main screen has a 7.6-inch diagonal, a resolution of 2176 x 1812 pixels and a brightness of 1750 nits. The difference in brightness is significant, making the Z Fold 6 more readable in bright sunlight.


    The new Galaxy Z Fold 6 is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, which offers significantly improved performance compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 used in the Galaxy Z Fold 5. As a result, users can expect faster and smoother performance from the device, especially when using demanding apps and games. CPU performance has been increased by 18% and GPU performance by 19%, resulting in a better user experience.

    Weight and Dimensions

    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 weighs 239 grams, making it lighter than the Galaxy Z Fold 5, which weighs 253 grams. The Galaxy Z Fold 6, when folded, measures 153.5 x 68.1 x 12.1 mm, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 measures 154.9 x 67.1 x 13.4 mm. When unfolded, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 measures 153.5 x 132.6 x 5.6 mm, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 measures 154.9 x 129.9 x 6.1 mm. So the new model is not only lighter, but also slimmer, which improves the user experience.


    Both models have a 4400 mAh battery, but the Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers up to 23 hours of video playback and up to 77 hours of music playback, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 provides up to 21 hours of video playback and up to 73 hours of music playback. As a result, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers longer battery life on a single charge, a significant advantage for those who use the device throughout the day. In addition, both models support fast wired charging, wireless charging and charge-back for quick and convenient energy replenishment.


    In terms of camera specifications, both models are similar. Both the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5 have a 10 MP front external camera, a 4 MP hidden camera under the display, a 50 MP wide-angle rear camera, a 10 MP telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom and a 12 MP ultra-wide-angle camera. However, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers additional AI features that improve the quality of photos and video, an advantage over its predecessor. New AI features such as AI Zoom, Photo Assist, and Nightography allow you to take better photos in difficult lighting conditions and make it easier to edit and enhance photos.

    Other Features

    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers the latest Galaxy AI features that are not available on the Galaxy Z Fold 5. In addition, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 introduces Samsung Wallet, which enables easier management of mobile payments. Both models are compatible with the S Pen stylus and offer Flex Mode, Samsung Health and Samsung Care+, providing users with additional tools to manage their data and apps.

    AI features on the Z Fold 6 camera

    • AI Zoom: Allows you to take photos with better zoom, providing clearer and more detailed images.
    • Photo Assist: Uses AI to fill in backgrounds, move, resize or remove unwanted objects in photos, making it easier to edit and enhance photos.

    Productivity-enhancing features

    • Interpreter: An offline feature that translates conversations in real time, which is extremely useful when traveling or in situations where internet access is limited.
    • Live Translate: Facilitates communication by translating conversations in real time, which is especially useful for international calls.

    These advanced AI features make the Galaxy Z Fold6 not only a powerful device for everyday use, but also an intelligent assistant for many aspects of the user’s life

    Prices of Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5

    Galaxy Z Fold 6

    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 is available in several memory variants, and its prices in Poland are:

    • 256GB: about 8699 PLN
    • 512GB: about 9249 PLN
    • 1TB
    • : about 10299 PLN

    Galaxy Z Fold 5

    The current prices of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 in Poland also depend on the chosen memory variant:

    • 256GB: about 6999

    • 512GB: about 7499

    • 1TB
    • : about 8299

    Prices may vary depending on the retailer and available promotions.


    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 makes significant improvements over the Galaxy Z Fold 5, including better screen brightness, a more powerful processor and additional AI features, making it a more advanced and versatile device. It is lighter and slimmer, which improves the user experience, and offers longer battery life. For users looking for the latest technology and superior performance, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 is definitely a better choice.


    See a detailed comparison of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5. Learn about the differences in specifications, performance, AI features and pricing. Which model to choose

    Check out a detailed comparison of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5. Learn about the differences in specs, performance, AI features and prices. Which model to choose 000JG6KFH3XFEO7Y-C461-F4.jpg New Galaxy Z Fold 6 vs Galaxy Z Fold 5: Specification and Price Comparison New Galaxy Z Fold 6 vs Galaxy Z Fold 5: Specification and Price Comparison – Home Screen Blog new-galaxy-z-fold-6-vs-galaxy-z-fold-5-comparison-specs-and-prices andlt;![CDATA[


    The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, which premiered on July 10, 2024, is the latest addition to Samsung’s line of foldable smartphones. It was unveiled at the annual Galaxy Unpacked event, bringing numerous improvements over its predecessor, the Galaxy Z Fold 5, which debuted on July 27, 2023. In this article, we will examine the specifications of the new model in detail and compare it to the Galaxy Z Fold 5.

