Author: Monika

  • A breath of fresh air on

    Quite recently a new version of the Home Screen store has been launched, and the changes are not only in its appearance. Find out what has been changed and why it’s better.

    The previous look of the site, although still good-looking and modern, was with you from almost the very beginning of the store’s existence. Over these few years it became so overgrown with regulars and administrators that the decision was made – it needs to be changed. And not just the look and logo.

    Behind the design change, the responsiveness of the store has also been improved – now, whether you browse the store on your smartphone or on a 40-inch monitor, you will have absolutely no problem using it. We have also improved contact – you can write to us from the store at any time via Messenger (icon in the lower left corner). Separated versions of the store for retail and wholesale customers – the new version of the store is available only for retail customers, for “wholesalers” the old version of the store remained because of habits.

    Also new is a loyalty program. Each purchase allows you to collect points in our store, which you can then exchange for products available in the assortment. A very nice addition for loyal customers who frequently shop at Home Screen.

    What else is new? Take a look around and check it out for yourself 🙂

  • News for Galaxy Note 8 on Home Screen

    Stylish Ringke cases for Samsung Galaxy Note 8, which are made using the highest quality materials, combining the best protection for your smartphone with great looks. The available colors will satisfy even the most demanding Galaxy Note 8 users, and the variety of models will keep your smartphone safe in any situation.

    If you value durability and the highest resistance, the best solution will be Ringke Onyx case, which in addition to the unique design with a brushed aluminum effect is characterized by the highest resistance to damage and scratches, as confirmed by MIL STD 810G-516.6 certification.

    If your priority is the unconventional appearance of your smartphone, the ideal case will be Air Prism or Air Prism Glitter made of TPU for Samsung Galaxy Note 8, which combines slimness (thickness of only 1.3mm) distinctive prism shape, and protection from damage.

    Elegant design with reliable protection combines Ringke Fusion – a transparent case characterized by a hardened anti-static coating, and a flexible frame to absorb drops made of PC and TPU that meets military standards.

    Simple design, uniform appearance and slimness that does not affect the size and shape of the smartphone – all this is provided by Ringke Slim case for Galaxy Note 8. It is aimed at those who appreciate comfort of use, thanks to the use of the highest quality materials it was possible to achieve a thickness of only 1mm without losing protective properties.

    New among Ringke products – Wave. Unique design, elegance and retained great protection of the smartphone is something you can not pass by.

    In addition, the Invisible Defender screen film, which protects against scratches on the entire surface of the display including the rounded edges, can help you keep your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 in great condition. Equipped with anti-static technology, it does not leave fingerprints on the screen and does not affect the operation of the touch panel in any way.

  • Case for iPhone X already in the store!

    Nareszcie jest! Jubileuszowy smartfon został zaprezentowany w wyjątkowym miejscu i w wyjątkowych okolicznościach!

    To już 10 lat, od kiedy Steve Jobs zaprezentował światu pierwszą wersję Iphone’a i zrewolucjonizował rynek telefonów komórkowych.

    Steve Jobs podczas prezentacji pierwszego iPhone'a (

    12 września 2017 roku, w wybudowanym na cześć zmarłego twórcy potęgi Apple, budynku Steve Jobs Theater odbyła się prezentacja najnowszej wersji kultowego smartfona (Iphone 8) oraz światło dzienne ujrzał jubileuszowy, iPhone X!

    Iphone X wnosi największe zmiany do serii telefonów Apple od początku jej istnienia. Zrezygnowano z charakterystycznego przycisku Home, a ekran został maksymalnie rozciągnięty, wypełniając cały przedni panel. Cytując informację z oficjalnej strony Apple: “On nie ma ekranu, on jest ekranem”.

    Obudowa nowego iPhone’a to połączenie szkła oraz metalu. Jest to kolejna zmiana, gdyż gigant z Cupertino jakiś czas temu zrezygnował ze szklanej obudowy, wyposażając kolejne wersje w obudowy wykonane z metalu.

    Apple w końcu postawił na ekran w technologii OLED. Ekran o przekątnej 5,8 cala ma niespotykaną zbyt często rozdzielczość 2436×1125 pikseli, proporcje 19,5:9 oraz wyposażony został w takie technologie jak HDR, True Tone czy 3D Touch.

    W iPhone X zastosowano ten sam układ co w Iphone 8, A11 Bionic. 6-rdzeniowy mikroprocesor cechuje się potężną wydajnością i jest uważany za jeden z najszybszych układów obliczeniowych dostępnych na rynku.

