Author: Monika

  • Xiaomi 13 ultra launch

    The much-anticipated Chinese Xiaomi 13 Ultra phone not only offers the latest components, but also stands out from other devices thanks to the brightness of its screen. What sets this model apart is one of the brightest matrices currently available in smartphones. The main camera also performs at a high level, which is sure to please photography lovers. The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a phone for demanding users who value the highest quality and performance of their device.

    Xiaomi 13 Ultra specifications

    The Xiaomi 13 Ultra smartphone is a new flagship from the Chinese manufacturer that offers a lot of user experience thanks to its specifications. The device features a 6.7-inch LTPO OLED display with a resolution of 3,200 x 1,440 pixels with a refresh rate of 120 Hz for a smooth display. In addition, this screen offers a very high brightness of 2600 nits and support for HDR technology.

    Inside the smartphone is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor composed of 1 x 3.2 GHz X3, 2 x 2.8 GHz A715, 2 x 2.8 GHz A710 and 3 x 2.0 GHz A510, which ensures high processing power and smooth system operation. On top of that, there’s 12 or 16 GB of RAM and 256 GB, 512 GB or 1 TB of built-in memory, allowing you to store a large number of files and applications with ease.

    The smartphone is equipped with a 5000 mAh battery, which allows fast charging both wireless (50 watts) and wired (90 watts). The device can be charged to 50% in just 19 minutes, and to full in 34 minutes.

    The Xiaomi 13 Ultra also has a very well-designed camera, with a 32 MP front lens and a 50 MP main camera with a 1-inch Sony IMX989 sensor, f/1.9-f/4.0 aperture and 23 mm focal length. In addition, the phone has 3 additional Sony IMX858 cameras with 50 MP resolution and focal lengths of 12, 75 and 120 mm for taking photos from different perspectives.

    The smartphone runs on Android 13 with MIUI 14 overlay, allowing access to the latest features and applications.

    The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is available in olive green, black and white. On top of that, it is possible to buy special photo accessories for 799-999 yuan (489-610 PLN).

    Xiaomi 13 Ultra prices are 5999 yuan (~£3670) for the 12+256 GB version, 6499 yuan (~£3980) for 16+512 GB, and 7299 yuan (~£4470) for 16 GB+1 TB, respectively.

    All in all, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is the Chinese manufacturer’s flagship model, which offers many innovative features. The smartphone has one of the brightest OLED sensors on the market and a powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor.
    The available RAM and built-in flash memory variants provide users with a lot of customization options for the device. In addition, the smartphone is equipped with high-end cameras, which will produce excellent photos and videos.
    In addition, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra boasts one of the fastest charging systems available on the market. Thanks to this, we can charge the battery up to 100% in a matter of minutes. All in all, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a smartphone that will satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding users, and its innovative solutions may inspire other manufacturers to introduce similar features in their devices.

  • Essential accessories for your smartphone

    Smartfon to dzisiaj nie tylko narzędzie do prowadzenia rozmów i wysyłania wiadomości, ale także przenośny komputer, aparat fotograficzny, odtwarzacz muzyki i wiele więcej. Dzięki internetowi, aplikacjom i wielu funkcjom, smartfon umożliwia wykonywanie zdjęć i nagrywanie filmów, słuchanie muzyki, przeglądanie ulubionych stron internetowych, czytanie książek, korzystanie z bankowości mobilnej, czy prowadzenie wideokonferencji. Z racji tak dużej liczby funkcji i zastosowań, posiadanie odpowiednich akcesoriów dla smartfonu staje się coraz ważniejsze, aby móc wykorzystać jego potencjał w pełni, a jednocześnie znaleść takie akcesoria, które zapewnią mu ochronę i bezpieczeństwo na najwyższym poziomie. 

    Jednym z najważniejszych elementów ochrony telefonu jest etui. Etui chroni smartfona przed uszkodzeniem mechanicznym, zabrudzeniami, wodą i kurzem. Jest to jedna z najtańszych i najskuteczniejszych form ochrony telefonu. Na rynku dostępnych jest wiele rodzajów etui, w zależności od indywidualnych preferencji użytkownika. Do wyboru są między innymi etui skórzane, silikonowe, twarde, miękkie, a także etui z funkcją portfela czy stojaka.

    Jeśli szukasz etui o podwyższonej odporności, warto zastanowić się nad pokrowcami oferującymi dodatkową ochronę przed upadkami i uderzeniami. Pancerne etui to rodzaj etui, które jest zaprojektowane, aby zapewnić maksymalną ochronę telefonu. Wykonane z wytrzymałych materiałów, o dużej odporności na uderzenia. Ich celem jest ochrona urządzenia przed uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi, takimi jak zadrapania, uderzenia i upadki. Często mają również wzmocnione rogi, aby chronić najbardziej narażone części telefonu. Przy wyborze najlepszego pancernego etui zwróć uwagę na markę Supcase,Urban Armor Gear, Spigen, Ringke czy X-Doria. Producenci tych marek oferują pokrowce, które poradzą sobie z ichroną Twojego smartfona, nawet w ekstremalnych i trudnych warunkach.

    Oprócz kwestii ochrony, etui może również pełnić funkcje użytkowe. Wiele producentów oferuje etui z kieszeniami na karty kredytowe, banknoty, czy dokumenty. Zamiast noszenia osobno telefonu i portfela, etui typu wallet pozwala na przechowywanie obu rzeczy w jednym miejscu. W większości przypadków etui ma zapięcie magnetyczne lub zatrzask, co dodatkowo chroni telefon przed przypadkowym wypadnięciem z etui. Etui wallet to świetna opcja dla osób, które chcą mieć wszystko w jednym miejscu. Tu polecam zwrócić uwagę na etui firmy Tech-Protect, Puro, czy Icarer. Etui tych producentów zapewniają ochronę, wygodę i prywatność, a jednocześnie są bardzo stylowe i modne.

    Kolejnym niezbędnym akcesorium jest szkło ochronne, które chroni ekran przed zarysowaniami, pęknięciami czy odpryskami. Dzięki temu nie trzeba się martwić o to, że upadek telefonu spowoduje uszkodzenie ekranu, co często jest kosztowne do naprawy. Warto zaznaczyć, że wiele szkieł ochronnych ma minimalny wpływ na czułość dotyku, dzięki czemu korzystanie z telefonu jest takie samo jak bez szkła. Istnieje kilka rodzajów szkieł ochronnych. Najbardziej popularne są szkła hartowane oraz hybrydowe. Szkła hartowane są znacznie twardsze od standardowego szkła, natomiast szkła hybrydowe łączą w sobie cechy szkła hartowane i folii ochronnej. Szkło hybrydowe jest bardziej elastyczne od szkła hartowanego, ale równie skuteczne w ochronie przed zarysowaniami i uszkodzeniami. Niektórzy użytkownicy decydują się na na zakup samej folii ochronnej, która jest jedną z najprostszych i najtańszych rozwiązań. Zachęcam do zainteresowania się ofertą szkieł i folii ochronnych w naszym sklepie. W naszej ofercie posiadamy wiele renomowanych marek, takich jak 3MK, Hoffi, Spigen, Ringke, Baseus, Nillkin czy GrizzGlass, które oferują produkty o najlepszej jakości. Ważne aby pamiętać, że szkło ochronne jest stosunkowo tanie w porównaniu z kosztami naprawy lub wymiany całego ekranu telefonu, dlatego jego zakup powinien być oczywisty, jeśli chcemy zwiększyć trwałość telefonu, chroniąc go przed uszkodzeniami i tym samym przedłużając jego żywotność. W naszym sklepie znajdziesz szeroki wybór produktów, które pasują do Twojego telefonu i spełnią Twoje wymagania. Nie zwlekaj i zabezpiecz swój telefon już dziś, aby cieszyć się jego długim i bezproblemowym użytkowaniem.

