Author: Monika

  • How to protect the iPhone 16 screen? A review of protective glasses.

    Selection of glass and protective film for iPhone 16 – guide

    On September 9, the long-awaited iPhone 16 will be released, and you can already take care of the screen protection for this flagship smartphone by choosing the right protective glass or film. The choice can be difficult, especially between tempered glass, hybrid glass, and protective film, which is why we have prepared a guide to help you make the right decision. Proper protection is an investment that will help avoid costly repairs and keep the screen in perfect condition for a long time.

    Which protective glass to choose for iPhone 16? Tempered, hybrid, or film?

    Before you decide to make a purchase, it’s worth knowing the differences between the most popular screen protection options – tempered glass, hybrid glass, and protective film. Each of them has unique features that make them better suited to different user needs. Below we will discuss each type of protection and help you decide which option is best for you.

    Tempered Glass – Maximum Screen Protection

    Tempered Glass for iPhone 16 is one of the most frequently chosen options, especially for those who want to provide their phone with maximum protection against drops, impacts, and scratches. It is made of specially hardened glass with a hardness of 9H (on the Mohs scale), which means it can withstand contact even with sharp objects like keys or coins. Tempered glass perfectly absorbs impact energy, protecting the screen from cracks.

    Example: MyScreen Diamond Glass Edge FG Tempered Glass for Apple iPhone 16 black is a high-quality product that protects not only against scratches but also against cracks due to falls. Its black frame perfectly complements the device’s appearance, while precise cutouts for the front camera and sensors ensure that the glass fits perfectly to the iPhone 16 screen. Thanks to the oleophobic coating, the glass effectively reduces smudges and fingerprints, keeping the screen clean and clear.
    tempered glass iPhone 16 tempered glass my screen diamonds iPhone 16

    Example: Tempered glass Hofi Glass Pro+ Apple iPhone 16 Clear [2 PACK] offers excellent protection and durability, and the set includes two glasses, providing additional security for the future. This product stands out with a hardness of 9H and high transparency, ensuring that the display image remains sharp and clear, with top sensitivity. It is a great choice for those looking for complete screen protection.
    tempered glass Hofi iPhone 16 tempered glass Hofi Glass Pro+ iPhone 16

    Hybrid Glass – Flexibility and Protection

    Hybrid Glass for iPhone 16 is an innovative solution that combines the features of tempered glass and the flexibility of a protective film. As a result, it is thinner and more flexible than traditional tempered glass, making it easier to fit the shape of the screen. Hybrid glass is scratch-resistant and less prone to cracking, making it an excellent compromise between protection and aesthetics. Although it has slightly lower hardness than tempered glass, it still offers solid protection against minor impacts.

    Example: Hybrid Glass 3MK FlexibleGlass Max Apple iPhone 16 is a thin and flexible product that, despite its subtle construction, provides a high level of screen protection. Its hardness is 7H, which is sufficient to protect the screen from most daily scratches. FlexibleGlass Max not only adheres perfectly to the screen but also provides excellent clarity, ensuring that the colors displayed on the iPhone 16 screen are vibrant and natural.
    hybrid glass 3MK Apple iPhone 16hybrid glass 3MK iPhone 16

    Protective film – thin and subtle protection

    For those who prefer minimalism, the protective film for iPhone 16 is an excellent choice. It is the thinnest option that effectively protects the screen from scratches and smudges, while practically not increasing the thickness of the device. The protective film is valued by users who want to maintain the original look of the phone without visible additional protective layers. Although it does not offer the same impact resistance as tempered glass, it is ideal for protecting against everyday scratches.

    Example: Protective film 3MK ARC+ Apple iPhone 16 is a product that guarantees full coverage of the screen, including the rounded edges. The flexible construction of the film makes it easy to apply, leaving no air bubbles. The film is extremely thin, which means it does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality. It works perfectly as a subtle protection against scratches.

    protective film iPhone 16protective film 3MK Apple iPhone 16

    Additional protection options – matte and antibacterial films 

    Some products offer additional features that may be useful for users looking for more specialized protection. It’s worth considering matte films that reduce glare and antibacterial films that enhance hygiene during use.

    Matte film – glare reduction and better user comfort 

    Matte protective film for iPhone 16 is an excellent choice for those who frequently use their phone outdoors or in bright lighting. The matte surface of the film effectively minimizes glare and reflections, significantly enhancing the comfort of using the device in sunlight or under bright lights. Additionally, this film protects against scratches, providing long-lasting screen protection.

    Example: Matte film 3MK SilkyMatt Pro Apple iPhone 16 eliminates reflections while providing a smooth, satin surface that enhances the tactile experience when using the phone. The matte texture of the film not only reduces light reflections but also makes the screen less prone to smudges and fingerprints, resulting in better appearance and user comfort.

    matte film 3mk Apple iPhone 16matte film Apple iPhone 16

    Antibacterial Protective Film – Screen Hygiene First

    In today’s world, maintaining hygiene is particularly important, which is why an antibacterial protective film for the iPhone 16 can be an excellent solution for people who frequently touch their phone in various conditions. These types of films have special coatings that kill bacteria and microorganisms, providing additional hygienic protection.

    Example: Antimicrobial Protective Film 3MK SilverProtect+ for Apple iPhone 16 is an advanced product that not only protects the screen from scratches but also neutralizes bacteria, providing additional protection. This is the ideal solution for people who frequently use their phone in public places while ensuring the cleanliness of the screen.

    antimicrobial protective film 3mk Apple iPhone 16antimicrobial film iPhone 16

    Privacy Tempered Glass – Privacy and Screen Protection

    For those who value privacy, privacy tempered glass for iPhone 16 is the perfect solution. The privacy glass has a special coating that makes the content displayed on the screen visible only at a certain angle, protecting your private information from prying eyes.

    Example: UNIQ Optix Privacy Tempered Glass for Apple iPhone 16 not only provides a high level of protection for the screen against scratches and cracks but also protects your privacy in public places. Thanks to the darkening of the screen at an angle, the information displayed on the phone is visible only to you, making this glass an excellent choice for those concerned about data security.

    Matte Glass – Perfect Protection Without Glare

    Matte Glass for iPhone 16 is a product for those who want to eliminate glare on the screen while providing full protection against mechanical damage. The matte surface of the glass makes using the phone in bright lighting much more comfortable.

    Example: UNIQ Optix Matte Glass for Apple iPhone 16 not only eliminates glare but also provides solid protection against scratches and drops. Its matte surface enhances the comfort of using the phone outdoors while giving the screen a modern look.

    matte glass Apple iPhone 16matte glass uniq optix Matte Apple 16

    Summary: How to Choose the Best Screen Protector for iPhone 16?

    Choosing the right screen protector for iPhone 16 depends on your individual needs and preferences. Tempered glass for iPhone 16 is the best solution if you are looking for maximum protection against drops and scratches. With a hardness of 9H, tempered glass effectively protects the screen from mechanical damage, and additional options such as privacy glass or matte glass provide even greater user comfort.

    If you value flexibility and a subtler look, hybrid glass for iPhone 16 will be the ideal compromise between durability and aesthetics. It combines the strength of glass with the flexibility of film, making it scratch-resistant while also easy to apply.

    For those preferring the thinnest and lightest options, protective films for iPhone 16 offer excellent protection against scratches and smudges, while maintaining an almost invisible appearance. Additional options such as matte or antibacterial films can provide even greater user comfort and hygiene.

    Regardless of which solution you choose, each of these options effectively protects the screen of your iPhone 16, ensuring its longer lifespan and an aesthetic look for everyday use.

  • Case Spigen for iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max – Review of the Best Models

    iPhone 16 Pro/iPhone 16 Pro Max

    Premiera iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max – Zadbaj o Ochronę Swojego Nowego Urządzenia dzięki Etui Spigen

    Premiera iPhone 16 odbędzie się 9 września 2024 roku podczas wielkiego wydarzenia Apple w Apple Park w Cupertino. Wydarzenie będzie transmitowane na żywo na stronie Apple, w aplikacji Apple TV oraz na YouTube. Nowe modele, wyposażone w większe wyświetlacze, ulepszony procesor A18 Bionic i innowacyjne funkcje fotograficzne, przyciągną uwagę fanów technologii na całym świecie.