    Najbardziej tajemniczą i wzbudzającą wiele kontrowersji, jest funkcja Face ID. Znana od lat funkcja czytnika linii papilarnych została zastąpiona rozpoznawaniem twarzy. Poprzez skanowanie twarzy możemy nie tylko odblokować telefon ale także zautoryzować płatność w systemie Apple Pay czy zalogować się do popularnych aplikacji. Skaner ma być zdecydowanie bardziej niezawodny i bezpieczny niż czytnik linii papilarnych. Jak będzie? Okaże się w praktyce. Jednak śmiało możemy powiedzieć, że przyszłość nadchodzi.

    W sklepie Home Screen już możecie znaleźć etui do iPhone X, a niebawem pojawią się szkła oraz inne akcesoria ochronne do tego modelu. Zawsze wybieramy produkty, które są dopasowane do standardów Apple i nie przeszkadzają w codziennym użytkowaniu telefonu.


    Sprawdź w naszym asortymencie etui do iPhone X, które już się pojawiły!

  • Spigen branded cases already in Home Screen range

    Recently, there have been quite a few novelties in our store, in terms of brands introduced. It is worth noting that there were also products from the Spigen brand, which is one of the leading manufacturers engaged in the production of protective accessories for mobile devices. This is in direct competition with the Korean brand Ringke, so we can confidently say that we are talking about maintaining the highest quality and highest precision in the design and creation of cases.

    The models we have introduced to the Home Screen range are:

    Neo Hybrid

    A great-protecting hybrid case, which is the result of the desire to combine the most important advantages of polyurethane and polycarbonate. The first of the materials used allows for great shock absorption, high scratch resistance and, thanks to its rubbery structure, brilliantly increases the grip of the set in the hand. On the other hand, the hard polycarbonate binds the construction, stiffens it, evenly distributing the energy created by, for example, a fall, creating a great duo. Slimness is another advantage here, as the Neo Hybrid case is a very ergonomic and comfortable choice.

    Rugged Armor

    A case that boasts a rugged, even military look, but the carbon-fiber textured inserts used are not cold carbon, but pleasant-to-touch polyurethane. It provides great protection in everyday use and a great, secure grip, afforded by the polyurethane, which resembles rubber in texture.

    Rugged Armor Extra

    A reinforced version of Rugged Armor, which may interest you with “pumped” corners and a special Hexa-Core structure on the back of the case to further negate the slipperiness of the case in your hand and protect your smartphone from accidental drops.

    Liquid Air

    Something for fans of slim shapes – Liquid Air is a non-interfering case that will fantastically protect your device from scratches. Entirely made of TPU, so that, like all Spigen models presented, it prevents the smartphone from slipping out of your hand.

    However, this is just the beginning, and in time there will be many more Spigen models. As you can see, we are constantly expanding our assortment so that you can choose the case that best suits your taste and needs. We exist for you and we want to help you.

    Curious about all the Spigen products at Home Screen? Click and check it out!

  • How to choose a case to suit your needs

    The enormity of products on the market to protect a smartphone is so great that customers are left with a selection along the lines of “more expensive = better.” This is not true, and this article will allow you to customize a case to suit your needs.

    It is often the case that case models that allow for better protection are more expensive than their less armored brethren. However, are such cases the best choice? It turns out that it isn’t. For people who try to take care of their smartphone, there is no need for a reinforced, thick, waterproof case that barely fits in a pants pocket. On the other hand, such protection is needed for the devices of those who spend their time actively. Let’s first explain what a case is and what its task is.

    A cover for our smartphone allows us to level out scratches and damage that daily use of the device causes. It allows you to keep your phone in a visually impeccable condition and, in many cases, most importantly, protects it from shocks and bumps that can be painful to our wallet. Our priority when choosing a case should always be convenience and comfort. We should not force ourselves to invest in a case that will magnify the device incredibly, when we don’t really need it. So what if our smartphone will be sensationally even protected, when in fact we will be annoyed by every attempt to write back a message? Let’s choose a case tailored to our needs, and it just so happens that our team has tested a huge number of case models and we can comment on that.

    Slim cases

    The market for slim cases, which seemingly almost only decorate the smartphone, is extremely popular with users who have already tested this type of case. This group includes all sorts of slim cases, which are created from one type of material – soft polyurethane or hard polycarbonate. What can we say about this type of cover? In my opinion – it is sufficient protection for most people who at least minimally care about their smartphone and are bothered by the fact of having something thicker on their device. An example that I am very familiar with is the MSVII case, in which the Xiaomi Mi5 has scored several major falls over the year. A side effect is that after removing the case, the smartphone looks almost like new. Admittedly, the screen is protected by tempered glass, but the glass back has been superbly protected and there is not a single scratch.