    Comparison of Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5


    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 has a 6.3-inch external display, made with Dynamic AMOLED 2X technology, with a resolution of 2376 x 968 pixels and a brightness of 2600 nits. The adaptive refresh rate ranges from 1 to 120Hz, ensuring smooth and clear display of content. The main screen has a diagonal of 7.6 inches, a resolution of 2160 x 1856 pixels and a brightness of 2600 nits, also with an adaptive refresh rate of 1~120Hz. In comparison, the Galaxy Z Fold 5 offers a 6.2-inch external screen with a resolution of 2316 x 904 pixels and a brightness of 1750 nits, while the main screen has a 7.6-inch diagonal, a resolution of 2176 x 1812 pixels and a brightness of 1750 nits. The difference in brightness is significant, making the Z Fold 6 more readable in bright sunlight.


    The new Galaxy Z Fold 6 is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, which offers significantly improved performance compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 used in the Galaxy Z Fold 5. As a result, users can expect faster and smoother performance from the device, especially when using demanding apps and games. CPU performance has been increased by 18% and GPU performance by 19%, resulting in a better user experience.

    Weight and Dimensions

    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 weighs 239 grams, making it lighter than the Galaxy Z Fold 5, which weighs 253 grams. The Galaxy Z Fold 6, when folded, measures 153.5 x 68.1 x 12.1 mm, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 measures 154.9 x 67.1 x 13.4 mm. When unfolded, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 measures 153.5 x 132.6 x 5.6 mm, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 measures 154.9 x 129.9 x 6.1 mm. So the new model is not only lighter, but also slimmer, which improves the user experience.


    Both models have a 4400 mAh battery, but the Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers up to 23 hours of video playback and up to 77 hours of music playback, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 provides up to 21 hours of video playback and up to 73 hours of music playback. As a result, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers longer battery life on a single charge, a significant advantage for those who use the device throughout the day. In addition, both models support fast wired charging, wireless charging and charge-back for quick and convenient energy replenishment.


    In terms of camera specifications, both models are similar. Both the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5 have a 10 MP front external camera, a 4 MP hidden camera under the display, a 50 MP wide-angle rear camera, a 10 MP telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom and a 12 MP ultra-wide-angle camera. However, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers additional AI features that improve the quality of photos and video, an advantage over its predecessor. New AI features such as AI Zoom, Photo Assist, and Nightography allow you to take better photos in difficult lighting conditions and make it easier to edit and enhance photos.

    Other Features

    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers the latest Galaxy AI features that are not available on the Galaxy Z Fold 5. In addition, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 introduces Samsung Wallet, which enables easier management of mobile payments. Both models are compatible with the S Pen stylus and offer Flex Mode, Samsung Health and Samsung Care+, providing users with additional tools to manage their data and apps.

    AI features on the Z Fold 6 camera

    1. AI Zoom: Allows you to take photos with better zoom, providing clearer and more detailed images.
    2. Photo Assist
    3. Uses AI to fill in backgrounds, move, resize or remove unwanted objects in photos, making it easier to edit and enhance photos.

    Productivity-enhancing features

    1. Interpreter: An offline feature that translates conversations in real time, which is extremely useful when traveling or in situations where internet access is limited.
    2. Live Translate: Facilitates communication by translating conversations on the fly, which is especially useful for international calls

    These advanced AI features make the Galaxy Z Fold6 not only a powerful device for everyday use, but also an intelligent assistant for many aspects of the user’s life

    Prices of Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 5

    Galaxy Z Fold 6

    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 is available in several memory variants, and its prices in Poland are:

    • 256GB: about 8699 PLN
    • 512GB: about 9249 PLN

    • 1TB
    • : about 10299 PLN

    Galaxy Z Fold 5

    The current prices of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 in Poland also depend on the chosen memory variant:

    • 256GB: about £6999
    • 512GB: about £7499

    • 1TB
    • : about £8299

    Prices may vary depending on the retailer and available promotions.


