
  • Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Galaxy S24 Ultra

    If you are thinking about choosing a new smartphone and are in a dilemma between last year’s Galaxy S23 Ultra and the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, we are here to help you! Both of these phones are real powerhouses, but they differ in several aspects. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between the two devices to help you make your decision.

    Design and Appearance

    To begin with, it is worth noting the design and appearance of both models. The Galaxy S24 Ultra brings some changes compared to its predecessor, the Galaxy S23 Ultra. The object is a bit more flattened, which gives it a more modern look. Titanium has also been used for the bezel, making the phone more solid and durable. In addition, the bezels around the screen have been reduced, making the device look more modern. New colors, such as Titanium Black, Titanium Gray, Titanium Violet and Titanium Yellow, allow you to customize the look of the device to suit your style. The Galaxy S23 Ultra, meanwhile, may attract those who like more classic proportions and design.


    The screen is one of the most important features of a smartphone worth paying attention to. Both the Galaxy S23 Ultra and Galaxy S24 Ultra feature amazing 6.8-inch AMOLED screens with 1440p resolution, which guarantees stunning image quality. However, the Galaxy S24 Ultra stands out for its higher maximum brightness, reaching an impressive 2,600 nits compared to 1,750 nits on the Galaxy S23 Ultra. This means that content will be more readable even in strong sunlight. What’s more, the Galaxy S24 Ultra uses the new Gorilla Glass Armor, which reduces glare by as much as 75% for even better visibility.


    The processor is one of the key differences. The Galaxy S24 Ultra debuts with the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy, while its predecessor used the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy. This means that the new model delivers even better performance, which will surely be appreciated by users who require fast performance from their smartphone.


    In the performance category, the Galaxy S24 Ultra sets the bar high. Equipped with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, it is as much as 30% faster and 20% more power efficient than its predecessor in the Galaxy S23 Ultra. These are promising figures that translate into smoother phone performance in everyday use. If you’re looking for dynamic and efficient performance, the Galaxy S24 Ultra could be the perfect choice.


    Both models come with 5000mAh batteries, which guarantees long battery life. However, thanks to improvements in the display and processor, the Galaxy S24 Ultra may offer slightly better longevity, which is especially important for those who use intensive applications and multimedia.


    The camera is always an important feature in flagship smartphones, and both models do not disappoint. The Galaxy S24 Ultra retains the powerful 200MP main camera, but introduces improvements in the form of a new sensor, which could translate into even better photo quality. Interestingly, the optical zoom has been reduced from 10x to 5x, while increasing the resolution to 50MP. This solution provides exceptional photo quality in close-ups, which is important for photography enthusiasts.

    In conclusion, the choice between the Galaxy S23 Ultra and Galaxy S24 Ultra depends on your individual needs and preferences. The Galaxy S24 Ultra makes a number of significant improvements, especially in terms of performance, display and camera, making it an attractive option for those looking for the latest technological innovations. However, the Galaxy S23 Ultra remains a solid choice for those who value proven performance and don’t necessarily need the latest features.

    If you are interested in purchasing a Galaxy S23 Ultra or Galaxy S24 Ultra, our store offers a full set of accessories dedicated to these models. We offer a wide selection of cases, protective glasses and other necessary accessories to help you get the most out of your new smartphone. Our cases are available in a variety of styles and colors, allowing you to personalize the look and protection of your phone. With our products, you can enjoy an even better experience with your Galaxy S23 Ultra and Galaxy S24 Ultra.

  • Which glass to choose for Samsung Galaxy S24?

    Nowy Samsung Galaxy S24 to jeden z najnowszych flagowych smartfonów na rynku, który jest wyposażony w wiele zaawansowanych funkcji i technologii. Jednak, jak w przypadku każdego drogiego urządzenia, ochrona jego ekranu i aparatu jest kluczowa. Szkło ochronne to jedna z najważniejszych opcji, którą warto rozważyć, aby zabezpieczyć swój nowy Galaxy S24.


    Folia ochronna Spigen Neo Flex to prawdziwy przykład innowacyjnego podejścia do ochrony ekranu smartfona. Jej główną zaletą jest fakt, że została wykonana z materiału TPU (termoplastycznego poliuretanu) o maksymalnej elastyczności. Dzięki temu zakrzywienia ekranu nie stanowią dla niej żadnego problemu.Proces montażu folii to kolejny atut Neo Flex. Montujemy ją na mokro, co oznacza, że powierzchnia ekranu jest zwilżona wodą lub specjalnym płynem do montażu. Dzięki temu proces aplikacji staje się znacznie prostszy, a użytkownicy nie muszą obawiać się pęcherzyków powietrza czy trudności z równym nałożeniem folii. Montaż na mokro pozwala na dokładne dopasowanie folii do ekranu, eliminując wszelkie nierówności i puste miejsca, które mogłyby być narażone na zarysowania.

    Kolejną istotną cechą folii Spigen Neo Flex jest jej przejrzystość. Niezależnie od tego, jak jasny lub kolorowy jest ekran Samsung Galaxy S24, folia nie wpłynie na jakość wyświetlanych barw. Obraz pozostaje ostro i naturalnie, a użytkownicy nie odczują żadnej różnicy w jakości wyświetlanego obrazu. Co więcej, Neo Flex nie ma wpływu na czułość ekranu dotykowego. To oznacza, że reakcje na dotyk palca pozostają takie same, jakby folia nie była zainstalowana.

    Najważniejszym celem folii ochronnej jest jednak ochrona cennego ekranu Samsung Galaxy S24 przed zarysowaniami. W tym przypadku Neo Flex doskonale się sprawdza. Materiał TPU jest wyjątkowo trwały i odporny na uszkodzenia mechaniczne. Nawet w przypadku przypadkowych zarysowań czy kontaktu z ostrymi przedmiotami, ekran pozostaje bezpieczny pod warstwą folii. 


    PanzerGlass™ SAFE Ultra-Wide Fit to rozwiązanie, które zapewni doskonałą ochronę dla Twojego smartfona, w tym także Samsung Galaxy S24. To niezawodne szkło hartowane, które oferuje kompleksową ochronę ekranu, eliminując potrzebę martwienia się o przypadkowe zarysowania lub uszkodzenia wynikłe z upadku telefonu.

    Szkło wyposażone jest w specjalną warstwę oleofobową, która skutecznie odpiera odciski palców, tłuszcz, wodę oraz ślady po dezynfekujących żelach czy balsamach do rąk. Dzięki tej powłoce Twój ekran pozostaje czysty i przejrzysty, nawet jeśli intensywnie korzystasz z urządzenia. To oznacza, że nie musisz ciągle czyścić ekranu, aby zachować doskonałą czytelność.


    Szkło prywatyzujące Hofi Anti Spy Glass Pro+ dla Samsung Galaxy S24 Privacy to innowacyjne rozwiązanie, które zapewnia dodatkową warstwę prywatności dla użytkowników tego smartfona. Zaprojektowane zostało tak, aby chronić Twoją prywatność poprzez utrudnienie innym osobom podglądania treści na ekranie. Działa to poprzez rozpraszanie światła, co sprawia, że ekran staje się mniej czytelny dla osób znajdujących się z boku.