    Hybrid case

    Hybrid designs are a recommendable alternative for almost all people who normally use their smartphone. They are not afraid of falls, they do not need incredibly thin covers, the phone is simply meant to serve. Devices equipped with a hybrid case + tempered glass is a set that will not be afraid of everyday use. Scratches, falls from small heights, shocks – a hybrid case gives a great chance that our smartphone will be fine. Very often cases from premium brands (e.g. Ringke or Spigen) have military MIL-STD-810G certification, which means that the manufacturer declares to perform endurance tests that involve dropping the smartphone a dozen times from heights of 1.2m and 1.8m. Of course, this does not give us a 100% guarantee, but it gives us a general idea of the durability and level of protection. Because if we try, even an old Nokia 3310 will be damaged 🙂

    Armored protection

    The case is designed for people who spend time actively or their work involves physical, intense activity. Many materials on, for example, YouTube show what this type of case can do. It is relatively expensive and less convenient than hybrid designs, but if, due to the conditions, you want to protect your smartphone as much as possible then armored products will be a great solution. Some armored products, such as Atomic Ghostek, allow the smartphone to be sealed in the case, so it is cut off from the flow of water, dust and dirt.

    Case with flap

    A type of cover that has both its supporters and opponents. The flap that covers the screen allows you to protect it properly, provided that you are not using the smartphone at the time. Usually this type of case is a hybrid of a silicone case, which is mounted in a lockable structure, often filled with polyurethane. We have to decide for ourselves whether such a case suits our requirements – I can tell you from experience that this is a rather stubborn type of case if we often mount the smartphone in car mounts and if we operate the smartphone with only one hand, as it does not allow full grip on each edge of the case. But this is just my subjective feeling, and many people highly praise this type of solution due to better protection, for example. DuxDucis is for the moment the only manufacturer whose flip covers we offer in our store.

    Different cases for different occasions?

    It seems ideal to have different types of cases for different conditions of smartphone use. For everyday use, for example, let’s choose a hybrid design, and during a trip to the mountains, let’s put a more armored model on our device, which will prevent damage to our phone when it accidentally falls to us. There is no perfect case – otherwise there would be only one model on the market that suits everyone in every situation. And that, after all, will never be the case.

    To sum up: the choice of a case is up to you. You need to determine your needs and choose a product that is tailored to them. If you have doubts – you can always contact us before buying, and we will try to help you choose the right solution.

  • MSVII after six months of use on Xiaomi Mi5

    Often you wonder whether the case you are about to buy performs any protective function, apart from defending the device from scratches. Because how is a less than a millimeter thick layer of plastic supposed to take the brunt of the impact and not do even more harm to the smartphone… We are talking about the MSVII brand case, which is characterized by an extremely slim design and raises doubts among many customers. This is the reason for this article, because I’m not a fan of dressing my Mi5 in a big, bulky, armored case, and MSVII seemed to me from the beginning to be a rather interesting alternative to a smartphone without a case, but scratched and scratched.

    As it happens, even before the MSVII was introduced to our range, David decided to hand me one piece of this case for testing, so I have quite a long period of testing behind me. But one by one…


    There’s no denying that the MSVII is, in appearance, a very minimalist product – the entire back part is a smooth surface, with only the bottom part tastefully signed with the manufacturer’s name, its motto and country of origin.

    I really like the solution for the side buttons – they are completely exposed. Admittedly, then it is an element prone to damage and such issues (I’ll talk about this later in the review), but it makes the case stand out in the market and thanks to such small details can appeal. It suits me as much as possible.


    The MSVII case is a very slim design – the manufacturer declares 0.7mm, according to my inaccurate measurements more or less true. The slimness ensures that the hand quickly gets used to the new shape and, in my opinion, the Mi5 with MSVII lies much better in the hand. This less than a millimeter is a noticeable difference in grip and comfort.

    The manufacturer, too, has taken care of convenient mounting of the case on the device and three corners of the case are notched – thus preventing cracks and unnecessary stress when putting on and taking off the case.

    Better grip is also provided by the rubber coating, which is simply great. The smartphone “sticks” to the hand very well (in a nice way) and not once did it slip out of my hand during use. I suspect that this coating is responsible for the popularity of this case model – I suspect that without it, my tests would have ended after a maximum of 2 hours – with a broken Mi5 and the case in the fire.

    Durability and protection

    Half a year of using the case is quite a long test, and I think I can duly comment on the durability of MSVII products.