    Kolejnym niezbędnym akcesorium jest oczywiście ładowarka. Posiadanie ładowarki do telefonu jest niezwykle istotne, ponieważ pozwala na łatwe i szybkie naładowanie urządzenia. Istnieją różne rodzaje ładowarek do telefonów, w tym ładowarki sieciowe, które są zaliczane do tradycyjnych ładowarek, które podłącza się do gniazdka elektrycznego i do telefonu za pomocą kabla. Ważne aby zwrócić uwagę na kilka kwestii takich jak moc ładowania danej ładowarki czy typ portu ładowania. W zależności od modelu telefonu, warto wybrać ładowarkę z portem USB-A, USB-C lub Lightning, a także zwrócić uwagę czy dana ładowarka posiada zabezpieczenia przed przepięciami, zwarciem czy przegrzaniem, co pozwoli na bezpieczne ładowanie telefonu.ładowarkaandamp;page=4

    Ładowarki indukcyjne to ładowarki bezprzewodowe, które umożliwiają ładowanie urządzenia poprzez umieszczenie go na podstawce z funkcją indukcyjną. Dostępne na rynku ładowarki indukcyjne różnią się między sobą przede wszystkim mocą ładowania oraz funkcjonalnościami dodatkowymi, takimi jak np. możliwość ładowania kilku urządzeń jednocześnie, czy też wbudowany system zabezpieczeń przed przegrzaniem czy przeładowaniem. 

    Bardzo popularne stały się również ładowarki MagSafe – opracowane przez firmę Apple. Są przeznaczone dla telefonów iPhone 12 i nowszych modeli. Ładowarki MagSafe posiadają magnetyczne złącze, które zapewnia stabilne połączenie z telefonem i umożliwia ładowanie bezprzewodowe. Ładowarki MagSafe są wyposażone w magnes neodymowy, który przyciąga telefon do ładowarki i umożliwia szybkie ładowanie bez konieczności podłączania kabla do portu ładowania. Są również kompatybilne z etui MagSafe, które są zaprojektowane specjalnie dla telefonów iPhone 12 i nowszych co pozwala na ładowanie bezprzewodowe, bez konieczności zdejmowania etui z telefonu.

    Kiedy mówimy o akcesoriach do telefonów, nie sposób nie wspomnieć o Powerbankach – bardzo przydatnych urządzeniach, które pozwalają na ładowanie naszego smartfona w dowolnym miejscu i czasie. Posiadanie Powerbanka ma wiele korzyści, szczególnie w sytuacjach, gdy brakuje nam dostępu do gniazdka elektrycznego lub gdy wyjeżdżamy na dłuższy czas. Dzięki Powerbankowi możemy mieć pewność, że nasze urządzenia nie ,,padną nam’’ w najmniej odpowiednim momencie. Na rynku dostępne są powerbanki o różnej pojemności, zaczynając od 5000 mAh. Większość osób wybiera te o pojemności 10 000 mAh, 20 000 mAh i większej, co zwiększa ilość ładowań oraz pozwala na ładowanie kilku urządzeń jednocześnie. Należy jednak zwrócić uwagę na rozmiar i ciężar, ponieważ im większa pojemność, tym powerbank jest cięższy i droższy. Dlatego warto dokładnie przemyśleć swoje potrzeby i wybrać powerbank o odpowiedniej pojemności i funkcjonalności, który sprosta Twoim oczekiwaniom. W naszej ofercie znajdziesz wiele modeli powerbanków od renomowanych producentów takich jak Joyroom, Romoss, Baseus, USAMS czy Dudao. Dostępne u nas powerbanki oczywiście różnią się pojemnością oraz wielkością, co pozwala na dobranie odpowiedniego modelu do Twoich potrzeb.

    Posiadanie odpowiedniego kabla do telefonu to kolejne niezbędne akcesorium dla każdego posiadacza smartfona. Przede wszystkim umożliwia on ładowanie urządzenia oraz przesyłanie danych między telefonem a innymi urządzeniami, takimi jak komputer czy telewizor. Na rynku dostępne są różne rodzaje kabli, w zależności od typu portu w telefonie i urządzeniu, z którym chcemy się połączyć. Współcześnie najpopularniejsze to kable z portem USB typu C, Micro USB oraz Lightning. W sklepie Home Screen dostępne są kable renomowanych marek, takich jak Puro, Joyroom, Ugreen, Mcdodo, Usams, Baseus i wiele innych. Wszystkie z nich cechują się wysoką jakością wykonania oraz szybkim ładowaniem urządzeń. Kable marki Puro są znane ze swojej wytrzymałości i odporności na przetarcia. Kable Joyroom z kolei charakteryzują się szybkim ładowaniem oraz wyjątkowo trwałymi wtykami. Ugreen oferuje kable w różnych długościach oraz zabezpieczeniami przed przepięciami, co chroni nasz telefon przed uszkodzeniami. Kable Mcdodo posiadają wyjątkowe rozwiązania, takie jak automatyczne odłączanie się po naładowaniu baterii czy diody LED informujące o stanie ładowania. Kable Usams są kompatybilne z większością urządzeń i pozwalają na szybkie ładowanie. Kable Baseus natomiast oferują szybkie ładowanie, a także funkcję szybkiego przesyłania danych. Wszystkie te marki zapewniają wysoką jakość wykonania oraz niezawodność, co sprawia, że ich kable są chętnie wybierane przez użytkowników smartfonów.

    Większość użytkowników nie wyobraża sobie korzystanie z telefonu bez posiadania dobrej jakości słuchawek. Dzięki nim możemy cieszyć się muzyką, prowadzić rozmowy telefoniczne lub korzystać z asystenta głosowego, nie trzymając telefonu przy uchu. Na rynku występują dwa rodzaje słuchawek. Są to słuchawki przewodowe i bezprzewodowe. Słuchawki przewodowe, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, są podłączane do telefonu za pomocą przewodu. Ich główną zaletą jest brak potrzeby ładowania, co oznacza, że możemy ich używać bez przerwy przez cały czas, gdy tylko są podłączone do urządzenia. Słuchawki przewodowe są też zazwyczaj tańsze od bezprzewodowych.

    Blizwofl, Mcdodo, TWS Baseus, USAMS i wiele innych.

    Słuchawki bezprzewodowe są coraz bardziej popularne wśród użytkowników telefonów. Ich główną zaletą jest brak potrzeby przewodu, co daje większą swobodę ruchu podczas słuchania muzyki lub prowadzenia rozmów telefonicznych. Słuchawki bezprzewodowe oferują też zazwyczaj lepszy zasięg, dzięki czemu możemy używać ich w większej odległości od telefonu. Decydując się na zakup słuchawek bezprzewodowych, musimy jednak pamiętać o konieczności ich ładowania. Baterie w słuchawkach bezprzewodowych trzeba regularnie ładować, co oznacza, że musimy pamiętać o tym, aby je naładować np przed wyjściem z domu.

    W naszym sklepie Home Screen oferujemy wiele różnych modeli słuchawek przewodowych i bezprzewodowych. W ofercie znajdują się produkty takich marek jak Baseus, Joyroom, USAMS, Xiaom, Blizwofl, Mcdodo, Baseus, Usams, Haylou i wiele innych. Każdy znajdzie w niej coś dla siebie, niezależnie od swoich preferencji i potrzeb.

    Selfie stic to bardzo przydatny akcesorium dla wszystkich, którzy lubią robić sobie zdjęcia. Posiadanie tego akcesorium daje większą swobodę i kreatywność w robieniu zdjęć, pozwala na zrobienie zdjęć z różnych perspektyw i kątów, co może sprawić, że twoje zdjęcia będą bardziej interesujące i oryginalne. Umożliwia też robienie zdjęć z większej odległości – dzięki selfie stickowi możesz zrobić zdjęcie z dalszej odległości, co jest przydatne np. podczas robienia zdjęć grupowych. W naszej ofercie posiadamy selfie sticki marek takich jak Baseus, Tech-Protect, Usams, Spigen, Mcdodo czy Blitzwolf. Przeglądając naszą ofertę selfie sticków, na pewno znajdziesz idealny model dla siebie i zaczniesz cieszyć się łatwiejszym robieniem zdjęć 🙂

  • Gadgets for the car – which ones are worth having?