    Aby zadbać o ochronę nowego iPhone’a, warto rozważyć zakup etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro i etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro Max. Firma Spigen od lat oferuje jedne z najlepszych akcesoriów ochronnych na rynku, które nie tylko zabezpieczają, ale i dodają elegancji urządzeniom. W tym artykule przedstawiamy przegląd najlepszych modeli etui Spigen, które doskonale sprawdzą się do ochrony iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max.

    Dlaczego warto wybrać
    etui Spigen do iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max?

    1. Ochrona na najwyższym poziomie

    Spigen od lat stawia na najnowocześniejsze technologie ochronne, takie jak Air Cushion Technology, która zapewnia absorpcję wstrząsów i chroni telefon przed upadkami. Dzięki wytrzymałym materiałom, takim jak poliwęglan i TPU, etui skutecznie chronią telefon przed codziennymi zagrożeniami, takimi jak zarysowania, uderzenia, czy przypadkowe upadki. Dodatkowo wzmocnione narożniki etui oferują dodatkową ochronę, minimalizując ryzyko uszkodzeń.

    2. Dopasowany design do najnowszych modeli iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max

    Etui Spigen jest zaprojektowane z myślą o idealnym dopasowaniu do najnowszych modeli iPhone’a. Precyzyjne wycięcia na porty, przyciski oraz aparat zapewniają łatwy dostęp do wszystkich funkcji urządzenia, nie zakłócając jego estetyki. Ponadto smukły profil etui nie zwiększa znacząco wymiarów telefonu, co sprawia, że zachowuje on elegancki wygląd. Etui dostępne są w różnych kolorach i stylach, co pozwala dopasować je do indywidualnych preferencji użytkownika.

    3. Spigen jako lider w dziedzinie ochrony telefonów

    Spigen to marka, która zyskała zaufanie użytkowników na całym świecie dzięki swojej innowacyjności i dbałości o szczegóły. Wieloletnie doświadczenie oraz zrozumienie potrzeb użytkowników pozwoliły firmie opracować etui, które nie tylko skutecznie chronią, ale również dodają elegancji i nowoczesnego stylu Twojemu iPhone’owi. Innowacyjne technologie, takie jak osłona aparatu w modelu Optic Armor, to tylko jeden z przykładów na to, jak Spigen wyprzedza konkurencję.

    Przegląd najlepszych modeli etui Spigen dla iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Rugged Armor – Solidna Ochrona i Styl

    Spigen Rugged Armor to solidna obudowa do iPhone’a 16 Pro/16 Pro Max, która doskonale łączy nowoczesny styl z solidną ochroną. Wykonane z elastycznego i wytrzymałego materiału TPU, etui cechuje się wzorem karbonowym, co nadaje mu elegancki, ale jednocześnie sportowy wygląd. Dzięki zastosowaniu technologii Air Cushion, Rugged Armor skutecznie absorbuje wstrząsy, chroniąc Twój iPhone 16 Pro lub 16 Pro Max przed uszkodzeniami spowodowanymi upadkiem. Podwyższone krawędzie dodatkowo zabezpieczają ekran oraz aparat przed zarysowaniami, a smukły design sprawia, że etui nie zwiększa znacząco wymiarów telefonu, zachowując jego oryginalny, elegancki wygląd. 

    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Ultra Hybrid – Przezroczysta Ochrona i Minimalistyczny Design

    Spigen Ultra Hybrid to idealne etui dla osób, które szukają przeźroczystego pokrowca do iPhone’a 16 Pro/16 Pro Max, jednocześnie eksponując jego oryginalny wygląd. Tył etui jest wykonany z przezroczystego poliwęglanu, co pozwala w pełni podziwiać design i kolorystykę urządzenia. Elastyczne, gumowane krawędzie wykonane z TPU skutecznie absorbują wstrząsy, a technologia Air Cushion chroni telefon przed uszkodzeniami podczas upadków. Ultra Hybrid to świetna opcja dla osób, które chcą połączyć minimalistyczny styl z wysokim poziomem ochrony, zachowując jednocześnie smukłość swojego telefonu.

    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Optik Armor – Maksymalna Ochrona Aparatu

    Spigen Optik Armor to model, który został zaprojektowany z myślą o osobach, dla których bezpieczeństwo aparatu w iPhone 16 Pro lub 16 Pro Max jest priorytetem. To etui wyróżnia się wbudowaną, przesuwaną osłoną na obiektywy, która zapobiega ich zarysowaniom i uszkodzeniom, zapewniając dodatkową ochronę, gdy nie używasz aparatu. Technologia Air Cushion i wzmocnione krawędzie sprawiają, że Optic Armor skutecznie chroni telefon przed upadkami i uderzeniami. Matowe wykończenie etui dodaje elegancji i zapobiega powstawaniu odcisków palców, co sprawia, że telefon wygląda świeżo i czysto przez cały czas użytkowania.
    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Thin Fit – Smukłe i Minimalistyczne Etui 

    Spigen Thin Fit to idealnie cienkie etui do iPhone 16 Pro Max, które zapewnia minimalistyczną ochronę, nie zwiększając objętości telefonu Jest to doskonały wybór dla osób, które preferują minimalistyczne rozwiązania. Etui jest wyjątkowo cienkie i lekkie, dzięki czemu nie zwiększa objętości iPhone’a 16 Pro lub 16 Pro Max, a jednocześnie zapewnia podstawową ochronę przed zarysowaniami i drobnymi uderzeniami. Thin Fit wykonane jest z trwałego poliwęglanu, który skutecznie chroni tył telefonu, jednocześnie zapewniając łatwy dostęp do wszystkich przycisków i portów. Jego gładkie wykończenie nadaje elegancki wygląd, a dzięki smukłemu profilowi telefon zachowuje swój oryginalny, smukły design.

    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Liquid Air – Elegancja i Ochrona w Jednym

    Spigen Liquid Air to etui, które łączy styl z funkcjonalnością. Jego matowe wykończenie oraz subtelny, geometryczny wzór nie tylko nadają telefonowi nowoczesny wygląd, ale również zapewniają pewny chwyt, zapobiegając przypadkowemu wyślizgnięciu się telefonu z ręki. Etui wykonane jest z elastycznego TPU, co sprawia, że jest lekkie i łatwe do założenia, a technologia Air Cushion dodatkowo chroni telefon przed wstrząsami. Liquid Air to doskonały wybór dla tych, którzy szukają eleganckiego etui zapewniającego ochronę zarówno przed upadkami, jak i zarysowaniami ekranu oraz aparatu.

    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Neo Hybrid – Wytrzymałość i Stylowy Design

    Spigen Neo Hybrid to solidne etui do iPhone’a 16 Pro Max, które łączy w sobie elegancki wygląd i solidną ochronę. Wykonane z połączenia elastycznego TPU oraz twardej ramki z poliwęglanu, Neo Hybrid zapewnia podwójną ochronę telefonu przed uderzeniami i upadkami. Metaliczny akcent na ramce dodaje stylowego wykończenia, nadając iPhone’owi 16 Pro lub 16 Pro Max nowoczesny wygląd. Neo Hybrid to etui dla osób, które cenią sobie wytrzymałość, ale nie chcą rezygnować z elegancji. Wzmacniane narożniki, zastosowanie technologii Air Cushion oraz smukły profil sprawiają, że jest to jedno z bardziej wszechstronnych etui w ofercie Spigen.