    The Galaxy Z Fold 6 makes significant improvements over the Galaxy Z Fold 5, including better screen brightness, a more powerful processor and additional AI features, making it a more advanced and versatile device. It is lighter and slimmer, which improves the user experience, and offers longer battery life. For users looking for the latest technology and superior performance, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 is definitely a better choice.

  • Best Waterproof Phone Cases

    Best Waterproof Phone Cases

    Looking for a waterproof phone case? Discover the best models that protect against splashes and moisture. Check out our range and choose the perfect case for you. Learn more about the differences between waterproof and waterproof cases.

    Waterproof Phone Cases – Perfect for Holiday Adventures.

    Summer is in full swing, and that means a time for holiday adventures, beachcombing and trips to the water. At such times, protecting our phone becomes even more important. Who would want to spoil their vacation over a flooded smartphone? A waterproof case is a great solution that will allow you to enjoy your vacation without stressing about your device. In this article, we’ll talk about the differences between waterproof and waterproof cases and show you some great models available in the Home Screen store.

    Differences Between Waterproof and Waterproof Phone Cases

    Waterproof Phone Case

    • Splash Resistance: A waterproof case protects your phone from accidental splashes, rain or moisture. It is ideal for everyday use, as it provides protection in situations such as accidentally spilling a drink or using your phone in the rain.
    • Short-Term Water Contact:

    A waterproof case

    • can withstand short-term water contact, but is not intended for long-term immersion.
    • Limited Protection: While it provides basic protection from moisture, it is not recommended for use in extreme water conditions such as swimming or scuba diving.

    Waterproof Phone Case

    • Full water protection: The waterproof case offers full protection from water, even during prolonged immersion.
    • It is ideal for use during swimming, diving or other water sports.
    • Immersion protection: These types of cases are designed to keep water out under any conditions, keeping your phone safe even at great depths.

    For more information on waterproof phone cases, check out this article on Home Screen: Which is the best waterproof phone case to choose?

    Why Choose a Waterproof Case?

    A waterproof case is a great solution for people who need protection from moisture and accidental splashes, but don’t plan on submerging their phone in water for long periods of time. Such a case offers excellent day-to-day protection, providing peace of mind in situations where the phone may be exposed to water.

    Here are some reasons why you should opt for a waterproof case:

    1. splash and rain protection

    Daily life is full of surprises, and accidental splashes or sudden rainfall can happen to anyone. A waterproof case protects your phone from moisture, providing peace of mind in such situations. Whether you’re out for a walk or on your way to work, your device will be safe.

    2 Perfect for Holidays and Outdoor Activities

    During vacations and outdoor activities, your phone is exposed to water. A waterproof case is ideal for the beach, poolside, hiking or biking. It provides protection against sand, mud and accidental drops, which is especially important in demanding conditions.

    3. Durable Construction and Damage Protection

    Waterproof cases such as the IP68 Tech-Protect Shellbox are made of durable materials that provide protection against shocks, drops and scratches. The sturdy construction absorbs impacts, protecting your phone from mechanical damage.

    4. dustproof

    In addition to protection from water, the waterproof case also provides protection from dust and dirt. This is especially useful in environments where your phone may be exposed to dust, such as during construction, gardening or nature excursions.

    5 Full Functionality and Easy Access

    Waterproof cases are designed not to limit the functionality of the phone. With a precise fit, they provide easy access to all ports, buttons and functions of your device. You can freely use the camera, charge the phone or plug in headphones without removing the case.

    6 Stylish Appearance

    Modern waterproof cases are available in a variety of colors and designs, allowing you to personalize the look of your phone. You can choose a case that is not only functional, but also stylish and according to your taste.

    Best Waterproof Phone Cases from the Home Screen Store

    Tech-Protect Shellbox IP68

    At the Home Screen store, we recommend the Tech-Protect Shellbox waterproof case, which fits Apple iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 11, as well as iPhone SE 2022, SE 2020, 8 and 7. This black case combines style with functionality, offering reliable protection for various iPhone models.