    Every car owner wants his vehicle to be not only functional, but also comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, many people choose to purchase various accessories that will facilitate the use of the car and enhance its attractiveness.

    The first extremely important piece of equipment for any driver is :

    1. Phone holder

    It is worth investing in a phone holder for the car, as it allows us to use the device freely while driving, which increases our safety on the road. The phone holder allows us to comfortably and safely use the GPS navigation, music player and even make hands-free phone calls. In this way, we don’t have to lose our attention to the road, which increases our chances of avoiding traffic accidents. In addition, the car phone holder also allows us to easily and quickly charge our device while driving, which is especially useful for longer trips. Phone holders are available in different variants, and it is up to us alone which type of mount we choose to increase our comfort while driving.

    Windshield mount.

    This is one of the most popular types of phone holders for the car. This holder allows you to place your phone in an easily accessible place, allowing you to use your device freely while driving. This holder attaches with a suction cup to the windshield, so you can easily move it from one car to another.

    The USAMS US-CD187 Car Mount with Inductive Charging is an innovative device that combines the functionality of a car mount with the ability to wirelessly charge your phone. The holder can be mounted on the windshield or dashboard of the vehicle, allowing you to conveniently and safely use your phone while driving.The device is equipped with 15W inductive charging, which allows you to quickly and safely charge your phone without wires. Simply place your phone in the holder to start charging.The Joyroom JR-ZS298 Dash Automatic Car Holder is equipped with an automatic opening and closing function, which allows you to place your phone in the holder easily and quickly. The holder can be mounted on the windshield, cockpit or dashboard of your vehicle, allowing you to conveniently use your phone anywhere. It has a Qi-compliant 15W wireless charging function. The device is designed for safe use. Thanks to the silicone material, the holder keeps the phone stable and secure, even when driving on uneven roads. In addition, the phone’s attachment system allows the phone to be quickly and safely removed from the holder.

    Dashboard phone holder

    This is a solution for those who would prefer to avoid attaching the holder to the windshield. Such a car phone holder allows the phone to be placed in the center of the dashboard, allowing easy and quick access to the device.

    TheESR HaloLock Magnetic Dashboard Wireless Charger is an innovative car mount equipped with a MagSafe wireless charger for charging Apple devices such as the iPhone 12 or iPhone 13. The mount allows you to mount your phone in the car in any direction, so you can easily use GPS navigation, take calls, listen to music and more, without the risk of your phone falling off the mount. It features arms that automatically adjust to the size of your phone, ensuring a secure and stable hold without the risk of your phone accidentally slipping off. The holder fits most iPhone models, as well as other smartphones with Qi wireless charging.

    The UGREEN LP200 Car Holder is a gravity mount that allows you to easily and quickly place your phone in the holder without the need for additional buttons or clips. The holder is made of high-quality plastic for durability and reliability. The UGREEN LP200 also has an adjustable tilt angle, so you can perfectly adjust the positioning of your phone to suit your needs. Mounting the holder is very easy – just place it on the dashboard, and thanks to the special adhesion system, the phone will remain in a safe place while driving.

    Air vent phone holder

    This is a very practical solution if you do not want to block space on the dashboard or windshield. This holder attaches to the ventilation grille and allows you to easily use your phone while driving.

    Joyroom’s 15W QI 15W Automatic Car Holder with Wireless Charger for Vent Grille (JR-ZS214) is an innovative and functional solution for any driver who wants to have their phone always at their fingertips, while charging it wirelessly while driving. This holder features a sturdy and durable design, as well as easy installation on the air vents, making it easy to move between different vehicles. The automatic opening and closing system of the holder makes operation very easy and convenient, and the smart charging system ensures safety and optimal charging speed for your phone. The holder supports all QI wireless charging phone models and allows you to position your phone’s screen horizontally or vertically for maximum convenience while driving.

    The USAMS US-CD164 Wireless Charger Car Holder features strong magnets that guarantee a secure and stable hold on your device. In addition, thanks to its universal design, it can be mounted on the air vents of any vehicle. The 15W wireless charger allows you to charge your phone quickly and conveniently while driving. With just one touch, the holder automatically opens and allows you to place your device in the holder. In addition, thanks to its transparent finish, the USAMS US-CD164 Wireless Charger Car Holder does not cover the view of the phone screen and does not restrict access to other buttons and functions. It’s ideal for those who frequently use navigation or want unobstructed access to their smartphone while driving.

    1. Wireless Car Vacuum Cleaner

    The Home Screen store offers a wide selection of car vacuum cleaners from the renowned Baseus brand. Remember that having a car vacuum cleaner is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a matter of hygiene and keeping your car in good condition. With this device we can remove dirt, allergens, moisture and keep the interior of the car clean. Probably, every driver wants to feel comfortable in his car, and the interior of the vehicle is one of the basic elements that affect comfort while driving.

    1. Car transmitter

    A car transmitter is a device that allows you to transfer sound from your mobile devices to your car radio via a Bluetooth connection or jack connector. It allows you to transfer sound without the use of cables or wires, which is a great convenience when driving. As a result, there is no need to connect mobile devices to the car radio with cables, which increases convenience. With the car transmitter, each passenger can select their favorite music from their mobile device and transfer it to the car radio. This is ideal for families or a group of friends traveling together 🙂

    1. Car Compressor

    Having a car compressor can bring many benefits to drivers.

    One of the biggest advantages of owning a car compressor is that it allows you to repair tires quickly and easily without having to visit a repair shop. Drivers who own a car compressor can inflate their tires themselves anywhere and anytime, saving time and money. Car compressors are usually small and easy to carry, which means they can be taken with them on any trip. As a result, drivers can always have a compressor on hand to quickly and efficiently inflate tires when needed. It’s a versatile gadget that also allows you to inflate other items, such as mattresses, balls or pontoons.

    1. Car Organizer

    Car organizers allow you to store a variety of items, such as documents, maps, toiletries, drinks and much more. Such a product is the BASEUS LARGE BAG CAR ORGANIZER, LEATHER, MAGNETIC. It allows drivers to have everything they need in one place, making daily use of the car easier. Storing items in one place prevents them from being scattered all over the car, making it easier to keep the car clean. A car organizer can also improve the aesthetics of a car’s interior. Using high-quality materials, such as leather, the organizer adds elegance and style to the car’s cabin.

    1. Car trash garbage can

    A practical car trashcan is sure to help keep your car clean.

    TheBASEUS DUST-FREE CAR WASTE BIN, 800ML allows you to store trash in one place, so drivers can keep their car clean and tidy. In addition, the garbage can is made of easy-to-clean materials, making it easy to keep clean. The garbage can is easy to install and has an aesthetically pleasing design.

    1. Car wash hose with nozzle

    Baseus car wash hose with nozzle is a great tool for anyone who cares about the cleanliness of their vehicle. The hose is made of high-quality materials, which ensures durability and strength for years of use. The nozzle has a special water jet setting system, which allows you to adjust the strength of the jet to suit your needs and the type of dirt. This allows you to effectively remove dirt from all parts of the car, including hard-to-reach areas. The hose is easy to use and does not require special skills, so anyone can successfully use it. It is worth noting that the Baseus GF5 nozzle hose for washing a car is very versatile and can also be used for other cleaning tasks, such as washing patios, driveways or garden furniture.

    1. Car ashtray

    Having a car ashtray can be very practical and beneficial for several reasons. First, it allows smokers to keep their car tidy and avoid contaminating the interior with ash. This keeps the car cleaner, which in turn translates into its aesthetics and value.