    Dodatkowo, szkło chroni obiektyw aparatu przed zarysowaniami, kurzem i uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi, co jest kluczowe dla jakości zdjęć i filmów. Oznacza to, że nie tylko dbasz o prywatność, ale także o stan techniczny swojego smartfona.Szkło prywatyzujące jest szczególnie przydatne w miejscach publicznych, gdzie istnieje ryzyko nieautoryzowanego podglądania treści na ekranie. Dzięki niemu możesz czuć się bardziej bezpiecznie i chronić swoje poufne informacje.

    Tech-Protect Supreme to niezastąpiony zestaw ochronny, który został stworzony, aby zabezpieczyć ekran i obiektyw Twojego urządzenia przed wszelkimi ryzykami związanymi z codziennym użytkowaniem.

    Hartowana powłoka na wyświetlacz wykonana jest z lekkiego, cienkiego szkła o grubości 0.3mm i twardości 9H, co gwarantuje jego trwałość i odporność na zarysowania. Pomimo tej wytrzymałości, szkiełko jest nadal krystalicznie przejrzyste, co oznacza, że nie wpływa negatywnie na jakość wyświetlanego obrazu ani na czułość dotyku. Dodatkowym atutem jest wysokiej jakości powłoka oleofobowa, która minimalizuje ilość pozostawianych odcisków palców i innych zanieczyszczeń na ekranie.

    Ochronna nakładka na obiektyw jest wykonana z równie trwałego szkła hartowanego o twardości 9H. Jest ona precyzyjnie docięta, aby idealnie pasować do obiektywu i zapewnić skuteczną ochronę przed zarysowaniami i uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. 


    Szkło hartowane HardGlass to doskonałe rozwiązanie, które zapewnia kompleksową ochronę ekranu i obiektywu aparatu w Samsung Galaxy S24. To produkt charakteryzujący się wyjątkową twardością na poziomie 9H, co oznacza, że jest niezwykle odporny na wszelkiego rodzaju uszkodzenia, włączając w to zarysowania od ostrych przedmiotów.

    To także gwarancja trwałości i doskonałego wykończenia, co jest efektem specjalnego procesu hartowania w temperaturze 420°C. Pomimo swojej niezwykłej wytrzymałości, szkło jest niemal niewidoczne, dzięki czemu nie zmienia wyglądu urządzenia. Dodatkowo, szkło jest wyposażone w powłokę oleofobową, która chroni przed odciskami palców, plamami i substancjami żrącymi. To rozwiązanie jest w pełni kompatybilne z ekranem dotykowym, zapewniając płynną i bezproblemową interakcję.

    Szkło hartowane HardGlassto także przyjazne dla środowiska rozwiązanie, z komponentami pochodzącymi od renomowanych dostawców. To doskonały wybór, który łączy trwałość, wydajność i dyskretny design, pozostawiając oryginalny wygląd urządzenia nietkniętym.

    Jakie najlepsze szkło na aparat dla Samsung Galaxy S24?

    Hofi CamRing Pro+ Samsung Galaxy S24 Black:

    Szkło na obiektyw aparatu Hofi CamRing Pro+ to zaawansowane rozwiązanie zaprojektowane specjalnie dla użytkowników Samsung Galaxy S24. To nie tylko produkt ochronny, ale również dodatkowa funkcjonalność dla Twojego aparatu. Szkło zapewnia doskonałą ochronę obiektywu przed zarysowaniami, kurzem i uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi, które mogą wpłynąć na jakość zdjęć. Dodatkowo, umożliwia łatwy dostęp do obiektywu, co ułatwia wygodne robienie zdjęć i nagrywanie filmów. Dzięki przejrzystemu szkłu, nie obawiasz się utraty jakości zdjęć.

    3MK Lens Protection Pro:

    Szkło Lens Protection Pro od 3MK to hybrydowe rozwiązanie, które łączy wytrzymałość szkła hartowanego z elastycznością materiałów ochronnych. Jest to doskonały sposób na zabezpieczenie obiektywu aparatu przed wszelkiego rodzaju uszkodzeniami, takimi jak zarysowania, kurz czy zabrudzenia. Szkło zachowuje przejrzystość, nie wpływając negatywnie na jakość zdjęć. Montaż jest prosty, a precyzyjne dopasowanie do obiektywu sprawia, że ochrona jest skuteczna.

    PanzerGlass SAFE:

    PanzerGlass SAFE Ultra-Wide Fit to rozwiązanie oferujące kompleksową ochronę obiektywu aparatu w Samsung Galaxy S24. Szkło SAFE jest niezawodne w ochronie przed zarysowaniami, kurzem i uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. Dzięki zachowaniu 100% czułości dotyku, nie tracisz na jakości użytkowania smartfona ani na jakości zdjęć. Dodatkowo, szkło jest odporne na odciski palców i ślady, co pomaga utrzymać ekran w czystości.

    Wszystkie te szkła ochronne są doskonałymi rozwiązaniami dla posiadaczy Samsung Galaxy S24, którzy chcą zadbać o ochronę obiektywu aparatu. Każde z nich oferuje nie tylko ochronę, ale także zachowuje jakość zdjęć oraz zapewnia wygodę użytkowania smartfona. Wybór zależy od Twoich preferencji i potrzeb, ale każde z tych szkieł jest solidnym wyborem.

    Wybór odpowiedniego szkła ochronnego dla Samsung Galaxy S24 zależy od Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb i preferencji. Szkło hartowane jest doskonałą opcją dla tych, którzy cenią sobie wytrzymałość i skuteczną ochronę ekranu, podczas gdy elastyczne folie jak Neo Flex mogą być bardziej odpowiednie dla osób, które obawiają się pęknięcia szkła w razie upadku.

    Jeśli zależy Ci na ochronie aparatu, warto rozważyć szkło ochronne na obiektyw aparatu. Natomiast, jeśli zależy Ci na prywatności, szkło prywatyzujące może być najlepszym wyborem.

    Pamiętaj, że jakość szkła ochronnego ma duże znaczenie, dlatego warto inwestować w renomowane marki, takie jak Spigen, PanzerGlass, Hofi czy 3MK, które oferują produkty najwyższej jakości. Dzięki odpowiedniemu szkłu ochronnemu, Twój Samsung Galaxy S24 będzie bezpieczny i wydajny przez długi czas.

  • Jakie najlepszego etui do Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra?

    On its launch day on January 17, the Galaxy S24 Ultra was officially unveiled at the Galaxy Unpacked 2024 event, held in San Jose, California. The event began at 6:00 pm, which for our audience in Poland meant 7:00 pm Polish time. The broadcast of this exciting launch could be followed on the YouTube channel and the official website of the manufacturer. This event not only filled the world of technology with impatience and excitement, but also introduced many innovations and excellent solutions that won the hearts of smartphone users around the world.