    The material from which the case is made is polycarbonate. It must be a good-grade material, because (except in the most exposed places) the case almost does not crack, and only indentations remain in the impact areas. In addition, the case is quite flexible, which does not matter too much in use, but very much in transit, since we have relatively few complaints about damaged MSVIIs fresh out of the package – it is known how couriers can treat our shipments….

    My copies have already collected quite a show collection of scratches, but in daylight it is not noticeable. The blue piece was even involved in a not-so-soft landing on a few concrete steps (I didn’t aim the phone in my pocket in a hurry) and we can see two dents on it, but they have almost no effect on the appearance or functionality of the case. However, here one disadvantage that I also consider an advantage – the exposed button panel – is highlighted. With falls and impacts, there is simply no option that we will not scratch the frame of the smartphone in this place. It looks interesting, but unfortunately – something for something. Fortunately, for some smartphone models, the manufacturer offers a case with a covered button section – it is worth contacting our store before buying and simply ask.

    Summary and price

    At first I was of the opinion that I would test the product for a few days and return to the thick and clumsy (compared to the MSVII) Ringke Fusion, but the truth turned out to be different. The case performs well in daily use and, unless you are a fan of dropping your smartphone and try to take at least a little care of it, the MSVII case is worth considering. My copies have survived with me for more than six months, and even though they no longer look like fresh out of the box, I’m still impressed with the durability.

    At this price, it’s hard to find a better quality case that is slim, matches the MSVII’s durability and is so comfortable for daily use. In addition, MSVII cases for most device models are sold with tempered glass, which will further enhance the protection of your smartphone.

  • The launch of the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus is coming!

    There is little time left until the release of the Korean manufacturer’s new flagship models – the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus. In what will they be better than their predecessors?


    Many people are disappointed by the lack of revolution, as Samsung has decided to refine only a few elements, leaving the appearance almost unchanged. One of the changes is the positioning of the cameras and fingerprint reader – they will not be arranged horizontally, but vertically, which is expected to definitely improve the user experience of the smartphone. As you can see, the Korean giant listens to its customers and improves what didn’t work out for it in the previous revolution.

    The sizes of the smartphones will be very similar or identical to the previous series, and juxtaposing this with a very similar design, those handling the S8 or S8 Plus will not have to get their hands used to the shape of the device for long.


    The new generation of the Galaxy series boasts an extremely bright and to the point f/2.4- f/1.5 adjustable aperture on the 12Mpix camera. The larger model will also have a dual camera setup. According to recent leaks, Samsung’s new generation of chips will allow video recording at up to 960 frames per second.

    The front camera in both cases is a single 8Mpix camera. Interestingly, the iris scanner on the smaller version will be integrated into the camera, while on the S9 Plus the scanner and camera will be separate sections.


    Samsung, willingly or unwillingly, has followed Apple’s path, so expect the Plus version to not only be bigger, but also have better components. We’re talking about more RAM (6GB vs. 4GB) and the use of a dual camera on the S9+.

    A nod should be given to Samsung for not following the crowd and in its latest model we’ll have the standard, normal 3.5mm jack that everyone knows. There’s also SD card support, as well as an IP68 dust and waterproof case.

    It looks like the Samsung Galaxy S9 has no more secrets from us. We are left to wait for the official presentation, which is expected to take place at this year’s MWC in Barcelona on February 25. We also have Galaxy S9 accessories and cases coming soon, so follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter!

  • Spigen case offer for Galaxy S9 / S9 Plus

    The Galaxy S9 launch is behind us, and the first devices will hit users on March 8. In our offer today you will find Spigen covers for the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus. Let’s take a look at the most popular models.

    Spigen Neo Hybrid Galaxy S9

    For many generations, the most popular Spigen case dedicated to the Galaxy series. It is a combination of TPU with an interesting pattern and a polycarbonate frame that adds uniqueness while strengthening the design. The colors that will be available for the Galaxy S9 are Gunmetal (metallic), Shiny Black (glossy black), Liliac Purple (purple), Pale Dogwood (shadow). It is the best combination of great protection and unique design.

    Spigen Rugged Armor Galaxy S9

    Simple in design yet effective in protection in everyday use – this is how the Rugged Armor model can be described. Built entirely of thermoplastic urethane with a fingerprint-free matte finish. Adding variety to the design are inserts imitating woven carbon fiber. The case comes in black and is dedicated to those looking for simple drop protection with uncomplicated

    Spigen Liquid Air Galaxy S9

    A minimalist case for the Galaxy S9 with a unique geometric design. The case is more streamlined than the Rugged Armor model and enlarges the device less. It protects the device from smaller drops, but increases the comfort of use by its small size. Thanks to the matte TPU, this model is ideal for everyday use. If you are looking for a minimalist case for your Galaxy S9 then Liquid Air will be the perfect choice.