    Baseus Car Ashtray with LED light is a practical gadget that can be very useful in any car. First of all, it allows you to keep the interior of the vehicle clean. Thanks to it, ash and cigarette butts do not land on the floor or upholstery, making it easier to clean up later. In addition, the Baseus Car Ashtray is equipped with an LED light that illuminates its interior. This makes it easier to locate it in the dark, and makes it easier to use during evening or night trips.

    All in all, having the right gadgets in your car can make everyday travel much easier and better. From phone holders to wireless chargers, a car organizer to a mini compressor or a hose with a nozzle for washing the car, each of these gadgets serves its function and helps us on the road. They make the trip more comfortable and safer at the same time.

  • Rockbros – high-quality bicycle accessories for every cyclist.

    Rockbros is famous for the high quality of its products and their affordability. The products are available in many countries around the world and are highly regarded among bicycle users, both amateurs and professionals.

    In the Home Screen store you will find all the necessary products of this well-known brand, among others, high-quality bicycle bags. The bags are made of waterproof materials and offer many different sizes and colors. They can be used to store a variety of essentials. If you are looking for a bicycle bag to attach to the bike frame, which will also serve as an additional phone holder, pay attention to the ROCKBROS 017-1BK or ROCKBROS AS-006BK model. These are ideal bags for people who want to have their most necessary things at hand while cycling. In addition, they are made of durable material that is weatherproof, which guarantees long life and protection from moisture and dirt.

    If, on the other hand, you are looking for a bike bag typically for a trunk, the A9-BK model will be an ideal choice. The Rockbros A9-BK trunk bike bag is a roomy and practical bag that is specially designed for carrying various items on a bicycle. The bag has a capacity of 9 liters, which allows you to store more items, such as the most necessary clothes, food or camera.The bag has many pockets and compartments, which allows you to easily organize the stored items. It also includes a special holder for a bicycle light and straps for attaching the bag to a bicycle rack.

    If you are looking for a saddle bike bag pay attention to the C28BK model. Rockbros C28BK saddle bike bag is a practical bag that is designed to be mounted under the bike saddle. It allows you to store small items such as tools, inner tubes or keys. It is made of durable and waterproof materials, which ensures that the stored items are protected from moisture and mechanical damage. It also contains reflective elements, which increases the cyclist’s visibility in the dark.

    Another essential accessory for every cyclist is a bicycle pump. It allows you to quickly and efficiently repair any malfunctions and control the pressure in the tires, which ensures safe and comfortable cycling. A bicycle pump is also very useful for further bicycle trips, especially outside the city, where there are fewer bicycle repair shops and it is more difficult to get help in case of a breakdown. Keeping the pump in your pannier or bicycle backpack allows you to deal with any technical problems quickly and efficiently.

    To ensure safety while cycling, it’s also worth getting a practical bicycle light. The Rockbros TL907Q50 bicycle light( rear) or the ROCKBROS R1-400 bicycle light (front) are devices designed to improve a cyclist’s safety when riding in low visibility conditions. The lights use LEDs that emit a strong light, making the cyclist more visible on the road. The lights are equipped with several lighting modes, including a steady mode and a flashing mode, which allows you to adjust the lighting to the prevailing conditions.

    To avoid bike theft, it is essential to have a bicycle fastener.

    Many cases of bicycle theft can be avoided if the bicycle is secured with a proper fastener. The clasp can be used in a variety of situations, such as when the bicycle is put down on the street, near stores, or during a stop on a bicycle tour. It is therefore worth investing in a good quality bicycle fastener that will allow you to store and use your bicycle safely.

    The Rockbros RKS626-BK bicycle lock is a sturdy and durable tool for securing your bike against theft. The clasp is made of the highest quality materials, such as hardened steel, which makes it extremely resistant to damage and cuts. The clasp also features a double lock made of high-grade zinc alloy, which further increases its durability. In addition, it is waterproof, which means it is resistant to moisture and adverse weather conditions. It’s also lightweight and handy, making it easy to carry and store in a bag or backpack while riding.

    The RockBros T609 combination bike lock uses a special cipher system that allows you to set your own custom code. The clasp is made of durable zinc alloy, which ensures durability and resistance to damage. In addition, it is easy to use – just set the code at your own discretion to secure your bike. The cipher system allows you to set a code of up to 5 digits, which provides additional security against theft.

    To increase the safety of your bicycle and avoid unpleasant situations on the road, it is worth investing in a good quality bell and a bicycle foot. A bicycle foot allows you to set your bicycle firmly in place, which is especially useful when stopping for a while or making a longer stop during a bicycle tour. The bicycle foot prevents the bicycle from tipping over, which can result in damage or even injury.The bicycle bell, on the other hand, is essential to attract the attention of other road users. With a bell, cyclists can warn pedestrians and other cyclists of an approaching bicycle and avoid dangerous situations on the road.

    Another practical accessory for every cyclist are bicycle gloves.

    RockBros S247 bicycle gloves are made of high-quality materials, which ensures durability and resistance to damage. They have special inner inserts that protect your hands from abrasion and injury while cycling. These inserts are made of durable material, which provides optimal protection for your hands while riding.

    In addition, the RockBros S247 cycling gloves have special mesh inserts that provide adequate ventilation and airflow to prevent sweaty palms and ensure comfort while riding.

    Bicycle grips are also an important part of any bicycle equipment. Rockbros brand bicycle grips for handlebars, keep hands from slipping, which increases control over the bike. This allows the cyclist to maintain stability and control the bike while riding in various conditions. Bicycle grips are also important for ergonomics and comfort. Good quality bicycle grips provide adequate support for the hands, which translates into less fatigue and discomfort while riding.In addition, bicycle grips have a protective function for the handlebars and other components of the bicycle, preventing scratches and damage.

    Safety and comfort during a bicycle trip will definitely take place with properly selected bicycle pedals. It is advisable to choose the right bicycle pedals for comfort, safety and performance while riding.

    ROCKBROS K203-BK BIKE P EDALS are high-quality bicycle pedals that provide comfort and safety while riding. The pedals have an ergonomic shape that provides a secure and comfortable grip while riding. They are made of aluminum, which guarantees lightness and durability. The pedals also have a non-slip surface, which increases the grip of the foot on the pedal and provides greater control over the bike.

    ROCKBROS BIKE PEDALS JT201012LBL (BLUE) are also high-quality bicycle pedals, but with an additional latching option. These pedals feature the SPD system, which allows special cycling shoes to be attached to the pedals for greater performance and control over the bike. The pedals also feature a non-slip surface and an ergonomic design that provides a comfortable and secure grip while riding.

    Both models of RockBros bicycle pedals are sturdy, lightweight and made of high-quality materials, which ensures durability and reliability while riding. The proper shape and non-slip surface increase control over the bike, which translates into safety and comfort while riding. RockBros K203-BK bicycle pedals are ideal for recreational and urban cyclists, while RockBros JT201012LBL SPD pedals are dedicated to road and MTB cyclists who need more performance and precision while riding.

    Bicycle goggles are also an important piece of equipment for every rider. Their main task is to protect the eyes from sunlight, dust, wind, rain and other weather conditions. Properly selected bicycle glasses also provide comfort while riding, improving visibility and reducing glare. Rocbros cycling glasses can be divided into photochromic glasses and polarized glasses.

    Photochromic glasses are cycling glasses with polycarbonate or glass lenses that automatically adjust their brightness to changing light conditions. These lenses contain special pigments that react to UV radiation, darkening in strong sunlight and brightening in darker conditions. As a result, photochromic glasses provide eye protection and visual comfort in a variety of lighting conditions, which is especially useful on long bike tours when weather conditions change.

    Polarized glasses are cycling glasses whose lenses are coated with a special polarizing filter that blocks light glare reflected from flat surfaces such as water, glass or asphalt. As a result, polarized glasses improve visual acuity and prevent eye fatigue, which translates into greater comfort while cycling. Polarized glasses are especially useful for cyclists who often ride near water or in mountainous terrain where there are intense glare.