    During Samsung Unpacked 2024, flagship smartphones debuted: the Samsung Galaxy S24, Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus and the most powerful and advanced model, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ulta. Its specifications, including a powerful camera, impressive screen and powerful processor, indicated that this would be a device that would raise the bar for the competition. However, even the most powerful smartphone needs adequate protection, so now let’s take a look at some of the best case options that will help keep your new Galaxy S24 Ultra safe and stylish.

    So which case for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra should you choose?

    If you need armored protection for your Galaxy S24 Ultra, a feminine design or Magsafe compatibility, then the SUPCASE brand has plenty of options to choose from. The key features of SUPCASE cases are:

    • Exceptional durability: SUP

    CASE cases

    • are known for their outstanding durability, providing excellent protection against damage.
    • Availability of different styles: SUPCASE offers many different models, from armored protection to elegant designs, allowing you to customize your case to your preferences.
    • Magsafe compatibility: Some SUPCASE models are Magsafe compatible, allowing you to use a variety of magnetic accessories, further extending the capabilities of your Galaxy S24 Ultra.

    SUPCASE Unicorn Beetle XT Magsafe Case:

    • Durable Protection: The Unicorn Beetle XT Magsafe case is known for its rugged design that provides excellent protection against drops, scratches and damage.
    • It’s ideal for those who need maximum protection for their Galaxy S24 Ultra.
    • Magsafe

    • Compatibility: This case is Magsafe compatible, which means you can use various magnetic accessories such as chargers, holders and more without removing the case.
    • Precision indentations
    • :

    • The case has precision-crafted indentations that allow unobstructed access to all buttons, ports and functions without exposing them.

    SUPCASE Unicorn Beetle Pro 2-Set Case:

    • Double protection: This case delivers double protection with its dual-layer design.
    • The outer layer is made of durable polycarbonate and the inner layer is made of soft TPU, providing solid protection against drops and shocks.
    • Integrated

    • Grips: The case has integrated grips for a secure grip and comfort.
    • Precise In
    • cisions:

    • Like the previous model, the case has precision-crafted indentations that allow unobstructed access to all buttons, ports and functions.

    SUPCASE IBLSN ArmorBox Magsafe Case:

    • Solid Protection: ArmorBox Magsafe is a case that provides solid protection from damage. It is made of durable polycarbonate that protects your phone from drops and scratches.
    • Magsafe
    • Compatibility: The case is Magsafe compatible, which means you can use various Magsafe accessories without removing the case.
    • Stylish Design: The case has a stylish and aggressive design that gives the Galaxy S24 Ultra a modern and futuristic look


    4 SUPCASE Cosmo Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Marble Case:

    • Feminine and Armor Design: This case combines feminine and armor design, making it an ideal choice for those looking for stylish protection.
    • It is made of durable polycarbonate that protects your phone from damage.
    • Precision indentations
    • :

    • The case has precision-crafted indentations that allow unobstructed access to all buttons, ports and functions.
    • Magsafe Compatibility: The case is Magsafe-compatible, which means you can use various magnetic accessories such as chargers, holders and more without removing the case
    • .

    Each of these SUPCASE cases offers a different combination of style and protection, so users can tailor the choice to their individual preferences. Whether someone is looking for maximum protection, Magsafe functionality or a stylish look, SUPCASE has the right option for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

    Tech-Protect FlexAir Hybrid MagSafe Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Clear Case

    This case is a perfect example of classic and simple protection for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. It is designed to accentuate the lines and original silhouette of this powerful smartphone. If you are looking for a transparent case for the Galaxy S24 Ultra then be sure to look out for this model. Additional details:

      • Magsafe Compatibility: the MagSafe-compatible magnet ring guarantees optimal charging and easy connection to any MagSafe-equipped accessories for fast and efficient operation.
      • Hybrid Design:
      • the

      • FlexAir Hybrid case combines a rigid back made of polycarbonate and a durable flexible frame around
      • it

      • .
      • This combination of materials guarantees excellent protection against scratches, drops and damage, while maintaining a slim and lightweight design.
      • It’s the perfect solution for people who don’t want extra weight or bulk.
      • Precise fit: the case fits perfectly on the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, which significantly increases the comfort of its use. The precision-crafted indentations do not restrict functionality, providing free access to all buttons and ports.
      • This means you don’t have to remove the case to use the device’s functions.
      • Protection for the camera and screen
      • :

      • The case has a slightly raised form factor around the camera and screen, which protects these key components from scratches.
      • In addition, it elevates the phone just above a flat surface, minimizing the risk of damage to the screen and camera when placed on a flat surface.
      • Subdued and elegant design: The case has a subdued and elegant design that not only protects, but also enhances the aesthetics of the Galaxy S24 Ultra
      • .

      • It is ideal for those who appreciate simplicity and elegance.
      • One-piece TPU and PC-based construction:
      • The

      • materials used for this case are thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and polycarbonate (PC), which are known for their durability and resistance to damage.
      • Button covers
      • :

      • The case comes with button covers, making it easy to use the buttons without exposing them.

      The Tech-Protect FlexAir Hybrid MagSafe Ultra Clear case is an excellent choice for those who want to keep the original design of their phone while providing solid protection from damage. It’s a combination of simplicity and functionality that makes using the Galaxy S24 Ultra even more enjoyable and safe.

      Tech-Protect Wallet Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra case

      If you care about functionality and practicality, then the Wallet case is the perfect choice for your Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. This case combines protection, credit card and document storage and stylish design. Here are more details about this model:

      • Wallet functionality: The Wallet case is designed to store credit cards, IDs and other cards.
      • So you can dispense with the traditional wallet and have all your important documents always at hand.
      • Damage protection: Despite its wallet function, the Wallet case doesn’t sacrifice protection for your phone. It is made of sturdy materials that protect the Galaxy S24 Ultra from scratches, drops and damage.
      • It’s the perfect solution for those who want to keep their expensive device safe.
      • Stylish design:
      • the Wallet case

      • not only provides functionality, but also adds elegance and style to the Galaxy S24 Ultra
      • .

      • Available in a variety of colors and designs, it looks both practical and aesthetically pleasing, giving your phone a personalized touch.
      • Precision indentations
      • :

      • The case has precision-crafted indentations that allow unobstructed access to all buttons, ports and functions without exposing them. This means you can use your phone without having to remove the case.
      • Folding stands: Some Wallet case models have folding stands that allow you to comfortably watch videos, read or use your phone without having to hold it in your hand.
      • Magnetic


      • : The case can be equipped with a magnetic closure that provides secure storage for cards and documents.

      The Tech-Protect Wallet Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra case is the perfect combination of functionality, protection and style. It gives users the ability to carry their cards and documents along with their phone, while protecting it from damage and giving it a sleek look. It’s the perfect solution for those looking for a practical and stylish case for their Galaxy S24 Ultra.

      Ringke Fusion-X Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Black case.