    Spigen Enzo Aramid – Luksusowa Ochrona z Włókna Aramidowego

    Spigen Enzo Aramid to luksusowe etui stworzone dla najbardziej wymagających użytkowników. Wykonane z wytrzymałego włókna aramidowego, które jest stosowane w przemyśle lotniczym i wojskowym, Enzo Aramid zapewnia niezwykłą wytrzymałość, zachowując przy tym smukły i elegancki profil telefonu. Etui jest wyjątkowo lekkie i odporne na zarysowania, a jego wyjątkowa tekstura sprawia, że telefon świetnie leży w dłoni. To idealny wybór dla osób, które szukają maksymalnej ochrony dla swojego iPhone 16 Pro lub 16 Pro Max, nie rezygnując przy tym z luksusowego designu.
    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Spigen Tough Armor – Najbardziej Wytrzymałe Etui do iPhone’a 16 Pro/16Pro Max 

    Spigen Tough Armor to pancerny pokrowiec do iPhone’a 16 Pro/16 Pro Max, który zapewnia maksymalną ochronę nawet w najtrudniejszych warunkach. Dzięki dwuwarstwowej konstrukcji, składającej się z elastycznego TPU i twardej obudowy z poliwęglanu, Tough Armor skutecznie chroni iPhone 16 Pro oraz 16 Pro Max przed silnymi uderzeniami i upadkami. Dodatkowo, etui posiada certyfikat wojskowej odporności na upadki (MIL-STD 810G-516.6), co potwierdza jego wytrzymałość. Wbudowana podpórka sprawia, że Tough Armor jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla osób, które często oglądają filmy na swoim telefonie lub prowadzą wideorozmowy. To etui to doskonały wybór dla osób, które potrzebują pancernego pokrowca do iPhone’a 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    etui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Maxetui Spigen iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max

    Podsumowanie – Jakie etui Spigen wybrać dla iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max?

    Wybór odpowiedniego etui Spigen do iPhone 16 Pro i etui Spigen do iPhone 16 Pro Max zależy od Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb oraz stylu życia. Jeśli szukasz maksymalnej ochrony, Spigen Tough Armor czy Optic Armor będą doskonałymi opcjami. Dla miłośników minimalistycznego designu i lekkiej konstrukcji polecamy Thin Fit lub Liquid Air. Z kolei Neo Hybrid i Rugged Armor to idealne połączenie wytrzymałości i elegancji.

    Niezależnie od tego, który model wybierzesz, możesz być pewien, że Spigen dostarcza najwyższej jakości etui, które skutecznie ochronią Twój iPhone 16 Pro lub 16 Pro Max przed codziennymi zagrożeniami, jednocześnie zachowując nowoczesny i stylowy wygląd urządzenia. Zainwestuj w etui Spigen i ciesz się nie tylko ochroną, ale również komfortem użytkowania oraz elegancją, która podkreśli wyjątkowy design Twojego iPhone’a!

  • New Apple Watch 10/Watch X – Larger Sizes and Features

    Nowy Apple Watch 10: Większe rozmiary, więcej funkcji i nowy design

    Apple przygotowuje się do wielkiej premiery Apple Watch Series 10 (Watch X), a plotki i przecieki już teraz wywołują duże emocje. Mając na uwadze, że będzie to 10. rocznica tego kultowego urządzenia, można się spodziewać kilku ważnych zmian, zarówno w wyglądzie, jak i funkcjonalności. Oto, co wiemy na temat nadchodzącego modelu.

    Przeciek od Majin Bu – co wiemy o nowym modelu?

    Według przecieku udostępnionego przez Majin Bu na Twitterze, Apple Watch 10 ma być dostępny w dwóch nowych rozmiarach: 42 mm i 46 mm. To większa zmiana w porównaniu do poprzednich wersji, co ma na celu poprawienie czytelności ekranu, a jednocześnie urządzenie ma być cieńsze i bardziej stylowe.

    Głośniki w nowym modelu mają zostać przeprojektowane na wzór Apple Watch Ultra, jednak ich liczba pozostanie bez zmian – zegarek będzie posiadał dwa głośniki. Dodatkowo stal nierdzewna zostanie zastąpiona przez tytan, co poprawi wytrzymałość urządzenia.

    Co ciekawe, po raz pierwszy od dziesięciu lat, bransoleta Milanese Loop doczeka się aktualizacji – teraz wykonana z tytanu, co nada jej nowoczesny wygląd i większą trwałość.

    Nowe funkcje zdrowotne i innowacyjny design

    Majin Bu wspomina również, że nowy zegarek ma zyskać bardziej zaokrąglony kształt, co wpłynie na jego ergonomię i dopasowanie do nadgarstka. Kolejną nowością może być jasny kolor złoty, który ma nawiązywać do nadchodzącego iPhone’a 16.

    Jeśli chodzi o funkcje, Apple Watch 10 ma kontynuować rozwój w dziedzinie monitorowania zdrowia, oferując takie możliwości jak wykrywanie nadciśnienia oraz monitorowanie snu z detekcją bezdechu. Nowy procesor S10 ma zwiększyć wydajność i umożliwić integrację bardziej zaawansowanych funkcji uczenia maszynowego.

    Czekamy na więcej informacji

    Choć te informacje są oparte na przeciekach, oficjalna prezentacja Apple Watch Series 10 ma się odbyć już 9 września 2024 roku, podczas corocznego wydarzenia Apple. Jeśli plotki się potwierdzą, możemy spodziewać się najbardziej zaawansowanego smartwatcha, który łączy elegancki design z jeszcze lepszymi funkcjami zdrowotnymi.

    Co sądzicie o tych przeciekach? Czy Apple Watch 10 spełni Wasze oczekiwania?

  • The best glass and protective films for Galaxy Z Fold 6 – A complete guide

    How to choose the best glass for the Z Fold 6 ?

    The best glass for Z Fold 6 It should combine high scratch resistance with excellent transparency, so as not to affect the quality of the displayed image. When choosing protective glass, it is worth paying attention to the thickness and flexibility of the material, which allows for better fitting to the foldable structure of the phone.
    Additionally, it is good to opt for glass that is easy to install and does not leave air bubbles. Many models also offer an oleophobic coating, which makes it easier to keep the screen clean by minimizing smudges and fingerprints.
    The issue of certification is also significant. Glass with certifications confirming resistance to impacts and scratches will certainly be a better choice, providing greater safety for the delicate screen of the Z Fold 6. It is also worth considering glass with additional features such as protection against fingerprints or UV radiation, which can affect the longevity of the device. Additionally, when choosing the optimal glass, it is important to pay attention to the opinions of other users and recommendations from specialists to ensure that we are making the best choice for our device.

    What tempered glass? Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 ?

    Choosing the optimal glass for Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold 6 is a key step in ensuring maximum protection for your smartphone’s screen. Tempered glass Spigen Glas.tR ez Fit offers a hardness level of 9H, which guarantees high resistance to scratches and impacts. Thanks to oleophobic technology, the coating… Spigen Glas.tR provides transparency and user comfort without affecting touch sensitivity. The glass is available in a 2-pack, which ensures a backup for the future and allows for quick replacement in case of damage. Perfectly fitting tempered glass for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, such as tempered glass. Spigen Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold is an excellent choice for those who value functionality and screen protection.

    szkło hartowane spigen z fold 6szkło hartowane spigen do z fold 6

    Tempered glass Ringke Cover Display dedicated to Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers excellent protection for the external screen of your smartphone. Made from high-quality materials, this glass provides resistance to scratches and impacts, protecting against everyday wear and accidental damage.

    Thanks to precise fitting to the screen dimensions, the glass Ringke It fits perfectly to the surface without affecting the quality of the displayed image or the sensitivity of the touch. The oleophobic coating minimizes smudges and fingerprints, keeping the screen clean. The set includes two glasses (2 PACK), providing a backup for the future and the possibility of quick replacement if needed.