    Having a bicycle repair tool kit is very important for any cyclist, as it allows you to repair your bike quickly and efficiently in case of a breakdown, without having to seek the help of a professional bicycle service. This can save you time and money, as well as ensure that your bike will be fully operational and ready to continue riding.

    ROCKBROS BIKE REPAIR TOOL KIT 43210810001 is a complete set of tools for bike repair and maintenance. It contains all the necessary tools to adjust and repair bicycle components such as brakes, derailleurs, crank, chain and more. The set includes, among others, a wrench, allen wrench, socket wrench, hub wrench, chain breaker, chain drift, bottom bracket wrench, spare chain connectors and many other tools. All the tools are made of high-quality materials for durability and reliability. The kit is handy and easy to carry, so you can take it with you on your bike trip. The case is durable and protects the tools from damage during transport.

    ROCKBROS BICYCLE WHEEL REPAIR TOOL KIT GJ2145 is a complete set of bicycle wheel repair tools. It contains all the tools needed to repair and maintain bicycle wheels in one handy case. It is ideal for all cyclists who want to have a complete set of tools on hand to quickly and effectively repair bicycle wheels in case of a breakdown while riding.

  • New Redmi Note 12 Turbo /Harry Potter Edition

    Xiaomi has launched a new smartphone model in China called the Redmi Note 12 Turbo. It is a device that stands out with impressive specifications and promises to be one of the most powerful devices on the market. Although the release date in Poland is not yet known, it is likely to be presented under the name POCO F5.

    The Redmi Note 12 Turbo offers as much as 16GB of RAM and 1TB of data storage. This means users will have plenty of space to store files, photos and videos. The device runs on the latest chip from Qualcom – the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2, which ensures high performance and smooth operation.

    The Redmi Note 12 Turbo’s screen is a 6.67-inch, 12-bit OLED display with Full HD+ resolution and 120 Hz refresh rate. This allows users to enjoy the display of smooth animations, movies and games.

    The main camera consists of a 64-megapixel unit with OIS for exceptionally clear photos and videos. An 8 MP ultra-wide-angle lens, meanwhile, allows for panoramic photos that would cover a wide area. A 2 MP sensor assists the camera in creating depth of field, giving photos a three-dimensional feel. The 16 MP selfie camera, meanwhile, will ensure perfectly sharp and clear self-portraits.

    To make the Redmi Note 12 Turbo last as long as possible, the manufacturer decided to include a capacious 5000 mAh battery. What’s more, the 67W fast charging will allow the phone to be fully charged in a very short time.

    On the equipment of this model we will also find a number of features that will ensure not only the pleasure of using the device, but also convenience. A 5G modem will allow fast and stable data transfer, while stereo speakers will provide excellent sound quality when playing music or movies. Bluetooth 5.3 and Wi-Fi 6, on the other hand, are features that will allow you to transfer files and surf the Internet easily and quickly. NFC will allow contactless payments, while a 3.5mm jack connector will allow the use of traditional headphones. In addition, a special vibration engine and Android 13 with MIUI 14 will provide an excellent quality of interaction with the device.

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Turbo Harry Potter Edition

    Xiaomi has launched a special edition of the Redmi Note 12 Turbo in China, which has been designed in cooperation with Warner Brothers and refers to the popular Harry Potter series. This phone has been enhanced with many extras that are sure to please fans of the saga. This smartphone is sold together with a Potter case, a SIM tray pin with the platform number 9¾ logo, a set of stickers and a letter from Hogwarts enclosed in an elegant envelope. The main distinguishing feature of the Redmi Note 12 Turbo Harry Potter Edition is, of course, the case, which features the Hogwarts logo and the iconic Harry Potter scar. In addition, the smartphone’s interface has been enhanced with magical wallpapers and icons, which alludes to the atmosphere of the saga.

    Unfortunately, like the basic version, the Redmi Note 12 Turbo Harry Potter Edition is for the Chinese market only. Nevertheless, this edition confirms that Xiaomi can surprise its customers with unusual designs

  • Review of the 5 best bicycle phone holders – which one is worth choosing?

    Nowadays, cell phones have become an indispensable companion for many cyclists, who use them, for example, to navigate or listen to music. Therefore, it is increasingly common to see various types of bicycle phone holders on the market, which allow you to use your phone comfortably and safely while riding.

    The advantages of having a bicycle phone holder are numerous. First of all, it allows you to freely use your phone while riding, which can be very useful when navigating or listening to music. In addition, the bike mount protects the phone from damage that can result from accidentally dropping the phone while riding.

    What are the types of bicycle phone holders?

    1. Bike holderwith clamp
      This is one of the most popular types of phone holder, which is very easy to use and holds the phone perfectly. This holder has a clamp that allows it to fit a variety of phone sizes, and it is very easy to attach to the bicycle handlebars.
    2. In addition, thanks to the solid hold, the phone does not move or vibrate while riding.
    3. Bicycle holder with telescopic arm.
      This type of bicycle phone holder is ideal for people who want to have their phone within reach, but at the same time not in the way while riding
    4. .

    5. This holder has a telescoping arm that allows you to position your phone in a comfortable position.
    6. In addition, its attachment to the bicycle handlebars is simple and sturdy.
    7. Bike Holder with Charger
      If you don’t want to worry about your phone dying while riding, then the bike holder with charger is the perfect solution for you
    8. .

    9. This holder has a built-in charger that allows you to charge your phone while riding.
    10. In addition, its attachment to the bicycle handlebars is very simple and sturdy.
    11. Bicycle holder with waterproof function.
      If you like to ride your bicycle on rainy days, then the bicycle holder with waterproof function is an ideal solution for you. Such a holder has a special coating that protects your phone from moisture and the attachment to the bicycle handlebars is very simple and sturdy.

    Here are suggestions for the top 5 best bicycle phone holders available at Home Screen.


    The Spigen Gearlock MS100 Stem Handlebarand Spigen Gearlock MF100 Out Front bike mounts differ in the way they attach to the bike and the position in which the phone is placed. The Spigen Gearlock MS100 Stem Handlebar bike mount is mounted on the bike bridge, which means the phone is placed closer to the handlebars. This holder has an adapter that allows you to mount any smartphone, without having to detach the entire holder. In addition, the rubber mounting rim provides a stable position for the phone and protection from scratches on the handlebars or bridge.

    On the other hand, the Spigen Gearlock MF100 Out Front bike mount mounts directly on the bicycle handlebars, which means the phone is placed more in front. This mount has an adjustable tilt angle, allowing you to freely position your phone in a comfortable position. It also has an adapter that allows you to mount any smartphone, without having to detach the entire mount. The holder provides a stable and secure hold on the phone while cycling, which is essential for the safety of the cyclist and the protection of the device.

    It is worth mentioning that in our store you will find a special case dedicated to Gerlock holders. It is a special Spigen Gearlock Bike Mount Case. Its main feature is a special cutout on the back of the case, which allows mounting on the Spigen MF100 or MS100 bike mounts described above. This makes the case an integral part of the bike mounts and ensures that the phone is held securely while riding. Mounting the case is done by rotating the device with the case 45° to the left or right, so we can use the device in a horizontal or vertical position. The case is extremely thin, which does not affect its strength and functionality, providing comprehensive protection for the phone, protecting it from mechanical damage and weather conditions.


    Usams bike mount US-ZJ064 is an excellent option for those who want to keep their phone within reach while cycling. This particular model of bike holder is black in color, which perfectly matches most bike colors. Usams holder is made of durable materials, which guarantees long-lasting use and resistance to mechanical damage and weather conditions. In addition, this holder has a special rubber cover that protects the phone from accidental scratches and shocks. One of the biggest advantages of the Usams bike mount is its versatility and compatibility with various phone sizes. The mount can accommodate phones with a width of 60 to 100 mm, which means it fits most popular phone models. The mount has an adjustable telescoping arm that allows you to position your phone in a comfortable position. In addition, its attachment to the bicycle handlebars is simple and requires no specialized tools.