      The Ringke Fusion-X case is the ideal solution for those who need maximum protection for their Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. In the black color version, it looks sturdy and elegant. Here are the key features of this model:

      • Flexible polycarbonate and shock-absorbing TPU: The case is made of flexible polycarbonate, which is further reinforced with shock-absorbing TPU plastic.
      • This combination of materials effectively protects the phone from drops and scratches, while leaving the back panel of the phone visible.
      • Corner protection: The Ringke Fusion X case is distinguished by corner extensions that strengthen and protect these most sensitive parts of the phone.
      • Thanks to them, your device is even better protected.
      • Special ribbing on the edges: Thanks to special embossing on the edges, the phone in the case grips securely.
      • This provides better control over the device and minimizes the risk of accidental drops.
      • MIL STD 810G-516.6 Certification: The Fusion X case has passed performance tests and received MIL STD 810G-516.6 certification, which means it has survived 26 falls from a height of 2 meters
      • .

      • This proves its reliable protection.

      Ringke Fusion-X Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Camo Black Case

      Ifyou like military style, then the Camo Black variant of the Ringke Fusion-X case may be the perfect choice for you. Here are the key features of this model:

      • Military style: The Camo Black version of the case looks like a typical military-style accessory, which gives the Galaxy S24 Ultra a unique character.
      • Maximum protection: Like the black version, the Fusion-X Camo Black case provides maximum protection against drops, scratches and damage thanks to its robust design
      • .

      • Precise fit: The case is precisely tailored to fit the Galaxy S24 Ultra, allowing unobstructed access to all buttons, ports and functions without being exposed.
      • Camera protection
      • :

      • The case features a raised frame around the camera, which protects the lens from scratches when placing the phone on a flat surface.

      Ringke Onyx Case for Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

      The Ringke Onyx Case for Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is a sturdy and durable case available in various colors and an Onyx Magnetic version. It is an excellent choice for those who need reliable protection for their Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, while maintaining style and elegance. Different color versions are available, allowing you to match the case to your personal taste. Here are the main features of the Ringke Onyx case:

      • Robust Design: The Ringke Onyx case is designed to effectively protect your phone from scratches, drops and damage.
      • It is made of durable material that provides reliable protection.
      • Different Colors: Ring
      • ke Onyx case

      • is available in different colors, giving you the opportunity to choose the case that best suits your style
      • .

      • You can choose the color that you like best or that best matches the color of your phone.
      • Precise Fit: The case is a precise fit for the Galaxy S24 Ultra, which means that it allows unobstructed access to all the buttons, ports and functions of your device
      • .

      • You don’t have to take it off to use your phone.
      • Onyx

      • Magnetic: The Onyx Magnetic version has a magnetic plate that allows you to easily attach your phone to various metal surfaces. This is a useful feature that allows you to conveniently use your phone in a variety of situations.
      • Stylish Design:


      • Ringke Onyx case maintains a sleek and modern design that not only protects your phone, but also adds an attractive look.

      Nillkin CamShield Pro Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Black Case.

      The Nillkin CamShield Pro case is an excellent choice for those who want to provide extra protection for the camera of their Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. Here are the key features of this model:

      • Built-in lens cover: This is the key feature of the CamShield Pro case. It has a built-in cover for the camera lens to protect it from scratches, dirt and accidental damage.
      • As a result,

      • you can be sure that your photos will always look perfect.
      • Durable construction: The Nillkin CamShield Pro case is solidly built, providing not only protection for the lens, but also for the entire device.
      • It is made of durable materials that protect the Galaxy S24 Ultra from drops and damage.
      • Elegant

      • design:
      • The

      • black color scheme of the case blends perfectly with the modern style of the Galaxy S24 Ultra, creating a cohesive and attractive look
      • . It

      • not only protects the phone, but also adds elegance and sophistication.
      • Precision indentations: The case has precision-crafted indentations that allow unobstructed access to all buttons, ports and functions without exposing them.
      • This means you can use your phone without having to remove the case.
      • Screen protection
      • :

      • In addition to protecting the camera, the case can also protect the phone’s screen thanks to a slightly raised form factor around the screen, minimizing the risk of screen damage in case of a fall.

      The Nillkin CamShield Pro Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Black case is an excellent choice for those who appreciate photo quality and want to protect their smartphone’s camera. This case provides comprehensive protection for the Galaxy S24 Ultra while adding a sleek look.

      Guess Hardcase 4G Big Metal Logo Case for Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

      • Large Metal Guess Logo: The most distinctive feature of this case is the large metal Guess logo on the back panel. This logo is not only unique, but it also looks fashionable and stylish against a pink or black background.
      • It’s the perfect way to highlight your personal style and stand out in the crowd.
      • Solid Construction: The Guess Hardcase 4G Big Metal Logo case is designed to provide maximum protection for your Galaxy S24 Ultra
      • .

      • Made of durable and damage-resistant material, it effectively protects your phone from scratches, drops and other potential damage.
      • Fashionable Colors: Available in pink and black colors, you can customize the case to match your personal style and preferences
      • .
      • Pink gives your phone a unique charm and femininity, while black adds elegance and prestige.

      Choosing the right case depends on your needs and preferences, but each of these cases offers excellent protection and stylish design for your new Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. Whichever case you choose, you can be sure that your smartphone will be well protected and look elegant.

    • Top 10 Desk Holders for Phone/Tablet/Laptop

      In today’s world, where remote and office work requires efficiency and organization, the right office accessories play a key role. One such indispensable tool is desk holders, which not only make work more comfortable, but also affect ergonomics and efficiency. In this article, we present the top 10 desk holders that will work well in any office or home workspace.

      1. USAMS US-ZJ074rotating desk mount in gray is a high-quality accessory that allows users to use their phone or tablet flexibly and conveniently. Its most distinguishing feature is its ability to rotate 360 degrees, which allows you to easily adjust the viewing angle of your device to suit your individual needs. Such functionality makes it ideal for both work and entertainment, allowing users to comfortably watch movies, browse the Internet, or participate in video conferences.

      The surface treatment process gives it a unique and aesthetically pleasing look that blends perfectly with modern interiors and electronic equipment. The construction of the mount is designed to ensure maximum stability, which translates into the safety of the attached device. Thanks to this, during use, there is no fear of accidental displacement or falling of the phone or tablet.

      The 2nd AWEI X46 Desk Mount is an ergonomic stand for a laptop up to 16 inches, made of metal, which ensures its durability. It features excellent ventilation thanks to a panel with cutouts, which prevents your laptop from overheating. The silicone coating on the panel and base protects the laptop from slippage and scratches. It is compact and ideal for both office and remote use. It allows you to adjust the angle of the panel from 0 to 80 degrees and offers full 360-degree rotation.

      3. Joyroom Desk Holder JR-ZS371 is a folding stand for a phone or tablet made of ABS plastic and polycarbonate. It features silicone parts that protect your device from scratches and have an anti-slip effect. It is lightweight, weighing 195g, and provides stability for the device. Compatible with devices ranging in size from 4 to 12.9 inches. Available in white and black, this stand combines functionality with elegant design, being a handy solution for any office or home.