    These are Spigen’s 3 most popular models for the Galaxy S9, and they are sure to meet the requirements of users who appreciate interesting design and top quality workmanship.

  • LG G7 ThinQ – what do we know?

    Let’s summarize all the information about the Korean giant’s new creation. The launch of the LG G7 ThinQ flagship will take place on May 2 in New York. The phrase “ThinkQ” did not come by chance – LG describes all its products that use artificial intelligence in this way. What will change from the previous flagship?

    The design of the device itself is slightly different due to the different placement of the camera lenses relative to the LG G6, now the camera layout will be vertical. The fashion for the “notch” has also crept into LG’s latest product, and this distinctive notch on the screen already known from competing models from Apple or Huawei will also be present in the G7 – users not fond of this type of solution can effectively mask it by displaying a black bezel around the “notch.” If we’re already at the screen, it’s worth mentioning that it will be 6.1″ and will be produced with LCD technology and its brightness is expected to reach as much as 1,000 nits. The screen’s aspect ratio is an unusual 19.5:9, and the resolution is QHD+ (3120 x 1440px) – LG called it Super Bright Display. According to publicly available leaks, the new flagship will feature a Snapdragon 845 processor, 4-6GB of RAM and a 3000mAh battery.

    The LG G7 at launch is expected to be available in five colors: black, gray, blue, matte blue and pink. Unfortunately, for the time being there is no information on whether all colors of the device will be available in all markets.

    We’re glad to see that LG didn’t forget about fans of traditional headphones in its latest product and included a 3.5mm jack input at the bottom of the case. In an era of chasing trends, which unfortunately translate into lower practicality, the manufacturer should be commended for leaving the classic headphone jack in place.

    The Home Screen store will soon feature accessories and cases for the LG G7, so follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter!

    Main photo:

  • P20 series from Huawei

    Some time ago we learned about three fine-tuned devices from Chinese tech giant Huawei. Even before the launch, there was no small fuss, as the manufacturer decided to release a trio, which had not happened to it before. We are, of course, talking about the P20 Lite, P20 and the top-of-the-line P20 Pro models.

    A word of introduction for the Huawei trio

    The last two models are designed to compete with the best on the market. So they will stand shoulder to shoulder with iPhones, Samsung S9 and S9+ as well as flagships from Sony or LG. The devices showcase the refreshed design of the Chinese brand, although inspiration from Cupertino products is evident. There is, for example, the iPhone X’s characteristic notch at the top of the screen.

    All devices also differ in size and back. The P20 Pro is equipped with as many as three lenses, branded by the well-known photography company Leica. Thanks to this, the photos taken with its help will be of the highest quality. No detail will escape us. The P20 and P20 Pro place the fingerprint reader on the front, while the cheapest model is placed on the back. We do not comment on which location is more practical, after all, tastes are not discussed.

    All three are made of glass, and we all know well how careless use of such devices without any protection ends. You are probably curious about the water resistance of the described smartphones? The P20 meets the IP53 standard (splash resistance, we do not recommend submerging it), the P20 Pro IP68 (immersion resistance. Unfortunately, but the cheapest P20 Lite model is not even splash-proof. To meet your expectations, we have prepared some suggestions to protect your devices.

    Huawei P20 Lite, P20 and P20 Pro – protection features

    First of all, the Lite model is the weakest of the bunch. Just because it costs the least does not mean that we do not have to take care of it. For those looking for a “wallet-friendly” case, the ideal choice will be the DuxDucis case, which is available in four colors: black, navy blue, gold and pink. However, if you want to have the display always at hand, you can opt for standard protection for the back and sides of the device. Here, the Spigen Liquid Crystal slim case will be perfect for protecting our device.

    For the P20, we have also prepared several solutions. And so we will also find here a DuxDucis lockable case, as in the case of the Lite model. Wanting to protect only the back and sides of the device, we can recommend the MSVII case, which perfectly surrounds the entire smartphone. The case is made of polycarbonate, so it will not deform, and also the durability will be at a level that satisfies you. Available colors are red, black, blue and purple.

    It could not do without protection for the top device of the three under discussion. Since there is something to protect on the back (3 cameras), we would recommend to you the Spigen Rugged Armor“back” case. The main distinguishing feature is the MIL-STD-810G military certification. It is a guarantee to survive a fall from 1,2 or 2 meters. Keep in mind that there is something to protect – the P20 Pro currently costs an average of 3,300 zlotys (in official stores). However, if you want a lockable case, you will also be able to use the DuxDucis case, which is offered in the same colors as above.

    Main photo: @abesoo