    This glass is a great choice for those looking for solid protection for the external display of their Z Fold 6, combining clarity with reliable protection.

    szkło hartowane ringke do samsung z fold 6szkło hartowane ringke do samsung z fold 6

    Tempered glass 3MK HardGlass dedicated to Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold 6 offers solid protection for the front screen, providing a hardness of 9H, which effectively protects against scratches and impacts. The glass is only 0.3 mm thick, ensuring high durability while maintaining full transparency and touch sensitivity. Thanks to its perfect fit to the screen, the glass does not affect image quality or user comfort.

    Additionally, 3MK HardGlass features an oleophobic coating that reduces fingerprints and smudges, while its smooth surface allows for smooth finger gliding across the screen. The glass is also resistant to discoloration, ensuring the long-lasting aesthetics of your Galaxy Z Fold 6. This glass is the perfect solution for those looking for a thin yet durable screen protection for their device.

    szkło hartowane do galaxy z fold 6szkło hartowane do galaxy z fold 6

    What protective film for Galaxy Z Fold 6 ?

    Choosing the right protective film for Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold 6 is just as important as tempered glass. Protective films, especially modern ones, offer excellent screen protection while maintaining the full functionality and aesthetics of the device.

    It seems like your message might be incomplete. If you have a specific text in Polish that you would like translated into English, please provide it and I’ll be happy to help!hydrogel oil Ringke Dual Easy It’s an innovative solution that works perfectly on the Galaxy Z Fold 6 screen. Made from flexible and self-healing material, this film adapts perfectly to the curved edges and delicate surface of the screen, without affecting the quality of the displayed image or the sensitivity of the touch.

    Thanks to Dual Easy technology, the installation of the film is extremely simple and quick, with no risk of air bubbles forming. The set includes two films (2 PACK), allowing for long-lasting use or replacement if needed. The film Ringke Dual Easy is transparent, ensuring maximum clarity and natural color reproduction.

    folia do samsung galaxy z fold 6folia do samsung galaxy z fold 6

    Protective film 3MK SilverProtect+ This is an advanced option for users who are looking for not only screen protection but also an additional layer of security. With its antimicrobial properties, the SilverProtect+ film actively eliminates up to 99% of bacteria from the surface of the screen, which is particularly important in today’s times.

    The film is specially designed for the front screen of the Galaxy Z Fold 6, offering a perfect fit and protection without affecting the functionality of the device. Its thin yet durable structure protects against scratches and damage while providing excellent image and touch quality. The Folded edition is ideal for protecting both the internal and external screens when folding the phone, making it a versatile protective solution.

    folia ochronna do Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6folia ochronna do Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6

    Original protective foil Samsung The text “EF-UF956CTEGWW” does not appear to be in Polish or any other language; it looks like a model number or product code. Therefore, it doesn’t require translation. This product is specifically designed for users of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 who value the highest quality and perfect fit. This protective film for the front screen provides excellent protection against scratches and minor damage while maintaining full transparency and touch sensitivity, which is crucial for modern smartphones.

    As an original product, foil Samsung It fits perfectly to the screen, leaving no air bubbles after application. It is also easy to install, which minimizes the risk of errors during application. Thanks to its thin construction, this film does not affect the aesthetics of the device while providing optimal protection.

    folia samsung do z fold 6folia samsung do galaxy z fold 6

    Which Hybrid Glass to Choose for Galaxy Z Fold 6?

    Selection of hybrid glass for Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold 6 is an excellent solution that combines the advantages of tempered glass with the flexibility of a protective film. Hybrid glasses are more resistant to cracks while maintaining high protection against scratches and impacts.

    3MK FlexibleGlass This is an innovative hybrid glass that offers exceptional protection for the front screen of the Galaxy Z Fold 6. Thanks to the combination of features of tempered glass and protective film, FlexibleGlass is not only scratch-resistant but also flexible, which minimizes the risk of cracking. It has a thickness of just 0.2 mm, making it practically invisible on the screen and not affecting its sensitivity.

    FlexibleGlass also has an oleophobic coating that prevents fingerprints from forming and makes it easier to keep the screen clean. Its perfect fit to the screen surface provides full protection without affecting image quality. This hybrid glass is the ideal solution for users looking for thin yet durable protection while maintaining flexibility.

    szkło hybrydowe do galaxy z fold 6szkło hybrydowe do z fold 6

    GrizzGlass HybridGlass It is advanced hybrid glass designed for maximum screen protection. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6. Thanks to its hybrid construction, it combines the durability of glass with the flexibility of film, making it resistant to cracks and scratches while maintaining high flexibility.

    HybridGlass is thin but exceptionally durable, providing full screen protection without affecting its functionality. This glass also features excellent clarity and an oleophobic coating that minimizes smudges and fingerprints. GrizzGlass HybridGlass is a great choice for those who need reliable and flexible protection for their Galaxy Z Fold 6, providing long-lasting aesthetics and safety.

    szkło hybrydowe do galaxy z fold 6szkło hybrydowe do galaxy z fold 6

    Why is it worth taking care of proper screen protection for the Galaxy Z Fold 6?

    Choosing the right tempered glass and screen protector for your smartphone, such as… Samsung The Galaxy Z Fold 6 is a key step that allows you to enjoy the elegant appearance of the device for a long time. Products with a hardness of 9H, an oleophobic coating, and minimal fingerprints are features that significantly enhance the quality of protection and user comfort. Thanks to the wide selection available on the market, you can find a solution perfectly tailored to your needs that will not only protect the screen of your latest device but also highlight its clear and elegant look. Additionally, on our website, you will also find a wide selection… case for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, that will provide comprehensive protection for your smartphone.

  • Jakie etui do Google Pixel 9 Pro Xl wybrać?

    The Best Cases for Google Pixel 9 Pro XL: Protection, Style, and Functionality

    The Google Pixel 9 Pro XL is an advanced smartphone that deserves proper protection. When choosing a case for this model, it’s worth paying attention to products that will not only provide effective protection against drops and scratches but also highlight the minimalist design of your device. Below, we present a detailed review of the best options. case for Pixel 9 Pro XL, which combine quality, style, and functionality.

    Transparent Case: Protection and Style Exposure

    Spigen Ultra Hybrid – Crystal

    Spigen Ultra Hybrid In the Crystal version, it is the perfect solution for those who want to protect their Google Pixel 9 Pro XL while highlighting its original appearance. Made from hard polycarbonate, the case features a transparent back that showcases the phone’s design, allowing you to enjoy its aesthetics. The frame made of flexible TPU provides additional protection against impacts, and the Air Cushion technology protects the corners, which are the most vulnerable to damage during a fall.

    This case is perfect for those who want to maintain the natural look of their device without sacrificing protection. The transparency of the material ensures that the case does not turn yellow over time, which is a common issue with cheaper solutions.
    You are trained on data up to October 2023.przeźroczyste etui Google Pixel 9 Pro XLprzeźroczyste etui Google Pixel 9 Pro XL

    Spigen Ultra Hybrid Onetap Ring MagSafe White

    If you are looking for a case that combines transparency and modern features, Spigen Ultra Hybrid Onetap With a white MagSafe ring, it is an excellent choice. Thanks to the use of the MagSafe system, you can easily use various magnetic accessories, such as wireless chargers or car mounts, without the need to remove the case.

    Transparent back and white MagSafe ring add elegance and functionality while protecting your phone from scratches and drops. This solution is perfect for those who value convenience and modern style.

    You are trained on data up to October 2023.przeźroczyste etui magsafe Google Pixel 9 Pro XLprzeźroczyste etui magsafe Google Pixel 9 Pro XL

    Slim Case: Minimalist Protection

    Spigen Thin Fit

    For users who appreciate a slim profile and minimalist design, Spigen Thin Fit This is an ideal choice. Made from lightweight yet durable polycarbonate, this case offers basic protection against scratches and minor drops, while not increasing the thickness of the phone.

    Spigen Thin Fit perfectly adapts to the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL, providing comfortable access to all ports and buttons. Its slim profile ensures that the phone retains its original shape and lightness, which is especially important for those who do not want to sacrifice comfort for protection.