      The 4th Choetech T548-S Flexible Desk Hold er is a 2-in-1 device, combining a wireless charger (10 or 15W power) with a phone or tablet holder. It features a flexible arm that can be adjusted in any direction, and a head that rotates 360 degrees, allowing you to position your device in the optimal position. Compatible with devices that support the Qi standard, it has a wide range of uses – from watching movies to cooking with online recipes. The grip jaws are designed to fit devices ranging from 4.7 to 9.7 inches, and silicone inserts provide extra protection and stability.

      The 5th Nillkin SnapBranch Modular Device Station is a modular holder that allows you to organize various mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches. Thanks to the magnetic connectors, the modules can be freely configured to create customized sets. The holder provides ergonomic storage and easy access to devices, and also protects them from shifting or falling. Made of high-quality materials, it provides durability and stability. It comes with various components, including a magnetic tablet holder, a phone module, smartwatch, headphones, and the necessary mounting accessories.

      6. Baseus Biaxial desk mount is a practical solution for placing your phone on your desk. It features a two-axis adjustment system, allowing you to easily adjust the viewing angle. It is an ideal solution for people who want to have their phone within reach while working, studying or using multimedia. Its sturdy construction and elegant design make it a perfect fit for a variety of environments, both home and office.

      The 7th Baseus Folding Phone Stand Mirror is a folding, elegant phone accessory that combines functionality with a modern design. It features a mirrored surface and is available in several fashionable colors, making it a stylish addition to any interior. Its sturdy design allows you to comfortably use your phone in various situations, such as work or entertainment. It is ideal for those who value both aesthetics and practicality.

      8. Twelve South HoverBar Duo Snap 2 is a magnetic desk mount that provides versatile use of tablets and smartphones. With its help, you can easily switch your device between a stable stand and a desk mount, making it easy to quickly change configurations. This mount offers several flex points, allowing you to perfectly adjust the viewing angle. It is useful for many activities, such as cooking, video conferencing, or watching movies, providing a secure and stable location for your device.

      The 9th Satechi Aluminum Desk Stand for iPad is a practical and stylish office accessory. Made of durable aluminum, it offers an adjustable mount and hinges, allowing you to easily adjust your tablet to suit your needs. It comes with protective padding to protect your device from scratches. Its sturdy design makes it ideal for those who want to use the iPad as an effective work tool in a variety of environments, from video calls to design.

      The 10th USAMS Telescopic Desk Hold er is a versatile, adjustable accessory for holding a phone. Its main feature is a telescoping arm that can be easily adjusted to different positions and angles. This holder is designed to provide comfort and stability when using your phone in different environments, such as the office or home. It is ideal for people who frequently use their phone for work or entertainment, giving freedom of hands and convenience of use.

      Choosing the right desk mount is an investment in convenience and efficiency. Whether you need a sturdy support for your laptop, a flexible phone holder or an elegant addition to your office setup, our list of the top 10 desk mounts offers something for everyone. Take care of your workspace and enjoy everyday comfort by choosing one of these functional solutions.

    • New Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

      Słyszeliście już o nowym Samsungu Galaxy S24 Ultra? To nie jest zwykły smartfon, to prawdziwy game-changer w świecie technologii mobilnej. Ten telefon to coś więcej niż tylko kolejny model na rynku – to prawdziwa technologiczna bomba, która obiecuje zmienić sposób, w jaki korzystamy ze smartfonów. Przygotujcie się, bo Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to prawdziwy wirtuoz technologiczny. Chodźcie, zobaczymy, co ma do zaoferowania!
      Co sprawia, że Galaxy S24 Ultra jest tak ekscytujący?

      Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra przynosi ze sobą szereg ulepszeń i innowacji, które wyróżniają go na tle konkurencji. Główną cechą urządzenia jest jego imponujący aparat. Galaxy S24 Ultra zawiera zaawansowany aparat główny o rozdzielczości 200 MP, co stanowi znaczący skok jakościowy w porównaniu do wcześniejszych modeli. Wspierany przez 50 MP teleobiektyw z 5-krotnym przybliżeniem optycznym oraz dodatkowy teleobiektyw 10 MP, aparat ten obiecuje dostarczyć wyjątkowych doświadczeń fotograficznych.

      Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra wyróżnia się imponującym 6,8-calowym płaskim ekranem AMOLED QHD+ z odświeżaniem 120 Hz. Jego sercem jest procesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, wspierany przez 12 GB RAM. Urządzenie oferuje od 256 GB do 1 TB pamięci. Zaawansowana komora parowa efektywnie odprowadza ciepło, a bateria 5000 mAh z funkcją superszybkiego ładowania zapewnia długotrwałą wydajność. Aparat to nie tylko 200 MP główny obiektyw, ale także 12 MP ultraszeroki kąt, dwa teleobiektywy 10 MP i 50 MP, oraz 12 MP kamera do selfie z autofokusem. 

      Design Samsunga Galaxy S24 Ultra również zasługuje na uwagę. Zmniejszone ramki w stosunku do poprzednika oraz spłaszczony ekran to tylko niektóre ze zmian stylistycznych. Co więcej, częściowa konstrukcja z tytanu obniża wagę urządzenia do 233 gramów, co czyni go zarówno trwałym, jak i wygodnym w użytkowaniu. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra będzie dostępny w kolorach czarnym, szarym, fioletowym i żółtym, oferując również opcję korpusu z tytanu.
      Pewnie zastanawiacie się, ile kosztuje ten technologiczny cud? Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra startuje od około 1449 euro (około 6299 złotych) za model z 256 GB pamięci wewnętrznej. Jeśli chcecie więcej, wersja z 1 TB pamięci osiąga cenę nawet 1809 euro, czyli około 7865 złotych.

      A teraz coś specjalnego dla miłośników gadżetów! W naszym sklepie rozpoczynamy właśnie wprowadzanie pełnej gamy akcesoriów dedykowanych dla nowej serii S24. Stopniowo zapełniamy nasze półki produktami, które idealnie bę nowego Samsunga Galaxy S24 Ultra. Stopniowo zapełniamy nasze półki produktami, które idealnie komplementują całą serię S24 – od podstawowego Galaxy 24 po, S24 Plus i Ultra.  Od szkieł ochronnych, które łączą trwałość z subtelną elegancją, po stylowe etui w różnorodnych wzorach i kolorach, które pozwalają na wyrażenie indywidualnego stylu każdego użytkownika.

      Wciąż poszerzamy naszą ofertę, aby zapewnić Wam szeroki wybór praktycznych i atrakcyjnych akcesoriów. Niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujecie solidnej ochrony, czy chcecie dodać swojemu urządzeniu odrobinę charakteru, nasz sklep stanie się miejscem, gdzie znajdziecie wszystko, co niezbędne do maksymalnego wykorzystania potencjału Waszego nowego Galaxy S24 Ultra. Zachęcamy do śledzenia naszych nowości i odwiedzania naszego sklepu, aby na bieżąco odkrywać, jak możemy wzbogacić Wasze doświadczenie z Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra!

    • Unique Etiquette and Straps for New Year’s Eve!