    The Baseus Smart Solar bike mount is an innovative holder that has a built-in solar panel that allows you to charge your phone while cycling. This holder is made of high-quality materials, which ensures durability and resistance to mechanical damage and weather conditions. The black color of the holder perfectly matches the colors of most bicycles. One of the biggest advantages of the Baseus Smart Solar bike mount is its ability to charge your phone using solar energy. The solar panel mounted on the holder allows you to charge your phone while riding, which is especially useful on long bike trips. This holder has an adjustable grip, which allows it to fit a variety of phone sizes. In addition, this holder has elastic straps that provide a stable and comfortable hold on your phone while riding. Mounting the Baseus Smart Solar holder on bicycle handlebars is very simple and does not require a specialized tool. Just attach the holder to the handlebars with a screw and nut, and then place the phone in it. The Baseus Smart Solar bike mount also features 360-degree rotation, allowing you to freely position your phone in a comfortable position. This way, you can freely use your phone while riding without losing control of your bike.


    The Bike Holder Pro™ is a sturdy and reliable solution for holding your phone while cycling. This holder is compatible with different types of bikes and phones, which means you can use it in all conditions.Thanks to the rubber clamps, the holder precisely adjusts to the size of your phone, holding it firmly in the chosen position. In addition, a non-slip mat padding the holder provides extra stability for your phone, even on uneven roads. The holder’s mounting clip is adjustable with a knob, allowing it to fit different sizes of bicycle handlebars. This makes the Bike Holder Pro™ easy to use and quick to install. With the reliability of the Bike Holder Pro™, you can be sure that your phone will stay in place even when riding on very rough terrain. Thus, you can freely use your phone while cycling without worrying about its safety.


    The Basues SUQX-01 bike mount consists of two parts, which allows you to quickly and easily remove your phone from the mount without having to detach the entire mount. Thanks to the locking function, the user is assured that the phone is securely and stably fixed in the holder. In addition, the ability to adjust the size of the holder to fit the device makes the accessory compatible with a variety of phones ranging from 4.7 to 6.7 inches. The SUQX-01 bike mount has elastic straps that allow it to fit a variety of phone sizes. In addition, this holder has a non-slip design, which increases the stability and security of holding the phone. The SUQX-01 bike mount is also compatible with different types of bicycle handlebars. It can be mounted on handlebars with a diameter of 22 to 33 mm.

    In conclusion, having a bicycle phone holder is a very beneficial solution for cyclists. The holder provides safety, convenience, phone protection and multifunctionality, which certainly improves the comfort and quality of cycling.

  • GoPro Hero 9/10 accessories – improve your recordings and photos.

    What is the GoPro Hero?

    The GoPro Hero is a compact and rugged sports camera that allows you to capture high-quality videos in the toughest conditions. The camera is popular among people who engage in extreme sports, such as surfing, snowboarding and kitesurfing, because it allows them to record their achievements in real time and share them online.

    GoPro Hero camera advantages

    The GoPro Hero is a sports camera that offers many advantages. First of all, thanks to its compact design, you can easily take it with you on any adventure. This camera is also equipped with advanced features such as 4K video recording, image stabilization and burst shooting.

    How to use GoPro Hero cameras?

    The GoPro Hero camera can be used for many different purposes. It can be used to record videos during sports, but also to record travel videos or family events.

    How to take care of the GoPro Hero camera?

    GoPro Hero is a sports camera that is used in harsh conditions. To ensure its long life, it should be cared for properly. First of all, the camera should be stored in a suitable case to protect it from mechanical damage. In addition, the camera should be thoroughly cleaned and dried after each use to avoid dirt and moisture.

    There are many different accessories that can be used with GoPro Hero cameras to get even better results and make it easier to use the device. In this article, we will present some of the popular accessories for GoPro Hero cameras.


    Telesin case / protective bag for GoPro Hero camera is a functional accessory that allows you to safely store and transport your camera. Its practical design perfectly fits the shape of GoPro Hero 9 and Hero 10 cameras, which effectively protects the camera lens, among other things. It is worth noting that the case has a hole on the bottom, which allows you to place the camera without removing it from the tripod or selfie stick. This way you will no longer miss any opportunity for interesting shots. The case is not only a functional accessory, but also a stylish addition to your camera for even better protection and convenience.


    A must-have accessory for owners of GoPro Hero 9 and Hero 10 cameras, the Telesin Large Protective Bag provides safe and convenient storage for your camera and its accessories. Made of high-quality materials, the Telesin protective bag is water, dust and shock resistant, allowing you to safely transport your cameras and accessories in harsh conditions. The bag’s interior is divided into several compartments for convenient storage and organization of various camera accessories. The large Telesin protective bag is convenient to carry and ideal for those who want to have all their camera accessories in one place.


    The Tech-Protect Headstrap is an innovative and convenient accessory for GoPro Hero cameras. This headband allows you to secure the camera firmly on your head and record videos or take photos from a first-person perspective. This allows GoPro camera users to easily record their adventures and interesting moments from their point of view. The Tech-Protect Headstrap is made of durable materials that ensure durability and safe use. The headband is easy to use and adjustable to perfectly fit any type of head. With the Tech-Protect Headstrap, recording videos and taking photos with your GoPro camera has become even more convenient and attractive.


    The Tech-Protect Monopad and Selfie Stick is a functional and practical accessory for GoPro Hero cameras. This selfie stick allows you to record videos and take photos from different perspectives and distances to get interesting and original shots. The Tech-Protect Monopad and Selfie Stick is easy to use and has an adjustable length, so you can adjust it to your needs. The selfie stick is made of sturdy materials, ensuring durability and safe use. In addition, the selfie stick has an ergonomic handle that provides a comfortable grip and makes it easy to record videos and take photos. The Tech-Protect Monopad and Selfie Stick is the perfect accessory for anyone who enjoys taking videos and photos with their GoPro Hero camera.


    The Tech-Protect WaterproofCase is a waterproof protective case created specifically for the GoPro Hero 9 camera. The case provides complete protection for the camera from water, dust, sand and other contaminants, allowing you to safely use the camera in harsh conditions. The case is easy to install and remove, and thanks to special seals, it provides watertightness and protection against flooding. The Tech-Protect WaterproofCase is transparent, allowing you to easily and conveniently use the camera and take full advantage of its functionality. The case is ideal for those who want to use their GoPro Hero 9 camera in harsh conditions such as swimming, diving or surfing.


    The Telesin Security Case / Frame for GoPro Hero 9 / Hero 10 camera is an essential accessory for owners of these cameras. This case provides extra protection against mechanical damage, scratches and impacts, allowing you to safely use your camera in harsh conditions. The case/frame is easy to use and provides full access to the camera’s buttons and ports. The color scheme of the case/frame adds a unique touch and makes the camera look even more stylish.


    The 3MK CamProtect Hybrid Glass is an innovative and durable accessory, created specifically for the GoPro Hero 9 Black camera. This glass provides protection for the camera’s screen from scratches, bumps and other damage, allowing you to use the camera safely and comfortably in a variety of conditions. The 3MK CamProtect hybrid glass is made from a combination of tempered glass and flexible material, allowing for high durability and damage resistance. The glass is also easy to install and remove, making it quick and easy to replace when damaged. The 3MK CamProtect Hybrid Glass is the perfect accessory for those who value the safety and durability of their devices.


    The Box Telesin Three-Channel Charger is a high-quality accessory created specifically for the GoPro Hero 9 and Hero 10 cameras. This charger allows you to charge three batteries at once, allowing you to quickly and conveniently recharge your batteries before your next adventures. It also comes with three rechargeable batteries, allowing you to use your camera uninterrupted for a long time. The Box Telesin three-channel charger is easy to use and provides reliable and safe battery charging.