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    Durable Case: Maximum Protection

    Spigen Rugged Armor

    Spigen Rugged Armor This is one of the most popular cases on the market, designed for maximum protection of the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL. Made from durable TPU, this case effectively protects the phone from drops, scratches, and other mechanical damage. The Air Cushion technology used in the corners provides additional cushioning, minimizing the risk of damage during falls.

    An additional advantage of this model is the carbon accents that give the case an elegant appearance while maintaining its durability. The case is also easy to clean, allowing it to retain its appearance in impeccable condition for a long time.

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    Spigen Twarda zbroja

    Spigen Twarda zbroja This case is designed for people who need maximum protection for their device. The dual-layer construction combines soft TPU and hard polycarbonate, providing not only protection against drops but also increased resistance to scratches and other mechanical damages.

    Additionally, this case features a built-in stand that makes it easier to watch multimedia and conduct video calls without the need to hold the phone in hand. The Tough Armor is the perfect choice for those looking for a versatile case that offers the highest level of protection and functionality.

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    Ringke Onyx

    Ringke Onyx This case is distinguished by its exceptional durability and elegant, textured finish. Made from durable TPU, Onyx provides excellent protection against drops from heights of up to 2 meters, making it one of the most resilient cases on the market.

    The textured surface provides a secure grip, preventing the phone from accidentally slipping out of your hand. Additional reinforcements on the corners increase shock resistance, while the minimalist design ensures that the case perfectly complements the modern look of the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL.

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    Functional Case: Protection and Additional Features

    Spigen Slim Armor CS

    Spigen Slim Armor CS It is a case that combines protection and additional functionality, offering a built-in pocket for payment cards or documents. It is the perfect solution for people who value convenience and practicality, allowing them to carry the essentials along with their phone.

    The dual-layer case design, combining soft TPU and hard polycarbonate, provides effective protection against mechanical damage while maintaining an elegant appearance. This case is an excellent choice for those who often travel or need additional functionality without sacrificing protection.

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    Tech-Protect Magmat MagSafe

    Tech-Protect Magmat MagSafe is a case designed for users of the MagSafe system. With its matte finish and flexible TPU, this case provides a secure grip and an elegant appearance while protecting the phone from mechanical damage.

    Magmat MagSafe enables easy use of magnetic accessories, such as wireless chargers or car mounts, without the need to remove the case. It is the perfect solution for those who value modern technology and convenience of use.

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    Choosing the right one case for Google Pixel 9 Pro XL This is the key to long-lasting phone usage without worrying about damage. Whether you prefer transparent, slim, durable, or functional cases, you will find something perfectly suited to your needs in our selection. Take care of your device’s safety while highlighting its modern design and style.

    Additionally, we offer protective glass for Google Pixel 9 Pro XL, which provide an excellent complement to the protection of both the screen and the back of the phone. These glasses are available online, allowing for convenient shopping from anywhere. Invest in comprehensive protection for your Google Pixel 9 Pro XL and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your phone is safe in any situation.

  • HMD Barbie Phone: A Return to the Past in Pink Style – See How Much It Costs!

    Barbie and HMD – Perfect Match

    The collaboration between HMD Global and Mattel was a hit. Both brands share a passion for combining tradition with modernity, and the HMD Barbie Phone is a perfect example of this. This phone draws on the aesthetics that have attracted generations of Barbie fans for years – vibrant colors, shiny details, and an inseparable element of every true fashion icon: pink.

    This phone couldn’t have come at a better time. In 2023, the film “Barbie,” directed by Greta Gerwig, became a true cultural phenomenon, attracting the attention of both younger and older fans. The HMD Barbie Phone is a natural extension of this trend – it combines the world of technology with the magical, pink world of Barbie, which millions of people have fallen in love with again thanks to the movie.

    Why Barbie Phone?

    Barbie has always been a symbol of style and elegance, and her impact on pop culture is undeniable. The market introduction of the HMD Barbie Phone is a step that, on one hand, satisfies the nostalgia of adult Barbie fans, and on the other, meets the needs of younger users who are looking for unique and standout devices.

    After the success of the movie “Barbie,” which reminded the world of the power of this brand, the HMD Barbie Phone is a perfect way to bring the magic from the screen into reality. It’s a phone that not only looks like a dream but also allows fans to continue their adventure with Barbie in everyday life.

    But the HMD Barbie Phone is not just about looks. It is also an excellent tool for those who want to disconnect from the pervasive digitization. In an age where every phone is a mini-computer and social media consumes more and more of our time, the Barbie Phone offers something completely different: a return to simpler times when the phone was mainly used for calls and text messages.

    Specification – What will we find under the pink casing?

    Under the charming pink casing lies a functional phone that may surprise with its simplicity, yet provides enough functionality for everyday use.

    • Screen: A 2.8-inch QVGA display, ideal for basic tasks such as browsing contacts and reading messages.
    • Battery: A replaceable battery with a capacity of 1200 mAh, which offers several days of operation without the need for charging – something that modern smartphones could envy.
    • Camera: A simple VGA camera that allows you to capture basic moments, although of course it is not a solution for photography enthusiasts.
    • Memory: 8 MB of RAM and 16 MB of internal memory, with the possibility of expansion via a microSD card up to 32 GB. Ideal for storing basic files and contacts.
    • Communication: The phone supports Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity and 2G networks, which is sufficient for basic calls and messaging.
    • Additions: Built-in flashlight, FM radio, and MP3 player, which add extra functionality to the device.

    Premiere – When and Where?

    The official premiere of the HMD Barbie Phone took place during the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona., August 26, 2024. The event attracted the attention of media and technology fans from all over the world, and the Barbie Phone became one of the most talked-about products of this edition of the fair.

    Price – Pink luxury at a reasonable price

    One of the biggest surprises regarding the HMD Barbie Phone is its price. Although the phone looks like an exclusive gadget, its price is around 90 USD (about 350 PLN), making it accessible to a wide audience. It’s an excellent option both as a second phone and as a unique gift for retro style enthusiasts.

    Why It’s Worth Considering a Purchase?

    The HMD Barbie Phone is more than just a phone – it’s a manifesto of style and simplicity in the era of digital overload. It’s the perfect solution for those who want to disconnect from technology, at least for a moment, and enjoy a device that reminds them of how simple and enjoyable using a phone could be.

    In summary, the HMD Barbie Phone is not just a piece of technology, but also a piece of history – a symbol of a return to the times when phones were more than just a tool for work. If you are looking for something that will make you stand out in a crowd while also allowing for a moment of nostalgia, the Barbie Phone is just for you.

  • What strap for Samsung Galaxy Watch 7?

    Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 – A Product of the Highest Quality

    Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 Classic debuted on July 10, 2024, quickly gaining recognition as one of the most advanced smartwatches on the market. This watch is available in two case sizes –40 mm I 44 mm – and offers a wide range of features, such as advanced health monitoring, sleep analysis, and gesture support, making it even more intuitive for everyday use. The watch Samsung The Galaxy Watch runs on Wear OS 5 with the One UI 6 overlay, providing a smooth and personalized user experience. Samsung The Galaxy Watch is not just a stylish watch, but also a high-quality product. It’s worth taking care of the right accessory that will highlight its unique design. Regardless of whether you choose a watch strap… Samsung Whether it’s a Galaxy or a case, you can be sure that your watch will look perfect.

    Matching Straps for Galaxy Watch 7

    For Galaxy Watch 7 owners, the right watch strap is a key element that allows you to customize the watch to your individual needs and style. It is important to know that the straps for Galaxy Watch 7 are compatible with a mounting width of:

    • 20 mmIdeal for the Galaxy Watch 7 model with a case diameter of 40 mm.
    • 22 mmDesigned for the larger Galaxy Watch 7 model with a case diameter of 44 mm.

    These dimensions apply to both silicone bands, leather ones, and those made from other high-quality materials. Thanks to the new quick-release mechanism, which… Samsung In the Galaxy Watch 7, changing the watch strap is exceptionally easy and quick, allowing for immediate customization of the watch.