      One of the most anticipated nights of the year – New Year’s Eve – is approaching. A time when every detail matters, and our mobile devices can become an element that completes our festive look. With Kingxbar’s latest collection of cases and straps, your iPhone and Apple Watch will get an extra sparkle, perfect for this special occasion. Kingxbar’s luxury cases and straps are not only protection for your devices, but also a fashionable accessory that will allow you to stand out during the New Year’s Eve party.


      Kingxbar Wish series cases are not only an elegant accessory, but also a practical protection for your smartphone. Each version is decorated with sparkling crystals that add sparkle and sophistication. The transparent back of the cover, made of strong, flexible PC plastic, not only protects your phone, but also enhances its design. The purple edges on the blue version, as well as the matching colors on the gold and silver versions, create a striking contrast that catches the eye.

      The case features an ultra-thin design, so the smartphone remains slim and comfortable to use. The case’s raised edges provide extra protection for the screen and camera lens, minimizing the risk of damage from drops. The Kingxbar Wish Series case also includes a place for a lanyard, which is a practical solution for those who want to have their phone always at hand. As a result, the case combines functionality, protection and unique style, making it an ideal choice for any iPhone owner.


      The Kingxbar Miya Series case, with its geometric glitter pattern, is not only a functional protective accessory, but also a stylish accessory that is perfect for special occasions like New Year’s Eve. Its shiny and colorful finish will make your phone a striking part of any New Year’s Eve outfit. Made of durable TPU plastic, the case provides solid protection against drops and scratches, while remaining flexible and comfortable to use. Raised edges around the screen and camera protect these important components when the phone is lying flat. Punched edges on the sides improve grip, while air cushions in the corners increase protection for the most vulnerable areas.

      The anti-microbial surface of the case prevents stains, keeping your device clean, and responsive buttons ensure ease of use. It’s the perfect choice for those who want to stand out during the New Year’s Eve party, combining an attractive look with practical protection for their iPhone.


      The luxurious case from the Kingxbar Phoenix series, stands out with its rich gold and blue design, which is both elegant and extremely stylish. This accessory not only perfectly protects your phone, but also becomes an ornament thanks to its electroplated phoenix patterns, which give it an extraordinary touch. Additional embellishments of real crystals make the case eye-catching and emphasize the user’s individual style. It is an ideal choice for those who appreciate the combination of luxury, unique design and functionality in one accessory.


      The Kingxbar Heart Star glitter case, designed for the iPhone 14 Pro Max, is the perfect choice for those looking for a stylish and functional accessory. It features a beautiful pattern of stars and hearts, making it an attractive accessory for lovers of shiny and glamorous gadgets. This pattern, combined with decorative crystals, creates a unique effect that makes the phone not only a usable device, but also a fashionable accent. This elegant glitter case is the perfect combination of beauty and practical protection, ideal for those who appreciate both style and security for their device.


      The Kingxbar Shell case is an elegant smartphone accessory that combines luxury and practicality. Its pearl finish not only lends a sophisticated and feminine touch, but also makes the case unique to the touch, with an irregular, tactile texture that resembles natural pearls. This remarkable texture, combined with shades reminiscent of real pearls, creates a unique and sophisticated design. It is an ideal choice for lovers of elegant accessories, who want their smartphone not only to be protected, but also to look unique.

      The Kingxbar brand, known for its luxury accessories for mobile devices, also offers two unique lines of Apple Watch straps that combine style and functionality.

      Kingxbar Crystal Fabric Band – is a flexible silicone strap that has a glitter finish, giving it a luxurious look. Its iridescent, non-uniform texture is not only beautiful, but also practical, providing a solid fit on the wrist. The strap is compatible with various Apple Watch models (Ultra / 8 / 7 / 6 / SE / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2) and is available in 49mm, 45mm, 44mm, 42mm sizes. It features easy installation and access to the watch’s buttons, perfectly matching its design.

      Kingxbar Chameleon Band – this band is distinguished by its shiny surface covered with zircons, which reflect light spectacularly. Like the Crystal Fabric Band, it is made of flexible silicone, guaranteeing comfortable wear and stability of the watch on the wrist. Its universal connector makes it easy to install and remove. The Chameleon Band is ideal for those looking for a strap that is not only functional, but also a sophisticated addition to their style. Both Kingxbar straps combine sophisticated aesthetics with practical aspects of use, making them ideal accessories for any Apple Watch wearer who appreciates both functionality and unique design.

      Make this New Year’s Eve special with Kingxbar accessories. Ensure that your devices are not only safe, but also stylish. Whether it’s a classic case with real crystals or a sparkling watch strap, any of these products are guaranteed to get you into the New Year with class. Make your iPhone and Apple Watch as ready for New Year’s Eve as you are!

    • Top 5 Best Christmas Gifts.

      Ho, ho, ho! Are you already feeling the Christmas thrill? Don’t worry if you don’t have gifts yet. At you’ll find gifts that will make even the reindeer want to wrap them. Get ready for a gift list where even Santa Claus will have to update his!

      Phone Case – Smartphone in New Leather

      Ever wondered why Santa always keeps his smartphone in such perfect condition? The answer is simple – a phone case! Now you too can take care of protecting your phone and give it an elegant look. Thanks to the case, your smartphone will look even better than new, and Santa will envy your style! In our store, we offer a wide variety of cases, available for different phone models, from older models to the latest and flagship models, such as the iPhone 15 Pro Max or Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. Surely everyone will find something to suit their phone!

      Gaming Accessories – Santa Claus in the World of Gaming

      Okay, the truth is that Santa Claus loves computer games. When he’s not delivering presents, he sits down at his computer to take on the role of a gamer. So don’t be surprised if gaming accessories are at the top of his gift list.

      Ergonomically shaped keyboards, mice with a precise sensor, headphones with great sound – all of these will make your gameplay even more exciting. For Santa Claus, it’s not only about delivering gifts, but also about earning virtual achievements and victories on the battlefields. That’s why there’s no better gift idea than gaming accessories that will turn up the level of gameplay and allow you to enjoy virtual worlds on a new level.

      Now you, too, can join this passionate adventure by choosing top-quality gaming accessories for yourself or your loved ones. This is a gift that provides not only entertainment, but also excitement and adrenaline. Santa knows that good gameplay is the key to a successful Christmas, so he recommends gaming accessories for all fans of virtual worlds!

      Wireless Headphones – Santa Claus in the Rhythm of Music

      Everyone knows that Santa Claus not only delivers presents, but also loves to enjoy music. From the moment he takes off his trademark red coat, puts on his favorite wireless headphonesand turns on his favorite Christmas CD, his whole house fills with the magic of melody. Therefore, there is no better gift for a music lover than wireless headphones.

      Now you too can feel like Santa Claus, enjoying your favorite tunes anywhere, anytime. Wireless headphones allow you to immerse yourself in a sound world without limits, just like Santa Claus, who travels all over the world listening to joyful Christmas songs.

      Whether you’re a fan of classic Christmas carols, energetic holiday tunes or modern hits, wireless headphones will give you the perfect musical experience. Santa knows that music is an important part of the holidays, so wireless headphones are a gift that will allow you to enjoy sound in every corner of your home and beyond.