  • Review of the best protective glasses for Samsung Galaxy A54

    Samsung Galaxy A54 is the latest smartphone from the Korean manufacturer, which debuted on the market in mid-March. This phone is distinguished by its attractive design, powerful processor and good camera. However, in order to keep the screen in good condition, it is advisable to use appropriate protection, such as protective glass. The choice of protective glass for Samsung Galaxy A54 depends on the individual preferences of the user. There are different types of glass available on the market that offer different levels of protection and functionality.

    Here is an overview of the best protective glasses for Samsung Galaxy A54.


    Spigen tempered glass is a product that offers excellent protection for your phone’s screen. The product is made of tempered glass, which means that it is scratch and impact resistant, as well as maintains the brightness and clarity of the image. The Spigen Slim AlignMaster tempered glass also features AlignMaster technology, which helps the glass install precisely on the phone’s screen for easy application and an exact fit.The product is designed specifically for the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G and provides full screen protection, including edges and curves. The Spigen Slim AlignMaster tempered glass is thin and lightweight, which preserves the natural sensitivity of the touchscreen. The package includes 2 tempered glasses, giving the user a spare product in case of damage or the need for replacement.

    The HOFI Privacy Glass is a product that provides privacy to the user by blocking the visibility of the screen to those outside the 45-degree viewing angle. This means that only the user can see the contents of the screen, which is especially useful when viewing sensitive information or using the phone in public places.

    The product is made of tempered glass, which means it is scratch and impact resistant. HOFI Privatization Glass also provides excellent image quality and preserves natural colors, allowing users to use their phones comfortably, is easy to install and preserves touchscreen sensitivity. HOFI Privatization Glass is easy to clean and retains its appearance and functionality for a long time. The product is designed specifically for the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G and offers not only screen protection, but also user privacy.


    Ringke tempered glass is a product that offers exceptional protection for your phone’s screen. The product is made of tempered glass, provides high resistance to scratches, impacts and damage, protecting the screen from damage. Ringke tempered glass is thin and lightweight, which preserves the natural sensitivity of the touch screen. The product comes in a package containing 2 tempered glasses, giving the user a spare product in case of damage or the need for replacement. It is safe to say that the Ringke Tempered Glass Samsung Galaxy A54 5G is ideal for those who are looking for high-quality protection for their phone.


    3MK’s hybrid glass is made of a hybrid material, combining the properties of tempered glass and protective film to provide exceptional impact and scratch resistance. Thanks to Nano M-glass technology, the product is also more resistant to micro-impacts, making the glass even more durable. The 3MK FlexibleGlass hybrid glass offers full screen protection, including edges and curves, for even better protection against damage. The product also offers excellent image quality and preserves natural colors, making it more comfortable to use your phone. The product is ideal for those looking for exceptional protection for their phone, providing high resistance to damage.


    Tech-Protect Supreme Set tempered glass is a product that offers comprehensive protection for your phone’s screen and camera lenses. The set includes 2 tempered glasses and 1 protective film for the camera lenses, providing comprehensive protection for your device.

    The tempered glass is made of durable material that provides protection against scratches and damage to the screen. The protective film for the camera lenses is made of high-quality materials that provide protection against scratches and damage to the lenses. The product does not affect the quality of photos and provides sharpness and natural colors. The package includes 2 tempered glasses and 1 protective film for the camera lenses, which gives the user a spare product in case of damage or the need for replacement. Tech-Protect’s tempered glass is the ideal choice for those looking for comprehensive protection for their latest Galaxy A54, providing effective protection for its screen and camera lenses.

  • Redmi Note 12 launch in Poland in just a few days!

    Marka Xiaomi zyskała w ostatnim czasie ogromną popularność na rynku smartfonów. Firma nieustannie wprowadza na rynek innowacyjne rozwiązania i najnowsze technologie. Właśnie z tej przyczyny, z niecierpliwością oczekujemy na premierę kolejnej serii Redmi Note 12, która odbędzie się już za kilka dni, dokładnie 30 marca.

    Nowa seria Redmi Note 12 składać się będzie z czterech modeli: Xiaomi Redmi Note 12, Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 5G, Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G oraz Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G. Każdy z tych modeli został zaprojektowany z myślą o różnych potrzebach użytkowników.

    Przypomnijmy sobie po krótce specyfikację nadchodzących modeli Redmi Note 12:

    Redmi Note 12 

    Redmi Note 12 ma wyświetlacz typu AMOLED o przekątnej 6.67 cala, z rozdzielczością Full HD+ (1080 x 2400 pikseli). Wyświetlacz ma obsługiwać odświeżanie obrazu z częstotliwością 120 H. Telefon ma procesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 685, a także pamięć RAM w ilości 4 GB, 6 GB lub 8 GB. Pamięć wewnętrzna wynosi 128 GB z możliwością rozbudowy za pomocą karty microSD o pojemności do 1 TB. Aparat główny składa się z trzech obiektywów o rozdzielczościach 50 Mpx, 8 Mpx i 2 Mpx. Przedni aparat ma mieć rozdzielczość 13 Mpx. Akumulator ma pojemność 5000 mAh z szybkim ładowaniem o mocy 33 W. Wymiary telefonu to 165,66 x 75,96 x 7,85 mm, a jego waga wynosi 183,5 g.

    Redmi Note 12 5G

    Redmi Note 12 5G to smartfon wyposażony w wyświetlacz AMOLED o przekątnej 6.67 cala i rozdzielczości Full HD+. Ekran ten cechuje się odświeżaniem z częstotliwością 120 Hz oraz próbkowaniem dotyku 240 Hz, co pozwala na bardzo płynne i precyzyjne działanie interfejsu użytkownika. Wewnątrz urządzenia znajduje się Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 1, składający się z dwóch rdzeni Cortex-A78 i sześciu rdzeni Cortex-A55, oraz układ graficzny Adreno 619. Smartfon ten jest dostępny z różnymi wariantami pamięci RAM i wewnętrznej, do 8 GB i 256 GB odpowiednio. Redmi Note 12 5G posiada potrójny aparat główny o rozdzielczości 48 Mpx, 8 Mpx oraz 2 Mpx, a także przedni aparat o rozdzielczości 13 Mpx. W urządzeniu zainstalowano baterię o pojemności 5000 mAh, z szybkim ładowaniem o mocy 33. Smartfon ten ma wymiary 165,88 x 76,21 x 7,98 mm i wagę 189 g.

    Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G

    Redmi Note 12 Pro wyposażono w wyświetlacz AMOLED o przekątnej 6.67 cala i rozdzielczości Full HD+. Ekran ten charakteryzuje się odświeżaniem z częstotliwością 120 Hz oraz próbkowaniem dotyku 240 Hz, a także ochroną ze szkła Corning Gorilla Glass 5. Wewnątrz urządzenia zainstalowano SoC MediaTek Dimensity 1080, składający się z dwóch rdzeni Cortex-A78 i sześciu rdzeni Cortex-A55, oraz układ graficzny Mali-G68 MC4. Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G dostępny jest w różnych wariantach pamięci RAM i wewnętrznej, aż do 8 GB i 256 GB. Smartfon ten posiada potrójny aparat główny o rozdzielczości 50 Mpx, 8 Mpx oraz 2 Mpx, a także przedni aparat o rozdzielczości 16 Mpx. Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G jest zasilany baterią o pojemności 5000 mAh, z szybkim ładowaniem o mocy aż 67 W. Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G ma wymiary 162,9 x 76 x 7,9 mm i wagę 187 g.

    Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G

    Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G to najnowszy i najwyższej klasy model z serii Redmi Note 12. Smartfon ten oferuje wspaniały wyświetlacz AMOLED o rozmiarze 6,67 cala i rozdzielczości Full HD+. Wewnątrz urządzenia znajduje się SoC MediaTek Dimensity 1080 z układem graficznym Mali-G68 MC4, co gwarantuje szybką i płynną pracę smartfona. Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G oferuje 8 GB RAM i 256 GB pamięci wewnętrznej, co pozwala na swobodne przechowywanie zdjęć, filmów i aplikacji. Potrójny aparat główny o rozdzielczości 200 Mpx, 8 Mpx oraz 2 Mpx, a także przedni aparat o rozdzielczości 16 Mpx zapewniają niespotykane wcześniej możliwości w dziedzinie fotografii i filmów. Zasilany jest baterią o pojemności 5000 mAh, z szybkim ładowaniem o niespotykanej dotąd mocy 120 W. Smartfon ten działa na systemie Android 13 z nakładką MIUI 14 i oferuje szeroką gamę łączności, w tym Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, GPS, Glonass, Galileo i QZSS. Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G jest nieco większy i cięższy od innych modeli, ale oferuje nieporównywalne możliwości w dziedzinie technologii i rozrywki. Jego wymiary i waga to: 162,9×76×8,98 mm, 210,5 g.

    Jeśli potrzebujesz dodatkowych akcesoriów do swojego nowego Redmi Note 12, możesz je znaleźć w sklepie Home Screen. Znajdziesz tu zeroką gamę etui, szkieł ochronnych, ładowarek i innych akcesoriów, które pomogą Ci w pełni korzystać z możliwości swojego nowego Redmi Note 12. Nie czekaj dłużej i zainwestuj w najnowszy model Redmi Note 12 już teraz, a wraz z nim dodatki z Home Screen, które pomogą Ci zawsze cieszyć się swoim smartfonem w pełni.

  • Discover Yeelight smart lighting

    Inteligentne oświetlenie to innowacyjne rozwiązanie dla każdego, kto chce poczuć wygodę oraz oszczędzać energię. Dzięki niemu można zdalnie sterować oświetleniem w domu, a także programować sceny świetlne, dostosowane do różnych sytuacji, np. romantycznej kolacji czy wieczornej lektury. W tym artykule przedstawimy kilka produktów firmy Yeelight, która w ostatnim czasie zyskała na popularności dzięki swoim innowacyjnym rozwiązaniom.

    O marce Yeelight

    Yeelight to marka, która specjalizuje się w inteligentnym oświetleniu. Firma powstała w 2013 roku i w ciągu kilku lat stała się jednym z czołowych producentów oświetlenia LED na rynku. W 2014 roku marka została przejęta przez Xiaomi, co pozwoliło na jeszcze większy rozwój i ekspansję na rynki zagraniczne.

    Produkty Yeelight charakteryzują się nowoczesnym designem, wysoką jakością wykonania oraz innowacyjnymi funkcjami. Marka oferuje szeroki wybór inteligentnych lamp, opraw oświetleniowych, taśm LED oraz innych produktów, które umożliwiają pełną kontrolę nad oświetleniem w domu. Yeelight oferuje również aplikacje mobilne, które umożliwiają sterowanie oświetleniem za pomocą smartfona lub tabletu, co pozwala na łatwe dostosowanie oświetlenia do różnych sytuacji i potrzeb użytkownika.

    Wszystkie produkty Yeelight są energooszczędne i przyjazne dla środowiska, co wpisuje się w filozofię marki, która stawia na rozwój technologii przyjaznych dla środowiska. Yeelight zwraca uwagę na detale, takie jak ergonomia, funkcjonalność oraz estetyka produktów, co pozwala na stworzenie wyjątkowych rozwiązań oświetleniowych, które idealnie wpisują się w nowoczesne trendy aranżacyjne.


    To doskonała propozycja dla osób, które cenią sobie minimalizm oraz elegancki design. Oprawa oświetleniowa Yeelight Spotlight YLDDL-0084-B składa się z dwóch źródeł światła LED, które można swobodnie regulować w zakresie koloru oraz natężenia światła. Dzięki temu można stworzyć odpowiedni klimat w każdym pomieszczeniu. Sterowanie odbywa się za pomocą aplikacji na smartfonie, co zapewnia łatwość oraz wygodę korzystania.


    Jeśli szukasz wyjątkowego elementu wystroju, który jednocześnie zapewni odpowiednie oświetlenie, warto zwrócić uwagę na inteligentną lampę wiszącą Yeelight Crystal Pendant Light. To produkt, który zachwyci każdego miłośnika nowoczesnego designu. Lampa wykonana jest z aluminium oraz kryształu, dzięki czemu prezentuje się bardzo elegancko. Sterowanie odbywa się za pomocą aplikacji na smartfonie, co umożliwia regulację koloru oraz natężenia światła. Dodatkowo, dzięki wbudowanej funkcji Voice Control, można sterować lampą głosem.


    Jeśli chcesz w prosty sposób zmienić klimat w pomieszczeniu, warto postawić na inteligentną lampę sufitową Yeelight Light C2201C400. To innowacyjne rozwiązanie, które pozwala na regulację koloru oraz natężenia światła, a także programowanie sceny świetlnej dostosowanej do konkretnych potrzeb. Lampę można sterować za pomocą aplikacji na smartfonie lub głosem. Dodatkowo, dzięki wbudowanej funkcji Sensor Mode, lampa automatycznie dostosowuje natężenie światła do ilości światła w pomieszczeniu.


    Inteligentna lampka nocna Yeelight Staria Pro to produkt, który zapewni komfortowy sen oraz wygodę użytkowania. Wyposażona jest w czujnik ruchu, który włącza się automatycznie po wykryciu ruchu w nocy, co pozwala na bezpieczne poruszanie się w ciemności. Lampka posiada również regulację natężenia światła, co umożliwia dopasowanie jasności do indywidualnych potrzeb użytkownika.

    Sterowanie lampką odbywa się za pomocą aplikacji Yeelight, która umożliwia dostosowanie koloru oraz natężenia światła do swoich preferencji. Aplikacja oferuje również funkcję harmonogramu, dzięki której można zaprogramować czas włączania i wyłączania lampki w ciągu dnia. Dodatkowo, lampka jest kompatybilna z głosowymi asystentami, takimi jak Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant czy Siri, co umożliwia sterowanie nią za pomocą głosu.

    Jeśli szukasz lampki do szafy, która zapewni optymalne oświetlenie i wygodę użytkowania, warto zwrócić uwagę na Yeelight Closet Light. To inteligentna lampka, która wyposażona jest w czujnik ruchu, który automatycznie włącza światło po wykryciu ruchu. Dzięki temu, nie trzeba szukać przycisku w ciemności, a także oszczędza się energię, gdyż lampka wyłącza się po określonym czasie bezczynności.

    Lampka Yeelight Closet Light ma długość 40 cm i emituje światło o temperaturze barwowej 4000K, co zapewnia naturalny odcień światła, przyjazny dla oczu. Regulacja jasności oświetlenia pozwala na dostosowanie natężenia światła do indywidualnych potrzeb użytkownika. Lampka wykonana jest z wysokiej jakości materiałów, co gwarantuje trwałość oraz elegancki wygląd.

    Inteligentna taśma LED Yeelight Lightstrip Pro 

    Jeśli szukasz rozwiązania, które umożliwi Ci dopasowanie oświetlenia do indywidualnych potrzeb i preferencji, warto zwrócić uwagę na Yeelight Lightstrip Pro. To inteligentna taśma LED, która umożliwia zmianę koloru oraz natężenia światła, dostosowaną do różnych sytuacji, takich jak relaks, praca czy wieczorna kolacja. Można ją stosować w różnych miejscach, np. na półkach, meblach, drzwiach czy ścianach, dzięki czemu można w prosty sposób zmienić wygląd pomieszczenia.

    Sterowanie taśmą LED odbywa się za pomocą aplikacji Yeelight, która umożliwia pełną kontrolę nad oświetleniem. Można w łatwy sposób dopasować kolor, natężenie oraz czas pracy taśmy, a także programować różne sceny świetlne, dopasowane do indywidualnych potrzeb użytkownika.