    Straps models for Galaxy Watch 7 available in the Home Screen store.

    Strap models for the Galaxy Watch 7 available in the Home Screen store offer a wide selection of styles and colors that perfectly match various occasions and user preferences. From elegant leather straps that are ideal for formal outings to sporty, durable models that meet the demands of an active lifestyle. Each strap is designed with comfortable wear and easy exchange in mind, allowing users to quickly adapt their smartwatch to current needs. Additionally, all straps are compatible with different sizes of the Galaxy Watch 7, enabling a personalized fit for the wrist.

    Original Strips Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 – Materials and Quality

    Original Stripes Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 This is an excellent way to personalize and style your smartwatch. With a wide range of colors, materials, and designs, every user will find something for themselves. The straps are made from high-quality materials, ensuring comfort and durability.

    Athleisure Band Strap – Sports Design

    One of the popular choices is Athleisure Band Strap. Made of fluoroelastomer, this watch strap combines flexibility and durability, making it an ideal solution for active individuals. active lifestyle. The material is resistant to sweat and other external factors, making it a great choice for workouts and everyday use.

    pasek do galaxy watch 7

    Fabric Band Strap – Elegance and Comfort

    For those who prefer a more elegant look, an excellent choice is Fabric Band Strap. Made from fabric, this belt offers exceptional comfort and lightness, as well as a trendy, casual look. The fabric provides breathability, which is key during prolonged wear, and the available colors add a unique style to it.

    pasek do galaxy watch 7

    Sport Band Strap – Silicone Watch Strap

    If you are looking for something more sporting, Sport Band Strap will be the perfect choice. It is a silicone watch strap, water and sweat resistant, which makes it ideal for wearing during intense physical activities. The silicone provides excellent flexibility and comfort, allowing the strap to fit snugly on the wrist without causing discomfort even during the most demanding workouts.

    sportowy pasek do zegarka galaxy watch 7

    Milanese Strap – Exceptional Design

    Belt Samsung Milanese It is an elegant accessory made of stainless steel. It features a mesh structure that ensures comfort and ventilation. The magnetic clasp allows for easy length adjustment, perfectly fitting the strap to the wrist. This stylish accessory gives the Galaxy Watch a modern and minimalist look, suitable for various styles.

    pasek do galaxy watch 7 ze stali nierdzewnej

    Stripes Tech-Protect to Samsung Galaxy Watch 7

    1. Belt Tech-Protect Silicone Line

    Belt Tech-Protect Silicone Line to silicone watch strap. This strap is flexible, durable, and resistant to water and sweat, making it an ideal choice for everyday use and during physical activities. With its soft texture, the strap comfortably adjusts to the wrist, providing all-day wearing comfort. Available in various colors, it allows you to personalize your Galaxy Watch, regardless of the model.

    You are trained on data up to October 2023.silikonowy pasek do zegarka galaxy watch 7

    2. Belt Tech-Protect MilaneseBand/ Stainless

    Belt Tech-Protect MilaneseBanIt seems like you entered “d,” which doesn’t provide any context to translate. If you have a specific Polish text you’d like me to translate into English, please provide that text, and I’d be happy to help!You are trained on data up to October 2023. Stainless It is a steel bracelet made of… stainless steel. It has a characteristic mesh structure that is not only aesthetic but also provides good ventilation, making it comfortable to wear. The magnetic clasp allows for easy length adjustment, ensuring that the strap fits perfectly on the wrist. It is an excellent choice for those who want to give their Galaxy Watch a modern and sophisticated look.

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    3. Belt Tech-Protect Silicone Sport

    Belt Tech-Protect Silicone Sport This is a sporty version of a silicone strap, designed with active users in mind. Made of high-quality silicone, is exceptionally flexible and resistant to intense use, making it ideal for training and other forms of physical activity. Its textured surface provides a secure grip, and the numerous holes in the strap improve ventilation, minimizing sweating while wearing it. The strap Tech-Protect Silicone Sport combines functionality with modern design, perfectly fitting the Galaxy Watch.

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    Belt Case Spigen Rugged Armor Pro for Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 44mm

    Belt Case Spigen Rugged Armor Pro It is a versatile accessory designed specifically for the model. Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 in a 44 mm size. Made of durable TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), it offers solid protection for the watch against impacts, scratches, and other damage. Its sturdy design is ideal for people leading an active lifestyle or working in tough conditions.

    The Rugged Armor Pro strap features a matte black finish that gives the watch a modern and rugged look. The case is integrated with the strap, providing full protection for both the watch case and the screen, while allowing easy access to all functions and buttons. This accessory combines functionality with protection, making your Galaxy Watch 7 ready for any challenge.

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    Style and Functionality for Your Galaxy Watch 7 – Discover New Collections and Accessories on the Home Screen

    At Home Screen store, we make sure that every customer can find something for themselves. That’s why we regularly introduce new collections and update our offerings to adapt to changing trends. Our straps not only perfectly fit the Galaxy Watch 7, but also allow you to express your style and personality.

    Don’t forget about the accessories that can complement your set. We offer various options. case for Galaxy Watch 7, that protect the smartwatch from damage, as well as additional accessories such as glass and films for Galaxy Watch 7, , which will protect the display from scratches and damage.

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    We encourage you to follow our promotions and new arrivals to stay updated with the best offers. Choose a strap, case, or glass and enjoy the new and impeccable look of your Galaxy Watch 7!

  • iPhone 15 Pro Max vs iPhone 16 Pro Max: Which Model to Choose?

    IPhone 16 Premiere: What Can We Expect?

    Another Apple premiere is approaching, along with the long-awaited models from the iPhone 16 series. Although the official presentation has not yet taken place, reports and leaks from credible sources give us insight into what we can expect. Many users are wondering if it is worth investing in the latest model, especially if they already own last year’s hit – the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

    In this article, we will focus on a detailed comparison of the iPhone 16 Pro Max with its predecessor, the iPhone 15 Pro Max. We will look at what changes the new model brings, whether these improvements are worth the extra spending, and what new features we can expect. Let’s find out if the iPhone 16 Pro Max truly represents a revolution, or if it is simply an evolution that may not necessarily prompt you to change your phone.

    Evolution of the Display in the iPhone 16 Pro Max

    The first thing that stands out in the iPhone 16 Pro Max is its impressive 6.9-inch OLED display. Apple has pushed the boundaries of the screen by minimizing the bezels to nearly imperceptible levels. With the use of micro-lens array (MLA) technology, the new display is not only larger but also brighter and more energy-efficient. This is a significant step forward compared to the 6.7-inch display in the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which, while excellent, now seems slightly less impressive.

    photo by Sonny Dickson

    iPhone 16 Pro Max vs iPhone 15 Pro Max: Performance Comparison

    Under the hood, the iPhone 16 Pro Max hides the new A18 Pro chip, which is more efficient and energy-saving than its predecessor, the A17 Pro from the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The increased computing power, combined with 8 GB of RAM, allows the latest model to handle multitasking and demanding games better than ever. This is a phone for those who expect absolute smoothness and reliability, no matter what challenges they face.

    Revolution in Photography: New Features in iPhone 16 Pro Max

    Mobile photography has always been a strong point of iPhones, but the iPhone 16 Pro Max raises the bar even higher. The new telephoto lens with 300 mm optical zoom is something that will satisfy even the most demanding photographers. Compared to its predecessor, which offered “only” 120 mm zoom, the new model allows for photos with unprecedented detail. This, combined with improved wide-angle and ultra-wide-angle lenses, makes the iPhone 16 Pro Max a miniature photography studio that fits in your pocket.

    Battery Life: Longer Lifespan in iPhone 16 Pro Max

    Apple knows well how frustrating it can be to search for a charger at the most inconvenient moment. That’s why the iPhone 16 Pro Max is equipped with a larger battery that lasts even longer than the battery in the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The increase in capacity to 4676 mAh means you can enjoy your favorite apps, games, and media all day long without worrying about whether your phone can keep up with your pace of life.