    The Tech-Protect Shellbox IP68 is IP68 certified, guaranteeing full waterproof and dustproof protection. It is ideal for holiday adventures and everyday use, protecting your phone from accidental splashes, water immersion and dirt. The case’s sturdy construction makes it shock and drop resistant, further protecting your device.

    Precisely tailored to fit the iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 11, iPhone SE 2022, SE 2020, 8 and 7, the case provides easy access to all ports and buttons, maintaining the full functionality of your phone. With a sleek design and high-quality materials, the IP68 Tech-Protect Shellbox not only protects, but also adds style to your device.

    USAMS 7 Inch Waterproof Case YD010

    The USAMS YD010 case, is an excellent choice for devices up to 7 inches, such as tablets and larger smartphones. This elegant and functional case provides reliable protection in all conditions.

    The USAMS YD010 case is distinguished by its high quality workmanship, offering full water resistance, making it ideal for vacation trips, beach trips, water sports and rainy days. Thanks to its sturdy construction, the case effectively protects the device from dust, sand and dirt, which is especially useful in harsh environments.

    An additional advantage of the USAMS YD010 case is its durability. Made of durable materials, it provides protection against shocks and drops, minimizing the risk of damage to the device. The transparent window on the front of the case allows you to use the touchscreen without removing the device, which is very convenient for everyday use. The solid closure ensures that the case remains tight and secure, even in the most demanding conditions.

    The versatility of the USAMS YD010 case makes it fit a wide range of devices up to 7 inches, making it an extremely versatile choice. Whether you’re planning an active vacation on the water or need solid protection for everyday use, the USAMS YD010 case will keep your device completely safe and protected.

    Baseus Slide-Cover Universal Waterproof Case

    This case fits most smartphones, offering full water resistance with IP68 certification. Ideal for vacations and everyday use, it provides protection against water, dust and shocks.

    The Baseus Slide-Cover is distinguished by an innovative sliding closure mechanism that guarantees a tight seal and easy access to the phone. The transparent window allows you to use the touchscreen without removing the device, and the sturdy construction protects against drops and bumps. The sleek design adds a touch of style, making this case not only a functional, but also a visually appealing choice.

    Baseus Let’s Go Universal Waterproof Case

    With a waterproof case from Baseus, you no longer have to worry about the safety of your phone. This case will allow you to take your phone anywhere you want without worrying about damaging it.

    Baseus has made sure that you can dive with your phone even to a depth of 30 meters thanks to its IPX8 protection. The case’s ultra-transparent and touch-sensitive shell allows you to take photos and videos underwater without losing any of your phone’s functionality. Now you can capture amazing moments from your underwater adventures without any distractions.

    The case consists of a sturdy cover, a strong clasp, a secure latch and an additional lockable strap. With this multi-layered protection, your phone will stay dry and safe, even in the most demanding conditions. You can take a dip in the water without worry, knowing that your device is protected from every drop of water.

    Practical Ugreen Waterproof Phone Case

    The UGREEN case provides reliable protection from water, allowing you to dive with your phone at depths of up to 10 meters. Without worrying about water getting inside, you can enjoy your water adventures and keep your device fully functional.

    The special material of the case allows you to use the touchscreen without any problems. Closed in the case, the smartphone works as smoothly as ever, allowing you to take full advantage of its functions even underwater. Thanks to the PVC film, the case does not deteriorate the quality of photos, and also allows you to make phone calls without losing sound quality.


    Choosing the right waterproof case is crucial to protect your phone during holiday adventures and everyday activities. Both the Tech-Protect Shellbox IP68 case and the Baseus Let’s Go or UGREEN universal cases offer reliable protection against water, dust and mechanical damage. Thanks to them, you can use your smartphone on the beach, by the pool or while diving without worry.

    Each of these cases provides full touchscreen functionality, high-quality photos and the ability to make phone calls without interference. By choosing one of these solutions, you gain peace of mind and the assurance that your phone is safe in all conditions. Check out the offer in the Home Screen store and choose the case that best meets your needs. Enjoy summer, water adventures and reliable protection for your device!