      Powerbanks – Mobile Santa Claus

      Did you know that Santa Claus is always on the move? Now you know why – it’s all thanks to powerbanks and charging accessories. Santa Claus is a master of efficiency, and these accessories are the key to his mobility and effectiveness. With them, Santa can charge his devices while sledding, staying fully operational during a long night of gift-giving.

      For those who live in constant fear of low battery, our powerbanks are like a coffee boost for your smartphone. Don’t let your friend experience the drama of “2% battery” in the middle of the day – gift them a powerbank from our store.

      Santa Claus and His Magic Bags

      Santa Claus is ready for another amazing Christmas trip, all thanks to his magical laptop bags. These unusual bags not only add elegance to his style, but also provide a reliable place for gifts for children around the world. Now you too can add elegance to your style with a magical bag that will evoke awe on any Christmas trip!

      Magic laptop bags are not only a practical accessory, but also a symbol of Christmas magic. Santa Claus knows that traveling in style is important, which is why he chooses only the best bags to help him stay elegant and professional while delivering gifts.

      Now you too can feel like Santa Claus by choosing a magical laptop bag. It is not only a functional addition to your look, but also an expression of your individual style. Choose the bag that best reflects your personality and make every trip special.

      Don’t wait for Santa Claus! Choose gifts from and make this Christmas unforgettable. Ho, ho, ho! Happy shopping!

    • Best Straps for Apple Watch Series 9

      The Apple Watch Series 9 is the latest innovation from Apple, setting new standards in the smartwatch industry. It is the first Apple product to be carbon neutral, demonstrating the company’s commitment to sustainability. It features an advanced SiP S9 chip, based on Apple’s A15 Bionic processor. This chip contains 60% more transistors than its S8 predecessor, offering 30% faster performance and doubling the processing speed of machine learning tasks.

      Display and Memory: Breakthrough Technologies

      The watch offers a screen with a brightness of 2,000 nits, which is double that of previous models, providing better readability in a variety of lighting conditions. The Apple Watch Series 9 also offers twice as much storage space as the Watch 8 model, offering 64GB of memory.

      Variants and Personalization: Style for Everyone

      The Apple Watch Series 9 is available in a variety of envelope sizes(41mm and 45mm) and materials, including stainless steel. In the world of modern smartwatches, the Apple Watch Series 9 represents the pinnacle of technological development. A key element of personalization of this device are the straps, which not only change its appearance, but also adapt it to different lifestyles of users. Let’s analyze in detail the different models of straps for the Apple Watch 9 available in our store.

      Crong Wave Band

      The Crong Wave Band for Apple Watch 9 is the perfect combination of functionality, comfort and modern design. Its main feature is a flexible braid, carefully crafted from high-quality polyester fibers. This unique construction not only ensures the flexibility and durability of the strap, but also allows the skin to breathe, which is crucial during prolonged wear. These properties make the belt extremely comfortable, even during intense exercise or on warm days, when excess moisture can be a problem.

      The belt’s metal buckle, made of stainless steel, adds elegance and ensures durability and safety in use. This buckle allows for easy and quick adjustment of the strap’s length, allowing for a perfect fit for any wrist, regardless of its size. This practical solution makes the strap easy to use, while keeping the watch stable on the hand.

      Tech-Protect Iconband Line strap

      The Tech-Protect Iconband Line strap is designed for users who lead active lifestyles and need an accessory that will meet their daily challenges. Made of high-quality TPU material, this strap is distinguished by both durability and flexibility. This combination makes it an ideal choice for both athletes and those who appreciate comfort in everyday use.

      A unique feature of the belt is its textured surface, which not only gives it a unique look, but also has a practical use. This texture prevents the strap from slipping on the wrist during movement, which is extremely important during physical activities such as running or weightlifting. In addition, this texture of the strap ensures better air circulation, which translates into greater wearing comfort, especially on warm days.

      Tech-Protect Scout belt

      The Tech-Protect Sc out strap is a unique accessory for the Apple Watch, ideally suited for those who appreciate military style and durability. Its design, inspired by military aesthetics, combines both functionality and distinctive character. The availability of the strap in colors such as military green, orangish and black allows users to express their individuality and match the accessory to their lifestyle.

      A key feature of the Tech-Protect Scout belt is its durability. Made of damage-resistant materials, it is made for use in extreme conditions. Whether it’s trekking in the mountains, running on forest trails or the everyday urban jungle, the belt won’t fail, maintaining its properties and appearance even in the toughest situations. In addition, its durable construction makes the belt resistant to weather conditions such as rain or moisture, which is crucial for those who spend a lot of time outdoors.

      The Tech-Protect Scout belt is also skin-friendly, causing no irritation even with prolonged wear. Not only is it practical, but it also has a strong visual appeal. Its military look makes it an eye-catching accessory that adds character to any outfit. It is an ideal choice for those who want to emphasize their boldness and independence through accessories for their smartwatch.

      DUX DUCIS Strap GS

      TheDux Ducis Strap GSSport Strap for Apple Watch 9 is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the combination of functionality and style. Made of durable but flexible material, it ensures comfortable wearing even for long periods of time, which is important for both daily use and intense exercise. Its vivid color is eye-catching and adds a dynamic touch to the watch, making it ideal for those who are active and like to stand out. The key element of this strap is the steel buckle, which not only adds to its elegance, but also guarantees the safety of the watch on the wrist. This sturdy and corrosion-resistant buckle is a symbol of durability and quality workmanship. This strap is also easy to adjust, allowing for a perfect fit on any wrist.

      On the other hand, the Dux Ducis StrapYJ with Velcro attachment allows for quick and easy length adjustment, which is especially useful for people who lead active lifestyles and need a strap that can be easily adjusted to different situations and needs. The color scheme of this belt, combining shades of yellow and beige, gives it a modern and fresh look. This color combination is not only aesthetically appealing, but also makes the belt suitable for a wide variety of outfits and easy to match with both sporty and casual attire. The belt’s material is soft and comfortable to wear, while providing strength and durability, which is important for everyday use. In addition, its lightweight and breathable structure makes the belt ideal for wearing on warm days, preventing sweating on the wrist.

      The Dux Ducis Strap Mixture is a strap that is the perfect combination of comfort and elegant design, suitable for anyone who wants to add a touch of individuality to their smartwatch. Made of high-quality, durable nylon, this strap provides not only durability, but also wearing comfort. Nylon is a lightweight, breathable and pleasant to the skin material, which makes the strap comfortable even during prolonged wear. It features a modern design that fits a variety of styles and occasions. Its design is versatile and can be easily matched with both sporty and more formal attire. Thanks to its aesthetics, this strap is a great choice for those looking for something more than a standard watch strap.