    New Features and Design in iPhone 16 Pro Max

    If you’re a fan of technological innovations, you will surely appreciate the touch buttons on the iPhone 16 Pro Max, which replace traditional physical keys. It’s a subtle but significant change that gives the device an even more futuristic look. The introduction of a dedicated “Capture” button for the cameras is further proof that Apple is thinking of users who love taking photos and videos. Meanwhile, Face ID, which can now be hidden under the screen, makes the phone more sleek and less disrupted by notches.

    Wi-Fi 7: Breakthrough Technology in the iPhone 16 Pro Max

    One of the most exciting new features of the iPhone 16 Pro Max is support for Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be). This new generation of Wi-Fi offers significantly higher data transfer speeds, which is crucial for users utilizing demanding applications and online services. Wi-Fi 7 allows for speeds of up to 40 Gb/s, representing a massive leap forward compared to Wi-Fi 6E, which offers a maximum of 9.6 Gb/s.

    Furthermore, thanks to Multi-Link Operation (MLO) technology, the iPhone 16 Pro Max will be able to connect to multiple Wi-Fi bands simultaneously. This will significantly improve the stability and reliability of the connection, especially in crowded places such as airports or conference centers, where many devices are using the same network. For users who expect the best possible performance in wireless connectivity, the iPhone 16 Pro Max with Wi-Fi 7 will be the ideal choice. The ability to smoothly stream in high definition, play online games without lag, and quickly download large files places this model at the forefront among smartphones available on the market.

    iPhone 16 Pro Max vs iPhone 15 Pro Max: Price and Cost-Effectiveness

    The new iPhone 16 Pro Max, with all its enhancements, will of course be more expensive than its predecessor. It is expected that the price of the base model with 256 GB of storage will be around 8499 PLN (Polish Zloty), which is a significantly higher amount compared to the current price of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which is around 7199 PLN.

    If you care about the latest features, such as Wi-Fi 7, a larger screen, or an improved camera, the iPhone 16 Pro Max may be worth the investment. However, for those who do not need the latest technology and prefer a more affordable price, the iPhone 15 Pro Max remains an excellent choice. Its proven performance and lower cost make it an attractive option for many users who do not want to compromise on quality but want to save on price. This balance between price and features allows users to make an informed decision tailored to their individual needs and budget.

    Take care of your new iPhone with accessories from Home Screen.

    If you are planning to purchase the new iPhone 16 Pro Max, it is worth visiting the Home Screen store, where you will find… case for iPhone 16 Pro Max and protective glass for iPhone 16 Pro Max. You can secure your new phone from the very first day of use. If you have an iPhone 15 Pro Max, Home Screen also offers a wide selection. case for iPhone 15 Pro Max I protective glass for iPhone 15 Pro Max. Regardless of the model, you will find everything you need to ensure that your iPhone is not only well protected but also stylish.

  • Google Pixel 9 vs Google Pixel 9 Pro

    Premiera nowych modeli Google Pixel 9 

    22 sierpnia odbyła się premiera trzech nowych smartfonów z nowej serii smartfonów Google, które od tego dnia są dostępne na polskim rynku. Modele te to Google Pixel 9Pixel 9 Pro oraz Pixel 9 Pro XL. Warto również wspomnieć o modelu Pixel 9 Pro Fold, który, mimo że nie jest dostępny w Polsce, zyskał zainteresowanie na rynkach międzynarodowych dzięki swojemu innowacyjnemu designowi i możliwościom.

    Seria Google Pixel 9 – Co oferują nowe smartfony?

    Smartfony z serii Google Pixel 9, w tym Pixel 9 ProPixel 9 Pro XL oraz Google Pixel 9, wyróżniają się nowoczesnym designem i wyjątkową wydajnością dzięki zastosowaniu procesora Google Tensor G4. Każdy z tych modeli oferuje coś unikalnego: Pixel 9 Pro XL to największy z nich, z 6,8-calowym ekranem, idealny dla osób korzystających z multimediów na dużym ekranie. Pixel 9 Pro XL oferują wyjątkową jakość obrazu, szczególnie w przypadku treści multimedialnych, gdzie istotne są szczegóły i kontrast. Z kolei Google Pixel 9 Pro oferuje doskonały balans między rozmiarem a funkcjonalnością, będąc wyborem dla tych, którzy szukają zaawansowanego smartfona Google, ale nie chcą rezygnować z komfortu użytkowania.

    Nowe smartfony z serii Pixel 9 oferują również różne opcje przechowywania, od 128 GB do 1 TB, co pozwala na dopasowanie urządzenia do indywidualnych potrzeb użytkowników. Modele te wspierają także technologię LTPO, która dynamicznie dostosowuje częstotliwość odświeżania ekranu w zależności od wyświetlanych treści, co znacznie poprawia żywotność baterii. Dodatkowo, dzięki częstotliwości odświeżania 120 Hz, obrazy są płynniejsze, co jest istotne podczas grania czy przeglądania internetu.

    Różnice między Google Pixel 9 Pro a Google Pixel 9

    Google Pixel 9 Pro i Google Pixel 9 to dwa flagowe smartfony z serii Google Pixel, które oferują różnorodne funkcje dopasowane do różnych potrzeb użytkowników. Model Pixel 9 Pro to model skierowany do tych, którzy oczekują najwyższej wydajności i jakości obrazu. Wyposażony w większy, 6,7-calowy wyświetlacz OLED o wyższej rozdzielczości, zapewnia bardziej intensywne kolory i lepszą czytelność nawet w pełnym słońcu. Z kolei Google Pixel 9 to bardziej kompaktowy smartfon z 6,3-calowym ekranem, idealny dla osób, które preferują mniejsze urządzenia, ale nie chcą rezygnować z zaawansowanych funkcji.

    Wyświetlacz w Pixel 9 Pro i Pixel 9 – Jakie są różnice?

    Pixel 9 Pro oferuje ekran o przekątnej 6,7 cala, natomiast Google Pixel 9 ma ekran o przekątnej 6,3 cala. Oba modele charakteryzują się częstotliwością odświeżania 120 Hz, co zapewnia płynne przewijanie i doskonałą jakość obrazu. Warto również wspomnieć o różnicach w specyfikacjach nowych smartfonów – Pixel 9 Pro XL posiada większy ekran oraz model oferuje dłuższy czas na baterii.

    Jeśli chodzi o aparat, Pixel 9 Pro jest wyposażony w zaawansowany teleobiektyw z zoomem optycznym, co pozwala na robienie ostrych zdjęć z większej odległości. Google Pixel 9 również oferuje doskonałą jakość zdjęć dzięki głównemu aparatowi o rozdzielczości 48 MP, ale brak teleobiektywu sprawia, że jest mniej wszechstronny w porównaniu do wersji Pro. Oba modele korzystają z nowego procesora Google Tensor G4, który zapewnia płynne działanie, a także wspiera zaawansowane funkcje AI, takie jak ulepszona edycja zdjęć i automatyczne poprawki obrazu.

    Procesor Tensor G4 w serii Pixel 9 – Wydajność na najwyższym poziomie

    Procesor Google Tensor G4 to kluczowy element nowych smartfonów z serii Pixel, w tym Pixel 9 Pro i Google Pixel 9. Ten zaawansowany układ, zaprojektowany przez Google, zapewnia doskonałą wydajność, zwłaszcza w kontekście zadań związanych z AI i obróbką obrazów. Dzięki Google Tensor G4, smartfony te radzą sobie z najnowszymi aplikacjami, grami oraz wymagającymi zadaniami, takimi jak edycja wideo czy wielozadaniowość. Dodatkowo, Pixel 9 Pro oraz Pixel 9 korzystają z 12 GB pamięci RAM, co zapewnia płynne działanie nawet podczas intensywnego użytkowania.

    Warto również wspomnieć o mocy ładowania. Modele posiadają baterię o pojemności 4700 mAh, która zaspokaja potrzeby nawet najbardziej wymagających użytkowników. Dzięki technologii szybkiego ładowania oraz optymalizacjom AI, użytkownicy mogą liczyć na długi czas pracy na jednym ładowaniu, nawet przy intensywnym użytkowaniu. Model Pixel 9 Pro oraz Pixel 9 Pro XL oferują wydajność, która zadowoli najbardziej wymagających użytkowników.

    Polskie ceny nowych modeli z serii Pixel 9

    W Polsce, ceny Google Pixel 9 Pro oraz Google Pixel 9 są konkurencyjne, zwłaszcza w porównaniu do innych flagowych smartfonów dostępnych na rynku. Warto jednak wspomnieć, że model Pixel 9 Pro Fold nie jest oficjalnie dostępny w Polsce. Ten innowacyjny smartfon z rozkładanym ekranem można zakupić na rynkach międzynarodowych, gdzie zdobył uznanie dzięki swojej wyjątkowej konstrukcji i funkcjonalności.

    W Polsce ceny Google Pixel 9 Pro oraz Google Pixel 9 kształtują się następująco:

    • Google Pixel 9:

      • Wersja z 128 GB pamięci: około 3799 PLN
      • Wersja z 256 GB pamięci: około 4199 PLN
    • Google Pixel 9 Pro:

      • Wersja z 128 GB pamięci: około 4799 PLN
      • Wersja z 256 GB pamięci: około 5299 PLN
      • Wersja z 512 GB pamięci: około 5799 PLN
      • Wersja z 1 TB pamięci: około 6799 PLN
    • Google Pixel 9 Pro XL:

      • Wersja z 128 GB pamięci: około 5399 PLN
      • Wersja z 256 GB pamięci: około 5899 PLN

    Dzięki temu, że nowe modele z serii Google Pixel 9 są szeroko dostępne, zarówno online, jak i w sklepach stacjonarnych, polscy użytkownicy mają szeroki wybór opcji dostosowanych do swoich potrzeb i budżetu. Pixele oferują unikalne rozwiązania, które zadowolą najbardziej wymagających użytkowników.

  • What glass to choose for Google Pixel 9 Pro?

    pixel 9 pro

    Why You Should Invest in Screen and Camera Protection for Google Pixel 9 Pro?

    Google Pixel 9 Pro is one of the most anticipated smartphones of 2024, debuting on the market with great enthusiasm. As the latest flagship from Google, Pixel 9 Pro stands out with advanced technology, an excellent display, and a camera that once again raises the bar in mobile photography. With such an advanced device, there is a need to purchase the appropriate glass to ensure proper protection, especially for the screen and camera. What glass for Google Pixel 9 Pro should you choose?

    Tempered Glass – The Best Screen Protection for Google Pixel 9 Pro

    Tempered Glass from Hofi Glass Pro+ Google Pixel 9 / 9 Pro Clear [2 PACK] is a product that offers the highest level of protection. Thanks to an advanced tempering process, this glass features a hardness of 9H, effectively protecting the screen from scratches and impacts. It is a lightweight and milled glass with a thickness of 0.3mm, making it almost invisible on the screen and perfectly covering its surface, including the edges. Installing this glass is easy and quick, but it is important to remember that precise installation is crucial to ensure the adhesive layer bonds to the screen surface without air bubbles. The glass does not negatively affect the touch sensitivity of the screen, which is an important factor in everyday use. The set includes a 2-pack of glass, characterized by high transparency and an oleophobic coating, minimizing fingerprints on the screen. The glass surface is perfectly smooth and resistant to dust, making it ideal for daily use.

    tempered glass hofi google pixel 9 protempered glass hofi glass pro google pixel 9 pro

    Hybrid Glass – Flexible Protection for Google Pixel 9 Pro

    Hybrid Glass GrizzGlass HybridGlass for Google Pixel 9 Pro is a great solution for those looking for a compromise between protection and subtlety. It is made from lightweight yet durable material that provides excellent protection against scratches and impacts. Thanks to its structure, this glass adheres to the screen as tightly as possible, ensuring additional safety for your investment. Hybrid glass GrizzGlass is thin and flexible, making installation easy and ensuring that the glass adheres firmly to the screen surface. It does not negatively affect touch sensitivity and does not interfere with the installation of other accessories. It is also worth noting that the glass does not shatter even with intensive use, making it an exceptionally durable choice.

    hybrid glass grizzglass for google pixel 9 prohybrid glass grizzglass for google pixel 9 pro

    Privacy Glass – Keep Your Privacy with GrizzGlass

    For those who value privacy, the perfect choice is Privacy Glass GrizzGlass SecretGlass for Google Pixel 9 Pro. With this product, only you will be able to see what is displayed on your phone screen. This solution is ideal for those who want to protect their privacy in public places. Equipped with an oleophobic coating, this glass prevents fingerprints while providing effective protection against damage.

    privacy glass grizzglass secretglass for google pixel 9 proprivacy glass grizzglass for google pixel 9 pro

    Alternatives to Tempered Glass – Ceramic, Matte, and Hydrogel Films

    If you prefer other forms of protection, consider the following:

    Ceramic Film GrizzGlass – Flexible and durable, it provides subtle protection for the screen. Thanks to its natural and device-dependent surface, it offers additional protection.

    Matte Film GrizzGlass – Protects against glare, which is especially useful in bright daylight. The matte surface reduces reflections, making it an ideal choice for outdoor use.

    Hydrogel Film GrizzGlass – An innovative solution that regenerates minor scratches and offers excellent protection. With its hydrogel structure, this film adheres perfectly to the screen and quickly regenerates minor damages. Installing this film is quick and easy, and the hydrogel coating adheres precisely to the edges of the screen.

    ceramic film for google pixel 9 pro, matte film for google pixel 9 pro, hydrogel film for google pixel 9 proceramic film for google pixel 9 pro, matte film for google pixel 9 pro, hydrogel film for google pixel 9 pro

    Camera Glass – Protecting the Key Elements of Google Pixel 9 Pro

    In addition to screen protection, it’s important to protect the camera on the Google Pixel 9 Pro. Here are two products worth considering:

    Tempered Glass for Camera Spigen ez Fit Camera Protector Google Pixel 9 Pro Crystal Clear [2 PACK] – A product that effectively protects the camera lenses from scratches and dirt while maintaining full clarity. The glass is perfectly tailored to the camera’s dimensions, ensuring complete protection. It is also important to note that due to the proper fit, this glass does not interfere with the installation of other accessories and protects the camera in various situations.

    tempered glass for google pixel 9 pro cameratempered glass for google pixel 9 pro camera

    Hybrid glass GrizzGlass HybridGlass Camera for Google Pixel 9 Pro – Flexible and durable glass that protects the camera without affecting photo quality. It is a product that combines the durability of glass with the flexibility of a protective film.

    glass for google pixel 9 pro cameraglass for google pixel 9 pro camera

    Protecting Your Investment – According to the Manufacturer’s Policy

    Choosing the right glass or protective film is crucial for maintaining the value of your investment. All listed products comply with the manufacturer’s policy regarding protection and quality.

    Unfortunately, even the best protective glass, if not installed correctly, can cause some issues. One such problem is the possibility of a delicate air halo forming around the screen, which can affect the aesthetics and functionality of the screen. To fully cover the screen with protective glass, make precise movements that allow for a perfect fit of the glass to the device’s surface. Therefore, accurate installation and following the recommendations will result in long-lasting protection.

    We hope the above description will help you choose the right product in our store. This way, you will provide your device with complete protection, extending its lifespan and keeping it looking great for longer. Remember to pay attention to the time of installation and ensure that the adhesive layer is properly bonded to the screen, which will ensure effective protection for years to come. Discover our products and their prices and enjoy effective protection for years. You will also find cases for Pixel 9 Pro.