      Crong Noble Band

      The Crong Noble Band is synonymous with elegance and luxury. This high-quality leather strap for the Apple Watch 9 is the perfect choice for those who appreciate classic and sophisticated style. The leather of which the strap is made is soft yet durable, ensuring both comfort and long-lasting use. The Crong Noble Band is distinguished by its aesthetics – delicate stitching and precise finishing highlight its luxurious character.
      Available in a variety of colors and textures, it allows you to create a unique look that perfectly compliments both formal and casual outfits. The elegance of the Crong Noble Band makes it the perfect accessory for special occasions, but its durability and comfortable wear also make it a great choice for everyday wear. Easy to install and fit a variety of Apple Watch models, this strap is a versatile solution that combines style and functionality.

      All in all, choosing the right strap for your Apple Watch Series 9 is much more than just a practical addition to your smart watch. It’s an expression of personal style that combines functionality, comfort and aesthetics. From durable nylon straps ideal for active users to sleek leather models that add a touch of luxury, there is a strap to suit every taste and need.

      Each of the featured straps, from Crong to Tech-Protect models, offers unique features that make the Apple Watch not only a technological device, but also a fashion accessory. Whether you’re looking for something subtle and classic or more distinctive and original, the wide range of options available ensures that you’ll find the perfect strap to complement your personal style and accompany you on your daily adventures.

    • Samsung Galaxy S24 – New Flagship Launch.

      Nowa Generacja Flagowców Samsunga już na Horyzoncie

      Samsung, lider innowacji w dziedzinie smartfonów, szykuje się do globalnej premiery nowej serii Galaxy S24, która z impetem wkroczy na polski rynek. Oczekuje się, że nowa linia, obejmująca modele Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+ oraz Galaxy S24 Ultra, zostanie uroczyście zaprezentowana 17 stycznia 2024 roku, z bezpośrednią dystrybucją w Polsce niedługo potem.

      Modele Galaxy S24 i S24+ będą wykazywały podobieństwo zarówno pod względem designu, jak i specyfikacji. Samsung podąża za sprawdzonym wzorem projektowym, wprowadzając jednakże subtelne ulepszenia inspirowane konkurencją. Seria S24 może poszczycić się tytanowymi wykończeniami, nie ograniczającymi się tylko do modelu Ultra, co zapowiada wyższy poziom estetyki oraz jakości wykonania.

      Najnowsze zdjęcia na żywo Samsunga Galaxy S24 Ultra zdradzają kilka kluczowych cech designu. Urządzenie będzie posiadało płaski ekran, co stanowi odejście od dotychczasowego trendu zakrzywiania przednich paneli, charakterystycznego dla poprzednich generacji. Boczne krawędzie ekranu doświadczą subtelnych zaokrągleń, co nadaje telefonowi nowoczesny i elegancki wygląd. Co więcej, dwa mniejsze obiektywy aparatu mogą zostać wyposażone w okalający ring, co stanowi kosmetyczną zmianę w porównaniu do wcześniejszych modeli. Mimo tych drobnych modyfikacji, boczne przyciski pozostają na tej samej wysokości, co w poprzednich wersjach, co świadczy o konsekwencji w designie przez Samsunga​.

      W kontekście wydajności, Samsung zamierza zastosować dwa różne chipsety w zależności od regionu. Polski rynek prawdopodobnie będzie obsługiwany przez Exynos 2400, który obiecuje znaczący wzrost wydajności, szczególnie w zakresie przetwarzania grafiki i AI, w porównaniu do swojego poprzednika​. Wprowadzone zostaną również ulepszenia w zakresie akumulatorów i ładowania. Samsung Galaxy S24, z ekranem o przekątnej 6,2 cala, będzie wyposażony w baterię o pojemności 4000 mAh, wspierającą szybkie ładowanie 25W. Pozwoli to na efektywne ładowanie urządzenia. Z kolei większy model, Galaxy S24+ z ekranem 6,7 cala, będzie obsługiwał szybsze ładowanie 45W, co zapewni użytkownikom lepszy komfort użytkowania dzięki krótszemu czasowi potrzebnemu do osiągnięcia pełnego naładowania baterii.

      Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to zaawansowany technologicznie smartfon, który wyróżnia się 6,8-calowym ekranem AMOLED LTPO o rozdzielczości QHD+. Mimo nieco grubych ramek, oferuje wybitną jakość obrazu z częstotliwością odświeżania 120 Hz. Urządzenie jest otoczone nowoczesną tytanową ramką. W środku znajdziemy potężny procesor Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 oraz imponujące opcje pamięciowe: 16 GB RAM i 1 TB na dane. Galaxy S24 Ultra wyposażono także w zaawansowany aparat fotograficzny z główną matrycą 200 MP i teleobiektywem 50 MP, umożliwiającym szerokie możliwości zoomu. Bateria o pojemności 5000 mAh z szybkim ładowaniem 45 W zapewnia długotrwałą wydajność.

      Z niecierpliwością oczekujemy na oficjalną prezentację Samsung Galaxy S24 w Polsce, przygotowując się na kolejny skok technologiczny, który ma potencjał zrewolucjonizować rynek smartfonów premium. Sztuczna inteligencja, wydajność i elegancki design zapowiadają, że nadchodząca seria Galaxy S24 będzie nie tylko spełnieniem oczekiwań entuzjastów technologii, ale i mocnym konkurentem dla innych flagowców na rynku.

    • New Galaxy A15 5G: The Perfect Choice for Technology Lovers at a Low Price

      In an era of rapid development in mobile technology, Samsung is launching another innovation in the form of the Galaxy A15 5G. This smartphone is poised to define new standards in the budget segment, offering 5G technology at an affordable price. Breaking the stereotype of affordable devices, the Galaxy A15 5G combines advanced features and modern design, making it an attractive choice for a wide range of users.

      Design and Color

      Continuing the tradition of the Galaxy series, the A15 5G looks sleek with an Infinity-U notch and a subtle “chin”. The brand’s trademark angular bezel gives the device a modern look, and availability in blue, black, yellow and a unique dark blue allows you to match your personal preferences.

      Screen and Display

      The phone features a 6.5-inch AMOLED Full HD+ screen with 90 Hz refresh rate. This allows users to enjoy smooth images and intense colors, which is especially important when playing games and watching multimedia.

      Technical Specifications

      At the heart of the Galaxy A15 5G is the MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ processor, providing 5G support and improved performance. The phone offers up to 128GB of internal memory and a microSD slot, allowing storage expansion of up to 1TB.


      The triple camera on the back consists of a 50 Mpix main sensor, a 5 Mpix ultra-wide-angle sensor and a 2 Mpix depth-sensing sensor, providing versatile photo capabilities. The front camera is 13 Mpix, ideal for selfies and video calls.

      Battery and Charging

      The Galaxy A15 5G features a 5000 mAh battery with 25W fast charging support, which means longer device life and faster charging.

      Price and Availability

      The expected price in the United States is around 49, which in Poland could translate to around £900-1000. This pricing makes the Galaxy A15 5G one of the most accessible smartphones with 5G technology on the market.

      Samsung Galaxy A15 5G represents a step forward in the segment of budget smartphones. Combining modern design, robust features and 5G availability, this model has the potential to become a popular choice for users looking for a functional smartphone at a reasonable price. Its release in early 2024 is eagerly anticipated by technology enthusiasts.